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Sixxxxer 04-09-2010 12:38 PM

"Whats The Fastest You've Been on that Thing?"
So Who Hates Getting Asked this? And Does anyone have a good story behind the Question being asked??

I must hear it At LEAST 3 times if I'm out all day riding in between my stops.

I was leaving work the other day getting gas and my Own associate asked me..:lol I told him I never broke 85 On it...:boobs:

So, How often do you get asked when your out and about?? And what do you tell people

ontwo 04-09-2010 12:40 PM

I just usually reply, "I always obey all traffic laws"

Trip 04-09-2010 12:42 PM

I don't get asked that anymore, thank god, I still get the wheelie shit though.

I use to make a reference to spaceballs and say I've gone plaid or something else as equally stupid as the question.

Sixxxxer 04-09-2010 12:43 PM

Oh I get the Wheelie Motion Leaving my goddamn Neighborhood...I have no desire to wheelie nor Do i ever want to learn.

Rider 04-09-2010 12:44 PM

I've heard that question a lot. I usually say 70 which is the max highway speed here. They look at me like I'm full of shit, but I won't incriminate myself ever. I will however talk about going fast with guys I ride with.

Dave 04-09-2010 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 360037)
:lol I told him I never broke 85 On it...:boobs:

i know for a fact thats bullshit :lmao:

Dave 04-09-2010 12:47 PM

no one ever asks how fast mine is. maybe i just cant hear them :lol:

Sixxxxer 04-09-2010 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 360047)
i know for a fact thats bullshit :lmao:

I dunno what your Referring to??

My Bike is speed limited to 85 ;)

Dave 04-09-2010 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 360049)
I dunno what your Referring to??

My Bike is speed limited to 85 ;)

cause when me and tom stole you and harolds 600s way back when you got em we def didnt break that :lol:

pauldun170 04-09-2010 01:03 PM

As for wheelie requests. I respnd with No or "Show your tits"

skiergirl 04-09-2010 01:03 PM

My standard answer is 'the speed limit'....frankly it's none of their business.

KSGregman 04-09-2010 01:08 PM

I had my GSX-R750 at a bike night once....went back to the bike and saw 2 cops standing there looking at it...I was like, great...gonna get done for the illegally mounted plate/exhaust/etc....they look up and say "Is this your bike?" and I'm like " is." One of them said "These things haul ASS!! How fast can you go on it?" I said "Maybe 60mph..down hill...with a tail wind." They both laughed and walked away. :lol:

Trip 04-09-2010 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 360042)
Oh I get the Wheelie Motion Leaving my goddamn Neighborhood...I have no desire to wheelie nor Do i ever want to learn.

Wheelies are pretty damn fun, i just don't like doing them on command. I usually do them when no one is around so if I fuck up I can say I low sided in some gravel or some other shit. :lol:

MILK 04-09-2010 01:28 PM

Azoomm gave me the best answer but you have to be serious when you say it..

"300 miles an hour."

smileyman 04-09-2010 01:40 PM

Got asked yesterday, by my health insurance plan manager. he got my standard rely. 'As fast as it will go'

Who knows. I have seen rev limit in 6th gear on every bike I've owned...

CrazyKell 04-09-2010 02:02 PM

I say the speed limit too. I get annoyed with the question but it's not the worst. I mean, they just don't know and are curious. :idk:

marko138 04-09-2010 02:22 PM

Eleventy Billion

Mr Lefty 04-09-2010 02:26 PM

shit I STILL get asked on my DRZ! I'm like... street... 70... dirt 45... mud... 5... :lol:

jtemple 04-09-2010 03:18 PM

My answer: 65 mph.

Kaneman 04-09-2010 03:27 PM

I usually just tell the truth, which depends on what bike I'm currently riding.

I'll also pull wheelies for kids, depending on where I'm at. When I was a kid, getting a guy to do a wheelie for me would pretty much make my whole month.

Trip 04-09-2010 03:34 PM

I like saying 1.21 jiggawatts sometimes too

marko138 04-09-2010 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 360155)
I like saying 1.21 jiggawatts sometimes too

Yes. I'm totally stealing that.

Kaneman 04-09-2010 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 360155)
I like saying 1.21 jiggawatts sometimes too

:lol: That's killer. I like it.

smileyman 04-09-2010 05:07 PM

How about we start telling them faster than you can possibly conceive. Cause that is a matter of persective and those that have seen 160-180 know that speed is logrythmic. What will bend your mind at 100 will totally warp you at 150.

