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derf 09-28-2010 01:41 AM

Modular/flip front helmets
Anyone have any experience with any specific model?

I've been looking at the Scorpion, Nolan, and HJC lines, so far leaning toward the scorpion because I know they fit on my head

Particle Man 09-28-2010 07:50 AM

I have the CL-MAXX and I like it. It's a bit noisy but a decent set of earplugs or earbuds change that. I also find it heavier than the newer HJC modular helmets - I will probably be replacing it with another, newer, HJC modular come summer.

CrazyKell 09-28-2010 11:30 AM

I love Scorpions because they don't fog.

Cue the arai/shoei fanboys saying you get what you pay for and what's your head worth ANY minute. :lmao:

azoomm 09-28-2010 11:39 AM

Look at NEXX. They are much lighter than other modular helmets, and provide chin protection even when the front flips up...

Mr Lefty 09-28-2010 12:10 PM

I personally will be going with the Nolan Air...

The Euro version with the top vents... not the dumbed down stateside version.

Amber Lamps 09-28-2010 02:00 PM

The Shark Evoline lids are nice AND for all you cheap skates they can be had for around $300 .

tommymac 09-28-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyKell (Post 412342)
I love Scorpions because they don't fog.

Cue the arai/shoei fanboys saying you get what you pay for and what's your head worth ANY minute. :lmao:

my shoei fogs in cooler temps so i cant say much. The shark I have doesnt so I wear that in the colder months.

I think as a whole the flip up lids are more noisy that a regular full face.

Mikey 09-28-2010 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 412415)
The Shark Evoline lids are nice AND for all you cheap skates they can be had for around $300 .

$300 != cheap. :td:

Curb 09-28-2010 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 412415)
The Shark Evoline lids are nice AND for all you cheap skates they can be had for around $300 .


Originally Posted by Mikey (Post 412422)
$300 != cheap. :td:

These are actually the only modular helmets that are approved to be ridden with the chin bar up. No other modular is rated for it. I sell about 2 a week at the shop.

As far as price goes they retail for $399, and I have no problem getting that price...for what it offers it is worth every penny!

azoomm 09-28-2010 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Curb (Post 412428)
These are actually the only modular helmets that are approved to be ridden with the chin bar up. No other modular is rated for it. I sell about 2 a week at the shop.

As far as price goes they retail for $399, and I have no problem getting that price...for what it offers it is worth every penny!


[specifically: ]

The Shark Evoline is an interesting new helmet design that may be welcomed by some motorcycle riders. But in the end, we're not sure the complexity and weight is worth it -- the helmet doesn't seem to have an overwhelming advantage. We don't recall ever wanting to convert a flip-up helmet to an open-face version, but we'll leave that up to the touring riders.

Also, although the Evoline has decent sized ear pockets, installing an intercom system with speakers and a microphone may be problematic, and this issue will affect touring riders most, and they are presumably the target market for the helmet.

The Nexx X30 is definitely different and unique. It's good to see a helmet manufacturer pushing the envelope in an industry that generally takes either a conservative or a "follow the leader" approach.

While the styling and the functionality may not be for everyone, the X30 brings a difference that may be relished by others. And it's also wonderful to have such a unique helmet available in North America.

In the past, potential owners would have to source their interesting helmet finds from far away retailers, with all the hassles of shipping costs, language barriers and parts and service issues. Not to mention potential DOT safety standard problems.

I very much like the X30; it's comfortable, great-looking and surely gives me a unique look!

Amber Lamps 09-28-2010 11:31 PM

Helmet Fight!!!

Oh yea? Well is your lid Snell approved because the Shark is ECE certified...nyahh !i

azoomm 09-28-2010 11:40 PM


And the arai costs more, so it MUST be better than both of them. I mean, how many times have you heard "how much is your head worth?"

derf 09-29-2010 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 412611)
Helmet Fight!!!

Oh yea? Well is your lid Snell approved because the Shark is ECE certified...nyahh !i

Nobody wants to see you in a helmet fight.

Seriously those helmets look cool, the Nolan Air, NEXX and the evoline are definately neeto cool beans helmets, but they just look a little too much out there for me. I was looking at something more simple that I can flip up on hot days or when I'm just sitting there. I really dont need all those crazy features that are cool, but I would never use.

I think I'm back where I started with the HJC, Scorpion, or Nolan traditional flip front helmets. In fact the scorpion is at the top of my list because tehy fit much better than most other helmets I have worn, although I havnt yet tried on the HJC or nolan modulars

Amber Lamps 09-29-2010 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 412613)

And the arai costs more, so it MUST be better than both of them. I mean, how many times have you heard "how much is your head worth?"

