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Dnyce 03-20-2010 11:07 PM

new helmet... suggestions?
3 Attachment(s)
ive been looking for a new one, and so far, i like these two from bell

bell 360 view

but ive only owned one bell helmet (low end, 8yrs ago) and dont really have any exp with their new stuff. current helmet is a scorpion, fits really good, but ive had it for awhile and its time for a new one soon.

hjc's carbon helmets look pretty nice, and are also in the budget. trying not to go over 220...

any suggestions, tips, super goood deal finds?

Curb 03-20-2010 11:48 PM

i've seen that exact HJC in person and in the really is the tits! good luck...i just picked up the Nolan Casey Stoner rep for pennies! this past winter i got a new Thor MX helmet, which is also street legal and since we've been having amazing weather down here the owner of the dealership i work at is letting me ride some of our demos and that is what i've been using. heading down to the Keys tomorrow...

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 02:21 AM

I'd take that Bell over any HJC any day! BTW Joe Rocket sells practically the same lid for $200.

If you can find your way to $300, CompAcc has quite a few Arai and Shoei lids on sale for 1/2 off.

psychochild28 03-21-2010 02:24 AM

I like my bell it's just old fit great when it was new. But the scorpions or sharks are great as well.

Not a fan of the HJC fit.

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 02:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Ever consider this lid? I've looked at it several times but...:idk: $250 from $600.

Cutty72 03-21-2010 05:46 AM

How is the Bell Star fit and quality? Haven't heard much about them.

There are other Star designs linked on that page for $200.

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Cutty72 (Post 351510)
How is the Bell Star fit and quality? Haven't heard much about them.

There are other Star designs linked on that page for $200.

Here's what STG says,

and Helmet Harbor,

the chi 03-21-2010 10:02 AM

#1 FTW. That red CF look is :drool: and I dont even like red!

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 10:03 AM

These guys might match prices for you for a different color...

pdog 03-21-2010 10:14 AM

Stop focusing on looks and find a helmet that fits your head first? I looked at all those helmets too (HJC Carbon, Bell Star, etc) but bought an X-11 because it fit my head better than anything else out there. Yeah, my credit card wasn't too happy about it.

BTW is by far the best site out there for researching helmets. They're the only ones that try to give you a sense of helmet shape for head fit.

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by pdog (Post 351542)
Stop focusing on looks and find a helmet that fits your head first? I looked at all those helmets too (HJC Carbon, Bell Star, etc) but bought an X-11 because it fit my head better than anything else out there. Yeah, my credit card wasn't too happy about it.

BTW is by far the best site out there for researching helmets. They're the only ones that try to give you a sense of helmet shape for head fit.

Why so nasty? Here's the link to Webbikeworlds review...yeesh.

BTW that's a review using a early production model from 2008...yeah, wbw is a great source for current information...

But... if you'd like a Shoei X-11, how about $350? They have several model/colors available.

and if you really want to be "cool" order a Transitions shield to go with it,

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 11:09 AM

Ummm... Pdog, did you even watch the STG videos? I honestly think that Van does a way better job going over a lid than WBW...seriously. In fact, I also think that Helmet Harbor does a better job... Just an opinion of course, but watch all of the videos and see what you think after you've actually seen them. I apologize for ASSuming that you didn't watch them but considering that Van takes the lid completely apart and reassembles it in the 2nd video...well, I'm not sure how more thorough he could have been.:idk: Heck, he even went over the darn bag and he made a couple videos from the Bell design/testing facility. I didn't see anything like that on WBW's site...maybe, I missed it. I sometimes wonder if they even ride with the helmet for any distance. Van does track days wearing the different helmets he reviews and HH goes for a 50 mile+ ride to review lids and sometimes does the review at the end of the ride. I didn't see that on WBW... Link please.

CrazyKell 03-21-2010 12:20 PM


Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyKell (Post 351581)

No no no... Only a shoei will do! the man posted a 200 dollar price point, otherwise I would have said the Rsr2. For what he has to spend he has picked very good lids imho.

Homeslice 03-21-2010 02:23 PM

STG makes excellent videos, but does he describe whether the helmet is an oval, long oval, round, or round oval fit? That's what is good about webbikeworld.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people don't know what kind of head shape they have........Even people who've been riding for years. You hear them make silly comments like "I'm an Arai head".........Um, no.......Arai makes several different shapes..... Someone who fits well in a Quantum will not fit into a Profile.