Sixxxxer 04-09-2010 05:43 PM

I cracked it to 140 The other day, I got a little gunshy which Is surprising (But a good thing when I really sit back and think about it)

I would do 160 In a heartbeat before and not even think twice...So for me to get antsy when I cracked into her for the first time this season means I still carry respect for the bike (and always will, when you lose the respect you shouldnt ride anymore)

smileyman 04-09-2010 06:10 PM

Speed desensitizes you too. I know if you see it often enough it feels normal. Cant tell you how many times coming home from the races that I braked for a light and that 1500 series truck didn't want to stop. From just 45-55.

Seemed as if I was doin 20. And then there is the whole sudden stop thing. Stopping in a tire wall at 60 feels like 200 fo sho. God help me if I ever hit one at 150

was92v 04-09-2010 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by smileyman (Post 360204)
Speed desensitizes you too. I know if you see it often enough it feels normal. Cant tell you how many times coming home from the races that I braked for a light and that 1500 series truck didn't want to stop. From just 45-55.

Seemed as if I was doin 20. And then there is the whole sudden stop thing. Stopping in a tire wall at 60 feels like 200 fo sho. God help me if I ever hit one at 150

Tire walls without a car around you are not even remotely soft...

Dave 04-09-2010 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 360074)
Wheelies are pretty damn fun, i just don't like doing them on command. I usually do them when no one is around so if I fuck up I can say I low sided in some gravel or some other shit. :lol:

ive still not mastered clutching. I consider it a treat if she stands up from me being aggresive in the lower gears though :lol:

Dave 04-09-2010 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 360200)
I cracked it to 140 The other day, I got a little gunshy which Is surprising (But a good thing when I really sit back and think about it)

I would do 160 In a heartbeat before and not even think twice...So for me to get antsy when I cracked into her for the first time this season means I still carry respect for the bike (and always will, when you lose the respect you shouldnt ride anymore)

thats about my max on two. Too much stuff goin on

Homeslice 04-09-2010 08:16 PM

Back in 02 when I had my blue SVS, idiots would roll up to me and say nice R6 or nice R1 just because of the color.

G-Rex 04-09-2010 08:32 PM

I know exactly the fastest I've gone, when, and where.

If a friend asks, I'll tell them. If somebody off the street asks, I just tell them it goes as fast as I need it to.

smileyman 04-09-2010 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by was92v (Post 360216)
Tire walls without a car around you are not even remotely soft...

Well I got lucky. TWS in Sept '02. It was closer to 70 but they had air fence, tire wall, and then 'crete. Young man died there the year before, Spies knew him. Number 19.

HokieDNA01 04-09-2010 09:04 PM

I just say "fast enough" Last time some dude asked me to do a wheelie at a light I told him if he can get his truck up on 2 wheels I would get my bike up on one. He just pulled off.

racedoll 04-10-2010 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by smileyman (Post 360204)
Speed desensitizes you too. I know if you see it often enough it feels normal. Cant tell you how many times coming home from the races that I braked for a light and that 1500 series truck didn't want to stop. From just 45-55.

Seemed as if I was doin 20. And then there is the whole sudden stop thing. Stopping in a tire wall at 60 feels like 200 fo sho. God help me if I ever hit one at 150

No shit! I go to a couple track days then try riding into work that Monday - it's all I can do to keep it under 70-80. And it doesn't help when I KNOW my Uncle will be sitting at this one place waiting (he is a sheriff and would ticket me for speeding).

I tell them the truth because it was done on the track.

101lifts2 04-10-2010 11:24 PM

167 on an 06zx10r. I had half throttle left too.

Now on the 600, once you put race tires on and setup the suspension to turn in quick, the things always shake at anything over 140. Shit even my ZX10r did as well.

lauralynne 04-11-2010 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by MILK (Post 360084)
Azoomm gave me the best answer but you have to be serious when you say it..

"300 miles an hour."

this - every single time. Anyone who asks a retarded question DESERVES a retarded answer.

Particle Man 04-11-2010 04:59 PM

As fast as I need it to go.

Kaneman 04-11-2010 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by lauralynne (Post 360523)
this - every single time. Anyone who asks a retarded question DESERVES a retarded answer.

Why is it a retarded question?

