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Homeslice 02-09-2011 01:00 PM

In that case he was in the wrong, and is a tool.

tommymac 02-09-2011 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 448758)
A little while back out on Sunrise highway around Exit 54, I'm doing a little under 60mph in the right lane. Guy in the left lane is doing bout the same and is sloooooooowly passing me. Hes about 2 car lengths back and closing

Some asshole in a Trailblazer pulls up behind me and starts flashing to pass.
In the right fucking lane.
I can see in the rear view that he mouthing "Come on!!" and motioning with his hand for me to move up.

In the right lane on a 4 lane highway with me travelling 3-5 mph over the speed limit.

I immediately set my cruise control.

Once it turned to a 6 lane he flies across to the far left lane to pass the guy in the now middle lane and then proceeds to cut back in...all pissy like.

What a tool, yesterday I was on the southern state in nassau and am in the middle lane, not much traffic and a guy buzzes me on the right side, I look back in my rearview and see nothing in the left lane and am thinking why pass me on the right:?:

Homeslice 02-09-2011 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 448744)
1. Nobody really changes lanes...they just kind of drift all over the place.

Yep............To change lanes with authority is too much work for some people. Instead, they'd rather take 30 seconds to complete the lane change.

I call it the "molasses draft"

Black men do it a lot, I've noticed.

They're coming up behind you, and from 10 car lengths back they start drifting to the other lane. Several seconds later, their front bumper almost makes contact with your rear bumper.

Perhaps it's because they're sitting so low, "wit a gansta lean", that they can't see the corners of their car?

Or maybe it's their way of expressing "dominance" over you.

"Ha ha, I just 'drafted' you with inches to spare, therefore I owned you."

Dunno. :shrug:

tommymac 02-09-2011 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 448766)
Yep............To change lanes with authority is too much work for some people. Instead, they'd rather take 30 seconds to complete the lane change.

I call it the "molasses draft"

Black men do it a lot, I've noticed.

They're coming up behind you, and from 10 car lengths back they start drifting to the other lane. Several seconds later, their front bumper almost makes contact with your rear bumper.

Perhaps it's because they're sitting so low, "wit a gansta lean", that they can't see the corners of their car?

Or maybe it's their way of expressing "dominance" over you.

"Ha ha, I just 'drafted' you with inches to spare, therefore I owned you."

Dunno. :shrug:

its the opposite around here, stay in th eleft lane untill the last second, then shoot over 2, 3, or 4 lanes of traffic to get off the hwy :td:

Amber Lamps 02-09-2011 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 448721)
Exactly so they created a problem that everyone was doing that was already illegal, and created a solution for the previously not enforced solution

That's my thought as well, why not just enforce the current law? If people only get into the left lane to pass then...problem solved.:rockwoot:

LeeNetworX 02-09-2011 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 448700)
Doesn't Ga. allready have this? I thought I remembered seeing signs to the tune of "Speed limit 75 speed minimum 45" and then signs reading you WILL be ticketed for going slow in the fast lane :idk:

If they do, I've never seen it enforced. Plenty of dumbshits driving under or at the limit in the left lane at all times, even when there's no vehicles anywhere near them in the right lane that they could possibly be passing.

tommymac 02-09-2011 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 448775)
That's my thought as well, why not just enforce the current law? If people only get into the left lane to pass then...problem solved.:rockwoot:

Seems like it works well on 2 lane highways but on 3 or 4 lanes its a free for all

derf 02-09-2011 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by LeeNetworX (Post 448776)
If they do, I've never seen it enforced. Plenty of dumbshits driving under or at the limit in the left lane at all times, even when there's no vehicles anywhere near them in the right lane that they could possibly be passing.

The reason its not enforced is that its a lesser violation than speeding, and very easy to argue out of in court.

tallywacker 02-09-2011 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Particle Man (Post 448682)
The Germans got it right on that count.

True that. Driving over there was much less infuriating. STAY RIGHT PASS LEFT FUCKERS

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