Well fuck me, bike is in the shop after 5 days. Definately a dead battery, showing 10.5v, I'm hoping it isn't the regulator or the stator. The dealership is testing everything for free, and might warranty the parts, the service guy didn't want to give me an answer until he could talk to the sales manager. The dealership warranty only covers the power train, but since I brought it back on under a week they say they are going to try and work with me. Which I think means they will give me a small discount on already super expensive parts. Instead I would just look at the after market, already found a regulator and stator for the same price as the HD regulator by itself.
Pretty pissed because other than that this bike was ruining fine and just took in miles without blinking.
In hoping that the battery was just dead from sitting, and that is causing the charging system to read low, bit the service guy was saying that without load at 2500 rpm the voltmeter should be reading 14v, it is reading between 13 and 13.5.
Fuck me right