Fleck750 04-12-2010 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by smileyman (Post 360192)
How about we start telling them faster than you can possibly conceive. Cause that is a matter of persective and those that have seen 160-180 know that speed is logrythmic. What will bend your mind at 100 will totally warp you at 150.

And there are those of us that think 180mph is slow.

Perspective s everything.


Originally Posted by Particle Man (Post 360634)
As fast as I need it to go.

And THAT is the main reason I ride. :cool:

OneSickPsycho 04-12-2010 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 360037)
So Who Hates Getting Asked this? And Does anyone have a good story behind the Question being asked??

I must hear it At LEAST 3 times if I'm out all day riding in between my stops.

I was leaving work the other day getting gas and my Own associate asked me..:lol I told him I never broke 85 On it...:boobs:

So, How often do you get asked when your out and about?? And what do you tell people

who cares... can I see the rest of your AV pic?

Kaneman 04-12-2010 01:41 PM

I still don't see what the big deal is. You ride around on a race replica sportbike that's faster than most Ferrari's then I think "How fast you been on that thing" is a fair question.

HokieDNA01 04-12-2010 01:45 PM

I just dont like telling them then they reply with "You're going to kill yourself on it"

smileyman 04-12-2010 02:26 PM

Or the obligatory 'I would ride one of em, but I'd only kill myself'.

The whole time I'm thinking 'shit, you run the risk of getting killed shaving your face each morning!' 'You could put your own eye out sharpening a pencil'...

Mr Lefty 04-12-2010 02:32 PM

how about the... can I ride it? I get asked that about once every couple days...

uh... can I fuck your wife? (I'd ask but there are some that'd probably say yes... and I'd loose out on the deal big time :lol:)

t-homo 04-12-2010 02:33 PM

If it is one of my friends, I'll tell em, but otherwise I just make up some bullshit.

OneSickPsycho 04-12-2010 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 360882)
who cares... can I see the rest of your AV pic?


Particle Man 04-12-2010 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 360899)
I just dont like telling them then they reply with "You're going to kill yourself on it"

"you'll shoot yer eye out, kid!"

karl_1052 04-13-2010 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by smileyman (Post 360916)
Or the obligatory 'I would ride one of em, but I'd only kill myself'.

I feel like killing everyone who says that, myself. If you would kill yourself on a motorcycle, you are obviously not competent enough to drive a car either, so take a bus home, idiot.:skep:

Dave 04-13-2010 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 360898)
I still don't see what the big deal is. You ride around on a race replica sportbike that's faster than most Ferrari's then I think "How fast you been on that thing" is a fair question.

quicker, not faster. Most bikes arent geared to reach f-car top speeds

Kaneman 04-13-2010 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 361343)
quicker, not faster. Most bikes arent geared to reach f-car top speeds

Thanks for clarifying that form me. This is my first year as a motorcyclist, so I'm still trying to learn the basics and stuff.

Which side is the clutch on again?

Krypt Keeper 04-13-2010 11:27 AM

I really don't know my top speed. I stopped looking down when I saw 165 blinking by on the speedo. I do know I let off the throttle about the same time the telephone poles started looking like a picket fence.

If someone asks me I just say I don't know, I do know that it does 76mph in 1st gear though.

The wheelie comments are lame, and asking me if you can ride my bike is damn hilarious.

Dave 04-13-2010 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 361347)
Thanks for clarifying that form me. This is my first year as a motorcyclist, so I'm still trying to learn the basics and stuff.

Which side is the clutch on again?

your right foot. Make sure you stomp really hard when you change up

Rider 04-13-2010 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 361371)
your right foot. Make sure you stomp really hard when you change up


karl_1052 04-13-2010 12:58 PM

I just tell people that mine is limited to 300km/h.

OreoGaborio 04-15-2010 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 361343)
quicker, not faster. Most bikes arent geared to reach f-car top speeds

It's about aerodynamics far more so than gearing. Bikes are aerodynamically dirty.

Anyway, to answer the original question, I usually give em a smirk & a wink and say "sixty fiiiiiive.... but I've done 150+ on the track". I don't really think it's all that retarded of a question.

And if people ask me to wheelie, given that the environment is safe, I have no problem lifting the front wheel for em. It's fun for me & fun for them, so why not?

Sixxxxer 04-15-2010 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 360882)
who cares... can I see the rest of your AV pic?

