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azoomm 01-10-2011 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by wildchild (Post 440972)
funny when you put it that way, I might get too comfy on a good pillion like a bimmer or a wing. LOL

nah I'll just sit back here and enjoy the morning coffee and watch the sunrise LOL (my mom's idea of a morning ride LOL)

Exactly! :lol:

Anyone else - get your own.

dReWpY 01-10-2011 05:59 PM

i actually like having a pillion
but i know the difference between 50, 500, and 5,000 mile trips so it will def be down the road and after alot of other smaller trips

OneSickPsycho 01-11-2011 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by wildchild (Post 440957)
done many trips with the g/f. set the rules right away. first trip we did, i just assumed she knew how things went.

#1: NO CAMPING for her!!!! she did not enjoy riding hundreds of miles then crawling in a tent only to get soaked with that nights rain. who knew that was an important consideration. LOL

#2: no two up riding. apparently she doesn't appreciate my riding style at all.

#3: out of state trips now days she takes the truck and tows her bike, then rides when we get where we are going.

1 - I could see that happening :lol:

2 - I can definitely see that happening :lmao:
3 - Great idea, though in that case I'd probably just tow both bikes.


Originally Posted by wildchild (Post 440957)
this year she wants to take a trip on her own bike and try to ride the whole thing. no problem I'll cut my expected mileage down 30% but I know in advance. honestly I may pull a camper with the truck and put the bike in the trailer, I've done enough highway touring miles to last a lifetime. it's boring. I'll just let her and some of our buds do the ride together. none of them has done a longer trip so they want to try it.

probably best if you either go alone (just the two of you) or only with other couples. otherwise single guys tend to get antsy about the "couple" pace. one guy in our group took off towards the end of the trip and made the trek home on his own. no big deal, but it put a damper on her feelings because she thought it was her fault.

Yeah, I wouldn't expect to be at the same pace when riding together...


Originally Posted by wildchild (Post 440957)
decide what riding you're going to do when you get there and do it with her. one guy on a run with us left his wife in the mountains in the rain and took off because she couldn't keep up due to nerves with rain and curves. she had never ridden rain. we stayed with her through the curves.

What a dick move... It sucks sometimes riding with slower people and having to wait for them all the time, but your wife? C'mon man!


Originally Posted by wildchild (Post 440957)
have her practice packing for a bike trip. many people don't understand pack light. LOL giver her a saddle bag and say that's your luggage, what fits goes, what doesn't stays home.

overall we enjoy riding trips together as long as we both compromise on how we're going to get there and what we'll do when we get there. rainy rides are out for us unless she gets caught and absolutely has to keep going. she can and has done it but doesn't like rain. be prepared to skip a ride and just sit in a hot tub for a day. not always a bad thing. LOL

I can just imagine the look on ONSSP's face if I handed her one of my small ass saddle bags and was like, 'this is for all your shit'... :lol

OneNotSoSickPsycho 01-13-2011 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 441332)
I can just imagine the look on ONSSP's face if I handed her one of my small ass saddle bags and was like, 'this is for all your shit'... :lol

My face would be the combination of these...


OneSickPsycho 01-13-2011 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by OneNotSoSickPsycho (Post 441914)
My face would be the combination of these...


I was thinking :gofurslf:


OneNotSoSickPsycho 01-13-2011 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 441973)
I was thinking :gofurslf:


Yeah, maybe that one too :lol:

wildchild 01-13-2011 03:45 PM

oh oh she's leaving you for the guy with a Goldwing. LOL

OneNotSoSickPsycho 01-13-2011 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by wildchild (Post 442081)
oh oh she's leaving you for the guy with a Goldwing. LOL

Haha! I wouldn't ride long distance with him on his sports bike period. TOOO uncomfortable. Maybe if he had a cruiser, I'd probably be down. Or I'd ride next to him with the guy who has the Goldwing :lol:

Dave 01-13-2011 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by OneNotSoSickPsycho (Post 442085)
Haha! I wouldn't ride long distance with him on his sports bike period. TOOO uncomfortable. Maybe if he had a cruiser, I'd probably be down. Or I'd ride next to him with the guy who has the Goldwing :lol:

Blasting Like a g6

Cutty72 01-13-2011 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by OneNotSoSickPsycho (Post 442085)
Haha! I wouldn't ride long distance with him on his sports bike period. TOOO uncomfortable. Maybe if he had a cruiser, I'd probably be down. Or I'd ride next to him with the guy who has the Goldwing :lol:

That's the game Gas likes to play with his ultra :lol:

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