Cutty72 03-21-2010 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by pdog (Post 351542)
Stop focusing on looks and find a helmet that fits your head first? I looked at all those helmets too (HJC Carbon, Bell Star, etc) but bought an X-11 because it fit my head better than anything else out there. Yeah, my credit card wasn't too happy about it.

BTW is by far the best site out there for researching helmets. They're the only ones that try to give you a sense of helmet shape for head fit.

Like Tig... er Lon... er AmberLamps said, WBW is good, but a bit dated with some of the newer models.

The SBTG guy says in the comparo vid of the RSR, X-11, and Star that they all fit the same. (09 and older Star models need one size down from standard)


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 351614)
STG makes excellent videos, but does he describe whether the helmet is an oval, long oval, round, or round oval fit? That's what is good about webbikeworld.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people don't know what kind of head shape they have........Even people who've been riding for years. You hear them make silly comments like "I'm an Arai head".........Um, no.......Arai makes several different shapes, some are round, some are oval. Someone who fits a Quantum well will not fit into a Profile.

Yes, kind of. He doesn't say "this is a round helmet and will only fit round heads" but more of a generalization of a "round oval" or "neutral"

CrazyKell 03-21-2010 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351611)
No no no... Only a shoei will do! the man posted a 200 dollar price point, otherwise I would have said the Rsr2. For what he has to spend he has picked very good lids imho.

Scorpion's are on sale at STG right now. :idk:

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 351614)
STG makes excellent videos, but does he describe whether the helmet is an oval, long oval, round, or round oval fit? That's what is good about webbikeworld.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people don't know what kind of head shape they have........Even people who've been riding for years. You hear them make silly comments like "I'm an Arai head".........Um, no.......Arai makes several different shapes..... Someone who fits well in a Quantum will not fit into a Profile.

Did anybody watch the videos I posted? *sniffle* He clearly states that the fit is an "intermediate-oval" and should be good for about 90%. He also goes on to explain that they sell different cheek and head pads to customize the fit. Apparently, fit was an issue with older Bell Star lids but now it's been fixed.:idk:

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyKell (Post 351629)
Scorpion's are on sale at STG right now. :idk:

No offense to the Scorpion lovers out there but for the same money I'll take a Bell, Shark, Shoei, Arai, Suomy, OGK, FM, Akuma, Nolan, Vemar, etc... I group Scorpion with HJC, X-lite, KBC, Sparx, AFX, Nitro, Gmax, etc. Just my opinion and experience, of course. I know that there are a ton of people that think that Scorpion helmets are bee's knees but typically, those same people have never owned an Arai, Shark or Shoei high end lid.

CrazyKell 03-21-2010 04:53 PM

Is Shark considered a "high end" helmet? :scratch:

I've tried on every helmet out there and every Arai, Shoei, and Suomy fit all to no avail. HJC's fit me perfectly (unfortunately) so I've always stuck with them, and they've done me well.

A few of my racer friends suggested Scorpion's after having the same issues as me, and they've had no complaints and crashed in them. :idk:

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyKell (Post 351644)
Is Shark considered a "high end" helmet? :scratch:

I've tried on every helmet out there and every Arai, Shoei, and Suomy fit all to no avail. HJC's fit me perfectly (unfortunately) so I've always stuck with them, and they've done me well.

A few of my racer friends suggested Scorpion's after having the same issues as me, and they've had no complaints and crashed in them. :idk:

Oh almost any DOT cert helmet will protect you in a crash...What differentiates the "high end"ids from the sub-$200 crowd are the features, fit and finish, weight, materials, ventilation, visor, etc. What's the difference between a Cadillac and a Chevy, I mean they both get you where you're going right? I won't argue the subjective differences between different lids but there are reasons for the price difference a $600 Arai and a $200 Scorpion.

Cutty72 03-21-2010 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351637)
Did anybody watch the videos I posted? *sniffle* He clearly states that the fit is an "intermediate-oval" and should be good for about 90%. He also goes on to explain that they sell different cheek and head pads to customize the fit. Apparently, fit was an issue with older Bell Star lids but now it's been fixed.:idk:

I watched them, and more. Searched out a few more models/brands too! :lol:

The fit issue with the 09 and older Bell Star's was just a size thing.
If you normally wore a large, you would probably need a medium, etc.
For the 2010 models they have fixed it, and they should follow sizing with Shoei, Shark, and Arai.