I dont have the rest...But here's the High Res...

NWS Son...

Smittie61984 04-15-2010 09:15 PM

I get gas mileage comments/questions more than anything. Or when I rode in 20degree weather people calling me crazy.

When I do get asked I just say "fast enough".

When my friends or other motorcycle people I know ask I tell them 155spedo (which is probaby 70mph on my bike).

ceo012384 04-16-2010 12:03 AM

Especially if they find out you race, then the first question is always how fast do you go.


Kaneman 04-16-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by ceo012384 (Post 362456)
Especially if they find out you race, then the first question is always how fast do you go.


Dummies? Isn't the whole entire point of racing to go fast? Again, seems like a perfectly legitimate question.

You guys are dicks. :lol: :lol: :lol:

ceo012384 04-16-2010 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 362777)
Dummies? Isn't the whole entire point of racing to go fast? Again, seems like a perfectly legitimate question.

You guys are dicks. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The front straight is where you take your nap at triple digit speeds, think about the turns coming up and where you think you can get the guy you're chasing...

a late brake deep into the turn, a 50 degree lean angle at 60mph, and a great drive out... that's the good part.

Kaneman 04-16-2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by ceo012384 (Post 362783)
The front straight is where you take your nap at triple digit speeds, think about the turns coming up and where you think you can get the guy you're chasing...

a late brake deep into the turn, a 50 degree lean angle at 60mph, and a great drive out... that's the good part.

Awesome dude, you're part of the 3% of the population who has taken a fast vehicle onto a race track. Congratulations.

Race = Speed. "How fast have you been," is therefore an entirely reasonable question.

OreoGaborio 04-16-2010 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by ceo012384 (Post 362456)
Especially if they find out you race, then the first question is always how fast do you go.



Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 362777)
Dummies? Isn't the whole entire point of racing to go fast? Again, seems like a perfectly legitimate question.

You guys are dicks. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Originally Posted by ceo012384 (Post 362783)
The front straight is where you take your nap at triple digit speeds, think about the turns coming up and where you think you can get the guy you're chasing...

a late brake deep into the turn, a 50 degree lean angle at 60mph, and a great drive out... that's the good part.


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 362786)
Awesome dude, you're part of the 3% of the population who has taken a fast vehicle onto a race track. Congratulations.

Race = Speed. "How fast have you been," is therefore an entirely reasonable question.

I'm with stupid.... and by stupid, I mean both of you.

(not saying you're both stupid, just saying I agree with both of you................... well...... Chris CAN be pretty stupid sometimes.)

Mr Lefty 04-16-2010 08:46 PM

it's stpid and annoying... they ASSume that because you have a motorcycle that you MUST ride fast... it's just as dumb as asking every Vette or any other sports car driver how fast they drive it.

or asking any one who owns a gun how many people they've killed?

shit I get asked what plane's I fly if I say I'm in the Air Force... :wtf:

ceo012384 04-16-2010 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 362786)
Awesome dude, you're part of the 3% of the population who has taken a fast vehicle onto a race track. Congratulations.

Race = Speed. "How fast have you been," is therefore an entirely reasonable question.

You don't have to be a wiseass, I'm just agreeing with the OP and making a point.

And no, race does not equal speed, race equals competition.

My motard probably doesn't even top 100mph.

The 20 year old EX500's that race in ptwins probably barely hit 85 on the front straight. And they have some of the most competitive racing on the track.

Originally Posted by eBBs15 (Post 362797)
it's stpid and annoying... they ASSume that because you have a motorcycle that you MUST ride fast... it's just as dumb as asking every Vette or any other sports car driver how fast they drive it.

or asking any one who owns a gun how many people they've killed?

shit I get asked what plane's I fly if I say I'm in the Air Force... :wtf:


And Pete is dumb. I want to buzz half his goatee off in his sleep.

OreoGaborio 04-17-2010 01:18 AM

I just want you to be near me when I sleep

Ya can't expect people who don't know what racing is all about to know what racing is all about.

If it makes ya feel any better, you go a lot faster on that R6 than I can go on my SV. Imagine their disappointment when I tell em my bike tops out somewhere around a buck 30

Full Throttle 04-17-2010 02:05 AM

I pretty much tell them. I know they are anxious to hear and well since its a 250 they are thinking lower than its actual capabilities so i surprise them a bit. I know 115 isnt anything to really brag about but when they think its only able to do 90-100 then they are surprised. I sometime tell girls its slower than it looks then got them the bike and screech down the Interstate at 100+

askmrjesus 04-17-2010 09:45 AM

My standard answer:

"I was five-foot eight when I left the house, and now I'm 6'2", so, pretty goddamn fast."


