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Homeslice 02-12-2011 10:27 AM

I think I'll keep my riding apparel indoors, where it won't be contaminated with tire and/or gasoline odors.


Amber Lamps 02-12-2011 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 449522)
I think I'll keep my riding apparel indoors, where it won't be contaminated with tire and/or gasoline odors.


I looked at that as well but I don't know where he lives or how big his garage is so :idk:

derf 02-12-2011 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by nhgunnut (Post 449513)
Currently My Garage has 2 06 Goldwings ,, a Turbo Charged 05 Busa and a B King
53 years old and liable to buy what ever interests me

30 and I would love a goldwing

Sixxxxer 02-13-2011 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 449522)
I think I'll keep my riding apparel indoors, where it won't be contaminated with tire and/or gasoline odors.


That guys setup is sweet...Short of setting your shit in a bucket of gas when your not wearing it I really dont think it matters if its hanging in a garage or in a closet in your house...

And I Dunno about you...but My jacket smells like exhaust from my bike/other bikes/cars.

You do realize when you ride a motorcycle, your open to the elements right? Shit i have bug guts all over my jacket at times...Turns on the ladies

z06boy 02-14-2011 10:52 AM

I'm definitely not stereotypical when it comes to bikes or cars. You may see me on a sportbike or a Harley or something else in between. When it comes to cars it could be a pushrod V8 like my Vette or an old muscle car or a 4 cylinder turbo...import or domestic...I have many likes and interest.

That's why I find it so funny when on my R1 and V-Twin guys want to turn their nose up and then I can be on a V-Twin and sportbikes guys turn their nose up. :lol: I'm the same mofo regardless motherfvcker !! redflip

pauldun170 02-14-2011 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Gas Man (Post 449422)
From an article for J&P Cycles


Certainly it's an advert but it makes you think.

What's in your garage?

Do you fit the stereotype?

I know I own all HDs, I fit some of the stereo types but destroy many others.

from there site in the bios page

He started out working part-time while finishing up classes at WyoTech Motorcycle Technical School, where he specialized in Asian motorcycles.

Translation of blog post

Dear customers, yall know we been working on yer lifestyle vehicles for over 30 years. We've done our best to make sure you hogs run right and even you queers with yer wanna be, American job killin Japapanese Harley copies have been welcome into our little home for years.

Well..after looking at our numbers and looking over the market we decided that the crotch rocket (them "PING KOW POW CHO WOW FOO" manufacturers) and socialist yuppie fag market (land of the surrender monkeys, tea sippers and those fellas that gave us our awesome pointy helmets) is too hard to ignore.

Therefore, we ask you to spread the word. when you come across a rider of one of those "other bikes", let them know about us.

Right after you inform them that they should have gotten a real motorcycle, let them know of a great place to come do business with.

We got some new, younger guys here who ride some of them jap bikes. Use em for drag racing and they get some good quarter mile times once you squeeze the 300 tire (which as you know is a hot seller) on a new longer swingarm. Our techs have lets us know oil changes are pretty straighforward on em and with the internet now we can order any of them parts from ronayers or something and toss em on.

In summary...when you bump into another rider on either a queer ship or crotch rocket, say somethin about us and bite your tongue.

Its tough times and we have mouths to feed.

azoomm 02-14-2011 12:06 PM

Yup, I'm not anywhere close to the stereotypical BMW rider :lol:

Dave 02-14-2011 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 449950)
Yup, I'm not anywhere close to the stereotypical BMW rider :lol:

For starters you look nothing like a sixty year old man wearing ray-bans

Homeslice 02-14-2011 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 449952)
For starters you look nothing like a sixty year old man wearing ray-bans

And an Aerostich suit (when he could have bought a Fieldsheer for 1/3 the cost)

Solid-colored helmet too (multi-colored helmets are immature in his opinion)

Homeslice 02-14-2011 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 449720)
That guys setup is sweet...Short of setting your shit in a bucket of gas when your not wearing it I really dont think it matters if its hanging in a garage or in a closet in your house...

And I Dunno about you...but My jacket smells like exhaust from my bike/other bikes/cars.

You do realize when you ride a motorcycle, your open to the elements right? Shit i have bug guts all over my jacket at times...Turns on the ladies

Dude, you are not riding inches away from cars' exhaust.....Unless you're in rush hour all the time. My jacket smells like sweat more than anything else....

And if you put your jacket in a closet with a new tire or bottles of chemicals in it......Shit will stink like a mofo after a few days. Leather is porous, so it absorbs odors pretty good. Hell I keep a box of Bounce on the floor of my closet, and it keeps my jacket smelling fresh, lol.

Like as if the dude doesn't have room inside his house for his gear. :scratch: Hell if I pay hundreds of dollars for something, I'm not leaving it somewhere where it's going to be exposed to temperature extremes, high humidity, insects, & dust.

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