After looking at all the vids, I think I'm going to go with the X-11. A bit better venting, I already have visors for it, and I like the graphic better. The Star in the Ace of Diamonds is a close second however....
The helmet bag is a cool bonus, but I don't know that I would ever use it :idk:

Homeslice 03-21-2010 05:59 PM

The new X12 looks badass. Of course being brand new it will be $600+

Homeslice 03-21-2010 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyKell (Post 351644)
Is Shark considered a "high end" helmet? :scratch:

Their most expensive models are definitely high-end (best visors in the world, IMO) and compete with the best, but they have some low-end $200 helmets too.

Homeslice 03-21-2010 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351638)
No offense to the Scorpion lovers out there but for the same money I'll take a Bell, Shark, Shoei, Arai, Suomy, OGK, FM, Akuma, Nolan, Vemar, etc...

For the same money? You can get a Scorpion for under $150, unlike those others.


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351638)
I group Scorpion with HJC, X-lite, KBC, Sparx, AFX, Nitro, Gmax, etc.


Particle Man 03-21-2010 08:59 PM

man, that CF HJC is :drool:

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 351670)
For the same money? You can get a Scorpion for under $150, unlike those others.


Ah, you know I mean "price range", you would correct me if the Scorpion was $179 and the Bell was $180....:lol:

Oh and *cough*....if you wanna be picky...

Retail on Scorpion Exo-700s are OVER $200:lol:

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 09:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Particle Man (Post 351733)
man, that CF HJC is :drool:

They do look good! I have an Ac-12 Carbon to wear compared to my Sharks imho. NOT EVEN CLOSE.

The HJC that I regret not buying...Carbon Fiber AC-12 Elbowz

Homeslice 03-21-2010 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351757)
Ah, you know I mean "price range", you would correct me if the Scorpion was $179 and the Bell was $180....:lol:

Oh and *cough*....if you wanna be picky...

Retail on Scorpion Exo-700s are OVER $200:lol:

LOL, anyone who would pay $200 for an Exo-700 needs help, considering how old that helmet is. Check Ebay dude, I see plenty of em for $120-150.

Amber Lamps 03-21-2010 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 351771)
LOL, anyone who would pay $200 for an Exo-700 needs help, considering how old that helmet is. Check Ebay dude, I see plenty of em for $120-150.

Okay, how about the EXO-750? $260...

derf 03-21-2010 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351652)
Oh almost any DOT cert helmet will protect you in a crash...What differentiates the "high end"ids from the sub-$200 crowd are the features, fit and finish, weight, materials, ventilation, visor, etc. What's the difference between a Cadillac and a Chevy, I mean they both get you where you're going right? I won't argue the subjective differences between different lids but there are reasons for the price difference a $600 Arai and a $200 Scorpion.

While scorpions are definately not a $600 lid they are equal to most $400 helmets I have used, in fact for the price it is in my opinion the best line of helmets out there. I am on my 3rd Scorpion now, my 2nd exo-700. I totally plan on buying either a 750 or a 900 for my next helmet. They cool great and are decently light weigh, areo dynamics are good too (dont try and ride with your head sideways for an extended period of time though).

For triple the price you can get a suomy or an arai that is slightly lighter and cools a little better . What it really comes down to is that you should go to a store and try a few on, see which one FITS CORRECTLY, is most comfortable, and is in your price range. That should be your criteria for selecting a helmet, in that order.

Rider 03-22-2010 08:37 AM

I tried on the HJC FS-15carbon. It is very light and felt comfortable on my head. It fits better than the Scorpions. I'd like to try on the Bell double Apex but I can't find anyone who stocks that model.

Particle Man 03-22-2010 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351765)
They do look good! I have an Ac-12 Carbon to wear compared to my Sharks imho. NOT EVEN CLOSE.

The HJC that I regret not buying...Carbon Fiber AC-12 Elbowz

I'm more of a plain helmet kinda guy - solid colors and such. Do you have a pic of the Sharks?