Kaneman 04-17-2010 09:51 AM

Its the same thing as a girl with big tits wearing a shirt that showcases them and then getting pissed when you check them out.

And CEO, you're wrong, I do have to be a wiseass. But the point I was making is that the vast majority of people don't know anything about motorcycle racing. I was hoping to convey that point through my jokey sarcasm without having to type it out in specifics. Damn.

askmrjesus 04-17-2010 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 362865)
Its the same thing as a girl with big tits wearing a shirt that showcases them and then getting pissed when you check them out.

I'm with you on this one. The vast majority of people know jack about motorcycles, (including a lot of people who ride them), so being annoyed by stupid questions is an exercise in futility.

People, by and large, are blithering idiots. This is a known fact. :lol:

What I do find annoying, are the dweebs who ask about my bike, and then proceed to tell me their fucking life's story.

"I had a bike just like that a long time ago, (no you didn't) it was real fast, (no it wasn't) but mine was red (good for you) I had to sell it 'cause my wife didn't like it (she married you, how smart can she be?) and now I have a bad knee so I don't ride anymore (yet, ironically, your mouth still functions perfectly) but it sure was fun (yeah, big fun, any other information you think I need to know?)."


Kaneman 04-17-2010 10:41 AM

Right on, I get that people are idiots. Remember, Jon and Kate was a popular show.

But what I hate someone trying to make me feel like an idiot while I'm trying to learn something new. Fucking elitists.

Mr Lefty 04-17-2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 362878)
Right on, I get that people are idiots. Remember, Jon and Kate was a popular show.

But what I hate someone trying to make me feel like an idiot while I'm trying to learn something new. Fucking elitists.

they're not trying to find something out... they're just trying to shoot the shit.

come over and say "what's up... " and ask... but don't lead in with a question about how fast it goes...

to use your example about the chick with big tits... it'd be like going up to her to introduce yourself and just saying straight out the gate... do you like it when guys pull your hair while they fuck you from behind?

great... that might get someone to give you the info... but don't expect that it's not gonna annoy most you ask.

Kaneman 04-17-2010 02:33 PM

The sole purpose of a sportbike is to go fast. That's what they're designed for. Every iota of engineering that is put into it is designed to make it faster. Every ounce of weight reduction, every Nm of torque....that's what they do. Go as fast as possible for as little money as possible. Do you absolutely have to go fast on a sportbike just because you own one, no of course not.

However, it still seems like a very fair question to me. If I drove an indy car or Ferrari around I'd expect the same question..."How fast have you been on it"

There's nothing wrong with someone trying to shoot the shit. Asking "what's up" is a generic question that is a complete waste of my time. If they ask me, "How fast ya been"..well at least that's a specific question and it means we'll be talking about motorcycles.

People are curious about things they haven't experienced. The vast majority of people have never been over 100mph on a motorcycle. Now, that's not to say there's something wrong with you giving a smartass answer like Zoomie's...but you don't have to be a total dick about it. You know?

Mr Lefty 04-17-2010 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 362915)
The sole purpose of a sportbike is to go fast. That's what they're designed for. Every iota of engineering that is put into it is designed to make it faster. Every ounce of weight reduction, every Nm of torque....that's what they do. Go as fast as possible for as little money as possible. Do you absolutely have to go fast on a sportbike just because you own one, no of course not.

However, it still seems like a very fair question to me. If I drove an indy car or Ferrari around I'd expect the same question..."How fast have you been on it"

There's nothing wrong with someone trying to shoot the shit. Asking "what's up" is a generic question that is a complete waste of my time. If they ask me, "How fast ya been"..well at least that's a specific question and it means we'll be talking about motorcycles.

People are curious about things they haven't experienced. The vast majority of people have never been over 100mph on a motorcycle. Now, that's not to say there's something wrong with you giving a smartass answer like Zoomie's...but you don't have to be a total dick about it. You know?

