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Mr Lefty 05-29-2008 06:22 PM

just did a quick google search for defensive riding.. but here...

actually all these offer something

dReWpY 05-29-2008 06:34 PM

nick ianshtchsiasdfasdfa... sportbike techniques is a great book, i just dont know of any links to it online

DLIT 05-29-2008 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 46680)
just did a quick google search for defensive riding.. but here...

That's a good one, thanks.

Ebbs' first link should be a fucking sticky. It's really good. Hit the spot.

Crazy 05-29-2008 06:46 PM

when i first got my 250, my dad was tailing me once and even HE said that I was accelerating kinda slow (compared to his camry :lol:). needless to say thats not a problem anymore with the SV, but the 250 is still plenty fast... the main thing is to keep it in the powerband, she's probably too scared to do that. I usually used to shift at 8 or 9K, see if you can get her to shift later. that will definitely help. but if she is just too scared to get on the throttle a bit... well theres nothing u can really read to help that.

DLIT 05-29-2008 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Crazy (Post 46687)
when i first got my 250, my dad was tailing me once and even HE said that I was accelerating kinda slow (compared to his camry :lol:). needless to say thats not a problem anymore with the SV, but the 250 is still plenty fast... the main thing is to keep it in the powerband, she's probably too scared to do that. I usually used to shift at 8 or 9K, see if you can get her to shift later. that will definitely help. but if she is just too scared to get on the throttle a bit... well theres nothing u can really read to help that.

I told her to shift between 4 and 6k for now. That'll still give her enough pep to get up to speed fast enough though. And her cruising speed should be around 5k. She just needs to practice shifting because that's where she scrubs off speed. It takes her a bit to perform the actual shift. I told her to anticipate a shift by getting her foot in position, then clutch, shift and release. The pegs are whack, too. Big as rubber pad on top. WTF? I'm gonna look into aftermarket, all metal pegs.

OneSickPsycho 05-29-2008 08:13 PM

I know PhiSig and NeonspeedRT are MSF coaches... you might try PM'ing one of them...

PizDets probably has a copy of all of the books mentioned in PDF format...

Or you could always ask OTB to start a thread about it.

NONE_too_SOFT 05-29-2008 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by DLIT (Post 46672)
Garbage. Those are tips submitted by everyday people. I'm looking for something online that I can view that's froman established rider, you know?

tought to find solid info online, as most of it is speculative. you know how we all like to think we know everything.

Try a Motorcycles for dummies book. No shit. Was looking at one the other day at barnes and noble and it had pretty much everything a BRAND SPANKIN newb needs to know not to get his/her head plowed off by that hummer.

If thats not your style, still browse the bookshelfs some. That shit is published for a reason, its no bullshit.

Phenix_Rider 05-29-2008 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by NONE_too_SOFT (Post 46709)
Try a Motorcycles for dummies book. No shit. Was looking at one the other day at barnes and noble and it had pretty much everything a BRAND SPANKIN newb needs to know not to get his/her head plowed off by that hummer.

:lol: I never thought of that. I'll keep an eye out for it.

Nick Ieanetsch's... Sportbike Techniques is good. I'm going to look for a hardcopy of it, since it's incredibly difficult to read on screen. Really informative on general techniques, and shifting weight and riding dynamics and traction/tire characteristics.

I picked up Lee Park's Total Control and didn't care for it (something like $12 for a $40 book). Too much zen and mind with no mind empty head crap. I don't like his analogies a 5 year old is reading it. The exercises look interesting, but I haven't had time to practice them yet. They're probably way too advanced for what you're looking for.

No Worries 05-29-2008 10:04 PM

Total Control by Lee Parks is my favorite. I read it often. Especially after meeting the author and taking his Total Control class. Most of his stuff is for the advanced rider, but it's never too early to learn the correct movements. Plus, Lee has a chapter on fear, and how to confront it. Once you remove fear, learning anything is easy.

Crazy 05-30-2008 12:36 AM

4 and 6? idk man I'd tack on at least 2K to the recommended break in numbers. i shifted at or before 6 for the first 500 miles then at or before 8 till 1000 miles.i know you want her to take it slow but the ninja 250 engine is meant to be revved hard. definitely the shifting will slow her down so that is important to work on first 6th gear at 4K RPM that bike is only doing like 45 MPH. so the fact that she has to make 5 shifts whereas you only have to do one will definitely slow her down.

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