Amber Lamps 03-22-2010 01:05 PM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Particle Man (Post 351860)
I'm more of a plain helmet kinda guy - solid colors and such. Do you have a pic of the Sharks?

Not home but here's some stock shots...

Gas Man 03-22-2010 01:51 PM

AL... is there any helmets you don't own?

Cutty72 03-22-2010 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 351668)
The new X12 looks badass. Of course being brand new it will be $600+

Haven't seen it for under $700. And per the reviews it vents less and is louder than the X-11, the RF-1100 is a better helmet.

Amber Lamps 03-22-2010 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Gas Man (Post 351925)
AL... is there any helmets you don't own?

The last Shoei I bought was an X-8....:lol: I've tried several lids over the years for sure! Right now I have 12.

Particle Man 03-22-2010 07:40 PM

Nice lookin' lids - I'm still more of a solid color guy but still nice.

Sixxxxer 03-22-2010 08:15 PM

I like my Scorpion WAYYY Better than my Suomy. My Suomy would Fog like a Whore in Church...My Scorpion Doesn't even flinch with fogging and I breath heavy as hell inside my lid.

I always liked the Crackhead, It's an older model but its still a Tits Looking Helmet IMO

Particle Man 03-22-2010 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 352094)
Fog like a Whore in Church

I'm not sure I'm making the connection on that one :lol:

Sixxxxer 03-22-2010 08:53 PM


It's normally Sweat like a Whore in Church...But I dug deep for that one.


Particle Man 03-22-2010 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 352111)

It's normally Sweat like a Whore in Church...But I dug deep for that one.


:lol: okay then :lmao:

pdog 03-22-2010 09:12 PM

The X series (oval) fits completely differently from the RF series (round). They are not interchangeable unless you are just buying a helmet based on price and a spec sheet.


Originally Posted by Cutty72 (Post 351952)
Haven't seen it for under $700. And per the reviews it vents less and is louder than the X-11, the RF-1100 is a better helmet.

Dnyce 03-23-2010 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by pdog (Post 351542)
Stop focusing on looks and find a helmet that fits your head first? I looked at all those helmets too (HJC Carbon, Bell Star, etc) but bought an X-11 because it fit my head better than anything else out there. Yeah, my credit card wasn't too happy about it.

BTW is by far the best site out there for researching helmets. They're the only ones that try to give you a sense of helmet shape for head fit.

thanks, bcuz i have no idea what i'm doing:lol. the hjc and the bell star may not have fit U, maybe the x11 doesnt fit ME. personally while the reviews are great to watch, thanks for that info, and thanks al for the links and video, final say so comes down to how it feels on my head.


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351539)
These guys might match prices for you for a different color...

they didnt advertise the green and white one, and the gobert one i found for 219. ill email and ask em anyway tho


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351638)
No offense to the Scorpion lovers out there but for the same money I'll take a Bell, Shark, Shoei, Arai, Suomy, OGK, FM, Akuma, Nolan, Vemar, etc... I group Scorpion with HJC, X-lite, KBC, Sparx, AFX, Nitro, Gmax, etc. Just my opinion and experience, of course. I know that there are a ton of people that think that Scorpion helmets are bee's knees but typically, those same people have never owned an Arai, Shark or Shoei high end lid.

the white/carbon shark looks badass, but too out of my price, i found the silver/carbon shark for 399, but even thats not close enough to warrant me trying it on lol

my scorpion is pretty neato for the price i paid-good fit, looks good, doesnt fog, comes apart really easy for washing , but i want something alil better. i see no problem buying a $500 dollar helmet, if i can get it for $200 with some savvy shopping. even found shoei's for 230+, depending on graphics. actually spending $500 tho is outta the question. thanks for the good infoz

Dnyce 03-23-2010 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351508)
Ever consider this lid? I've looked at it several times but...:idk: $250 from $600.

i wasnt a big fan of the graphics on that one lol

Cutty72 03-23-2010 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by pdog (Post 352118)
The X series (oval) fits completely differently from the RF series (round). They are not interchangeable unless you are just buying a helmet based on price and a spec sheet.

Just going off the reviews. the RF is a better bang for the buck if it fits ya.
I have not seen nor tried either.

Amber Lamps 03-23-2010 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Cutty72 (Post 352207)
Just going off the reviews. the RF is a better bang for the buck if it fits ya.
I have not seen nor tried either.

