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tallywacker 07-15-2010 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Tsunami (Post 393516)
I've done one years ago and haven't gone back. Demo's don't count.

Other than money, I haven't gone back because its hard for me to be functional in the mornings. I forget when tech in was...7-8am? I just know that I had to be up at 5am to make it to the track at 6am.

I think the I read on my local board that they were going to hold track days at night to beat the heat? I thought that was a great idea, not only because its way too hot to be in leathers with the sun beating down on you, but also because night owls like me would be fully awake and functional by then :)

OTB if I could drag myself out of bed that early, I think your track package sounds awesome

Get yourself a tent man and sleep at the track the night before.

Rangerscott 07-16-2010 12:37 AM

No track around.

tallywacker 07-16-2010 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Rangerscott (Post 393541)
No track around.

There are some pretty desolate parts of texas man. I drove across that fucker before.

DLIT 07-16-2010 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Tsunami (Post 393516)
I've done one years ago and haven't gone back. Demo's don't count.

Other than money, I haven't gone back because its hard for me to be functional in the mornings. I forget when tech in was...7-8am? I just know that I had to be up at 5am to make it to the track at 6am.

I think the I read on my local board that they were going to hold track days at night to beat the heat? I thought that was a great idea, not only because its way too hot to be in leathers with the sun beating down on you, but also because night owls like me would be fully awake and functional by then :)

OTB if I could drag myself out of bed that early, I think your track package sounds awesome

you're just not hungry enough...

101lifts2 07-16-2010 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 393325)
Price really is the driving factor, all that stuff is nice and prolly doesnt cost too much more to do in bulk, but I have leathers and a truck, and aa camper to sleep in, those cool freebees are nice but iIwould rather 50 off my day and derive and sleep on my own dime. Also I would like to see a worker program where I, work and get a discount. Hell I would go to ther shop and help out or change tires, or corner work etc if it made it cheaper

Or clean and lube my bike's chain...or wash my bike. :lol

I think the people who want to ride track are the same ones who will buy a suit and proper gear. The problem is that many states has no twisties, so most of the people they ride with stunt of pose and have little interest in doing track. So if none of your friends ride track, then you probably won't either.

The issue is cash. I agree 100% with Derf. Low entrance fees get people to the track, not some all in one deal. Most people can get a truck, buy gear etc...but they cannot continue to pay for a 200 dollar track day.

Tsunami 07-16-2010 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by DLIT (Post 393546)
you're just not hungry enough...

You are probably right :lol: I would like to try a motard track though, just have to sell the DR.


Originally Posted by tallywacker (Post 393519)
Get yourself a tent man and sleep at the track the night before.

I don't camp ;)

the chi 07-16-2010 08:49 AM

If you crash at the track and have to explain it to insurance, its a "Rider Improvement" course...just saying. :wink:

skiergirl 07-16-2010 09:01 AM

If you crash at the track you lie and say you crashed on the street.....don't ever say you were at the track even if it is a track school. you're just asking for problems...

shmike 07-16-2010 09:09 AM

I'm glad the "track is too expensive" talk has moved on to the inevitable "insurance fraud is ok" discussion.

Sean 07-16-2010 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Tsunami (Post 393516)
I think the I read on my local board that they were going to hold track days at night to beat the heat? I thought that was a great idea, not only because its way too hot to be in leathers with the sun beating down on you, but also because night owls like me would be fully awake and functional by then :)

I saw some vid of a td at Streets out here that was run at night. That track isn't lit, they brought in a bunch of portable lights. Good idea, but too many dark spots (on the video). Did you hear about another one, or this one? I think it's a great idea, the sun just kills me out there.

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