I know what ya mean... I'm not a dick about it... not even the questions about riding it... but they do get annoying... and if your trying to start a conversation... stupid... may not seem like it from their stand point... but it makes my "squid wanabe" radar go off... ya know?

to be honest that's was one of the things I HATED about riding a sport bike... everyone asked me how fast or if I'd wheelie for them... just attracted a lot of idiots... (apparent by how many idiots own them)

The DRZ I get asked if it's road legal... (dumb question again.. considering I have blinkers mirrors and above all a license plate!) how far I can ride on a tank (good question) and others like where I've been...

I think for most people it's not being asked a question... it's just being asked probably the most squidly question available... cept for maybe will you wheelie?

Sixxxxer 04-17-2010 04:44 PM

I have no problem talking about what I've done and how far I can ride on my bike...Its that question that just irrks me...I dunno why.

HokieDNA01 04-17-2010 06:10 PM

Well I got a new one today at a red light. "Hey Baby, nice bike you got there! What is it?" GSXr750 "sweet how much does it weight?" um about 400wet "No Baby I said, How much do you weigh???" Um 120ish. "Damn Baby thats nice!"

WTF????? I was waiting for him to ask bra size next.

Mr Lefty 04-17-2010 07:33 PM

any time I've asked a woman how much she weighs that wasn't required by my job I've got cussed out. :lol:

Dave 04-17-2010 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 362945)
Well I got a new one today at a red light. "Hey Baby, nice bike you got there! What is it?" GSXr750 "sweet how much does it weight?" um about 400wet "No Baby I said, How much do you weigh???" Um 120ish. "Damn Baby thats nice!"

WTF????? I was waiting for him to ask bra size next.

that guys probably jerking it to your memory right now lol

Particle Man 04-17-2010 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 362945)
Well I got a new one today at a red light. "Hey Baby, nice bike you got there! What is it?" GSXr750 "sweet how much does it weight?" um about 400wet "No Baby I said, How much do you weigh???" Um 120ish. "Damn Baby thats nice!"

WTF????? I was waiting for him to ask bra size next.

that's a brave man :lol:

derf 04-17-2010 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 362945)
Well I got a new one today at a red light. "Hey Baby, nice bike you got there! What is it?" GSXr750 "sweet how much does it weight?" um about 400wet "No Baby I said, How much do you weigh???" Um 120ish. "Damn Baby thats nice!"

WTF????? I was waiting for him to ask bra size next.

Ok so having read this, I find myself thinking, what is wrong with this? Why didnt it work? It sounds like a good pick up line to me. Why didnt it work? Women like this kind of shit. What is wrong with you anyway?

fasternyou929 04-17-2010 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 362915)
People are curious about things they haven't experienced. The vast majority of people have never been over 100mph on a motorcycle. Now, that's not to say there's something wrong with you giving a smartass answer like Zoomie's...but you don't have to be a total dick about it. You know?

Glad someone said it!

Man, there are some uptight people on this board. Time to give the panties a twist in a new direction.

I hope nobody in this thread drives a truck and has to deal with all those pesky kids asking them to honk their horn. Oh, the humanity!! :lol:

Kaneman 04-17-2010 11:34 PM

defector 04-17-2010 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 362945)
How much do you weigh???" Um 120ish.

Is that wet or dry?

Mr Lefty 04-17-2010 11:38 PM

That is a Huge Manatee

wonder how fast he goes... :idk:

Archren 04-17-2010 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 362864)
My standard answer:

"I was five-foot eight when I left the house, and now I'm 6'2", so, pretty goddamn fast."


:lmao: I'm gonna have to remember that one.


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 362871)
I'm with you on this one. The vast majority of people know jack about motorcycles, (including a lot of people who ride them), so being annoyed by stupid questions is an exercise in futility.

People, by and large, are blithering idiots. This is a known fact. :lol:

What I do find annoying, are the dweebs who ask about my bike, and then proceed to tell me their fucking life's story.

"I had a bike just like that a long time ago, (no you didn't) it was real fast, (no it wasn't) but mine was red (good for you) I had to sell it 'cause my wife didn't like it (she married you, how smart can she be?) and now I have a bad knee so I don't ride anymore (yet, ironically, your mouth still functions perfectly) but it sure was fun (yeah, big fun, any other information you think I need to know?)."



Cruzergirl 04-18-2010 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 362945)
Well I got a new one today at a red light. "Hey Baby, nice bike you got there! What is it?" GSXr750 "sweet how much does it weight?" um about 400wet "No Baby I said, How much do you weigh???" Um 120ish. "Damn Baby thats nice!"