I have to admit that he totally got me with the "round/intermediate-round" fit descriptions of the fit between the RF-1000 and the X-11.:idk: Of course, I'm not a Shoei guy by nature so....:wink:

Cutty72 03-23-2010 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 352223)
I have to admit that he totally got me with the "round/intermediate-round" fit descriptions of the fit between the RF-1000 and the X-11.:idk: Of course, I'm not a Shoei guy by nature so....:wink:

The x-11 is more oval, the RF is more round. The RF can be worn by someone with an "intermediate oval" head, but will be more comfortable on a round head.

Dnyce 03-24-2010 02:41 AM

im pretty much set on the bell now, been watching videos n stuff, and i already checked, i can send it back if i dont like it.

Homeslice 03-24-2010 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by pdog (Post 352118)
The X series (oval) fits completely differently from the RF series (round). They are not interchangeable unless you are just buying a helmet based on price and a spec sheet.

Truth. I fit an X-11 (barely), but the RF1000 puts too much pressure on my forehead, but not enough on the sides. Also the fucker doesn't come down low enough over my chin. Fuck 'em.

AGV and the Arai Profile are where it's at for me.

karl_1052 03-24-2010 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 351638)
No offense to the Scorpion lovers out there but for the same money I'll take a Bell, Shark, Shoei, Arai, Suomy, OGK, FM, Akuma, Nolan, Vemar, etc... I group Scorpion with HJC, X-lite, KBC, Sparx, AFX, Nitro, Gmax, etc. Just my opinion and experience, of course. I know that there are a ton of people that think that Scorpion helmets are bee's knees but typically, those same people have never owned an Arai, Shark or Shoei high end lid.

Have HJCs dropped in quality? My old roomate had two of them(AC-10 and a cheaper model), and the AC-10 was a nice lid.

BTW, I have owned/own two Shoei's, one Arai, and a Shark RSR2.

This is a nice hat.

Rider 03-24-2010 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 352952)
Have HJCs dropped in quality? My old roomate had two of them(AC-10 and a cheaper model), and the AC-10 was a nice lid.

BTW, I have owned/own two Shoei's, one Arai, and a Shark RSR2.

This is a nice hat.

The FS-15 carbon is a nice fitting, light lid. I don't know anything about HJC quality the this one seems nice and can be had for $250(MSRP is over $400).

Dnyce 10-24-2010 06:33 PM

well, a million years later (in "thread" years lol) i got the bell star-for my bday, so for free:boobs:

first impressions-very nice, the finish is pretty badass from a painters perspective. fit and finish of the parts is very nice, basically everything the reviews said is true-the sizing actually works perfectly for me, and it came with a extra set of firm cheekpads, chin skirt, visor holder that velcros into the best helmet bag ive ever seen included with a helmet.

shield change is super simple, and although one review mentioned u could accidently trigger it while riding, i dont see how thats possible without purposely trying to do it. they just came out with a photochromatic shield for the star, so i might check that out.

feels light, but i cant attest to long term comfort, havent had a chance to get out and do 200-300 miles straight since i just got it a few days ago. feels good tho. plush

only thing im curious about, is it came with a track strip/wicker attachment for stability above 130mph-but i cant find any reviews that say it actually does anything.

im pretty happy with it so far, i might even :squid: it up and paint one of the bikes to match it

ontwo 10-25-2010 09:34 AM

Congrats. Now post pics

fnfalman 10-27-2010 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cutty72 (Post 352539)
The x-11 is more oval, the RF is more round. The RF can be worn by someone with an "intermediate oval" head, but will be more comfortable on a round head.

I'd buy that. The very first helmet I bought was an RF1000. It didn't quite fit perfectly but fairly close. The X-11 was down right painful.

Tmall 10-27-2010 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 352952)
Have HJCs dropped in quality? My old roomate had two of them(AC-10 and a cheaper model), and the AC-10 was a nice lid.

BTW, I have owned/own two Shoei's, one Arai, and a Shark RSR2.

This is a nice hat.

How would you rate the Rsr2? I'm thinking of picking one up if I can find a good deal.

Dnyce 10-28-2010 12:51 PM

4 Attachment(s)


Dnyce 10-28-2010 12:56 PM

pics arent too good but im no photog

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