WTF????? I was waiting for him to ask bra size next.

Haven't heard those questions yet... I have heard "That's a big bike for such a little girl!" Geez people, really?

To stay on topic... I like the conversation starter. People are interested and that is an easy question. No problem...98mph... then, my next favorite question..."Weren't you scared?" :lol

Sixxxxer 04-18-2010 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 362945)
Well I got a new one today at a red light. "Hey Baby, nice bike you got there! What is it?" GSXr750 "sweet how much does it weight?" um about 400wet "No Baby I said, How much do you weigh???" Um 120ish. "Damn Baby thats nice!"

WTF????? I was waiting for him to ask bra size next.

So what is your bra size ;)

HokieDNA01 04-18-2010 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by defector (Post 363011)
Is that wet or dry?

I'm just hoping the guy didn't think I weighed 400lbs wet. Lol. I looked a little confused then just laughed.

I really need to get a helmet cam with sound so you guys can hear the things that gets said to women riders. Some of it is hilarious.

racedoll 04-18-2010 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by fasternyou929 (Post 363004)
Glad someone said it!

Man, there are some uptight people on this board. Time to give the panties a twist in a new direction.

I hope nobody in this thread drives a truck and has to deal with all those pesky kids asking them to honk their horn. Oh, the humanity!! :lol:

I don't think that some of care we are asked, it is just the number of times we get asked the same question that gets annoying.

I HATE going back to work after being on vacation because every damn person wants to know, "how was vacation"? Just gets really annoying when you know they are making small talk and are asked by every other person you see. I usually respond with, "how is any time out of this place"? DUH! :wtfru:

t-homo 04-18-2010 11:51 PM

My most hated question ever is when I go back to my hometown, EVERY SINGLE person will ask me how school is going.

Dave 04-19-2010 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 363087)
So what is your bra size ;)


racedoll 04-19-2010 09:55 PM

I was asked this question tonight. I was polite and told him the truth. I laughed and thought about this thread as I answered him.

Dnyce 04-19-2010 10:58 PM

just tell em "dude i just broke the sound barrier!" then fart and claim it was a sonic boom

z06boy 04-20-2010 09:50 AM

My real answer...

It doesn't really bother me...I just consider it conversation. If they ask how fast will it go I tell them around 180 mph. If they ask how fast I've gone on it...well that depends on who's asking. I tell some the truth and some I don't. :idk:

My smartazz/squid I don't really own this t-shirt however...

Dnyce 04-23-2010 02:33 AM

i want that shirt ! lol

is it just me or does that look like a gsxr?

Particle Man 04-23-2010 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by z06boy (Post 363758)
My real answer...

It doesn't really bother me...I just consider it conversation. If they ask how fast will it go I tell them around 180 mph. If they ask how fast I've gone on it...well that depends on who's asking. I tell some the truth and some I don't. :idk:

My smartazz/squid I don't really own this t-shirt however...

:lol: I like it

HokieDNA01 04-23-2010 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dnyce (Post 365269)
i want that shirt ! lol

is it just me or does that look like a gsxr?

Looks like a GSXr 1000 from the headlight hump, tail section and higher mounted exhaust

Dave 04-23-2010 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 365458)
Looks like a GSXr 1000 from the headlight hump, tail section and higher mounted exhaust

its a third gen zx10

Smittie61984 04-23-2010 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by z06boy (Post 363758)

My smartazz/squid I don't really own this t-shirt however...

600mph wheelies FTW!!!

Amber Lamps 04-25-2010 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by racedoll (Post 363212)
I don't think that some of care we are asked, it is just the number of times we get asked the same question that gets annoying.

I HATE going back to work after being on vacation because every damn person wants to know, "how was vacation"? Just gets really annoying when you know they are making small talk and are asked by every other person you see. I usually respond with, "how is any time out of this place"? DUH! :wtfru:

My gf rides her bike to class so she gets a TON of dumb ass questions shot at her every day. It comes with the territory I guess...:idk:

Amber Lamps 04-25-2010 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 362945)
Well I got a new one today at a red light. "Hey Baby, nice bike you got there! What is it?" GSXr750 "sweet how much does it weight?" um about 400wet "No Baby I said, How much do you weigh???" Um 120ish. "Damn Baby thats nice!"

WTF????? I was waiting for him to ask bra size next.

How tall are you?

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