Oh no I'm not saying more money=more better... I'm saying I've owned both Scorpion lids and Shark lids and Shark is better regardless of price.

Amber Lamps 09-29-2010 07:59 PM

Oh and I believe that review was for the first generation Evoline not the current model... dirty so and so!!!!!!!:lol:

Good try!

Nothing but love baby!!!:rockwoot:

Razor 09-30-2010 04:11 AM

Scorpion EXO 900... Bought one back a few months ago and I love it. Very little wind noise, aviator visor definately a plus... could use a little better ventilation but still not a problem even down here in the dirty (not to mention hot and damn humid) South...

Gas Man 09-30-2010 09:41 AM

I have a Nolan regular modular. Simply feels like the best quality helmet I've ever touched. Way nicer than any Arai or other high end super bike helmet. The fit and finish is superior.

Other thing to consider. When I bought the Nolan I bought it for quality feel and also if you put the helmet under your arm and squeeze it front to back. The spot where the flip latches doesn't bulge like many others. So therefore IMO less likely to fail if you ever tried to get your head squished or face plant.

Further, the latches were all metal on both side of the latch. Another piece that made me feel that it wouldn't come apart in a crash.

derf 09-30-2010 07:09 PM

I bought the HJC, $75, somebody stole the pads out of it and they sold it to me as is without the pads. The store down the street had the pads for $15.

Overall its not bad, the vents are positioned really funky and I dont see it being too good at letting air in and out, other than that it seems pretty solid, locks good, stays up, the glass didnt fog when i breathed on it hard. I'm gonna take it for a ride before I give it a full review but so far for the priice I got a good deal

Switch 09-30-2010 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyKell (Post 412342)
I love Scorpions because they don't fog.
what's your head worth ANY minute. :lmao:

Some asshole said this to me today as I was shopping for a new helmet and was looking at Scorpions.

Trip 09-30-2010 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by eBBs15 (Post 412367)
I personally will be going with the Nolan Air...

The Euro version with the top vents... not the dumbed down stateside version.

there should be an age limit for that helmet, 86 would be a good number. GAY

Mr Lefty 09-30-2010 09:04 PM

damn... guess I can't buy it... didn't pass the Trip approval...

back to the search...

Particle Man 09-30-2010 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 413127)
I bought the HJC, $75, somebody stole the pads out of it and they sold it to me as is without the pads. The store down the street had the pads for $15.

Overall its not bad, the vents are positioned really funky and I dont see it being too good at letting air in and out, other than that it seems pretty solid, locks good, stays up, the glass didnt fog when i breathed on it hard. I'm gonna take it for a ride before I give it a full review but so far for the priice I got a good deal


Trip 09-30-2010 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by eBBs15 (Post 413149)
damn... guess I can't buy it... didn't pass the Trip approval...

back to the search...

good :nee:

derf 10-01-2010 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Particle Man (Post 413155)

IS Max. Overall they say its a better helmet than their more expensive offerings, but the visor could use some work, the article says the vents dont work, but looking at reviews online folks say it does work so I'll have to try it out and see for myself.

Particle Man 10-01-2010 09:44 AM

Forgot about the IS Max. Congrats

Amber Lamps 10-01-2010 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Particle Man (Post 413273)
Forgot about the IS Max. Congrats

I'm just glad that he's replacing that GAY ass helmet he had before!!!:pebbs:
That baby SCREAMED +1 :lol:

fnfalman 10-02-2010 03:40 PM

I'd own the Shark Evoline or Shark anything in a heartbeat. Alas none of those Froggy helmets fit my round head.

I have a Shoei Multitec that I use for commutting and the previous commutting helmet Nolan N102 that I now left in New Mexico for use whenever I'm home.

The Nolan N102's round shape is not very aerodynamic at all and you get a lot of drag & buffeting. The rubber neck flap is nice for keeping the noggin warm during the colder days. Venting isn't all that shit hot. The externally mounted dark visor is a good idea but lousy execution. It's hard to clean the inside of it because of the clear main visor. And talk about difficulty taking the damn visors apart for cleaning or replacing...very little thought put into maintenance and services. Makes Arai's visor changing procedure look like a walk in the park. The Nolan N30 half helmet also isn't all that shit hot with quality of fit & finish either. I don't think that Nolan believes in sound insulation. Both Nolan helmets are noisier than hell. Earplugs are a must.

The Shoei Multitec is more streamlined with the shape. The chin curtain does a great job of keeping cold air out but not as good as the Nolan's neck flap. It's hard to describe but everything on that helmet oozes typical Shoei quality. The chin bar flip-up lever works really well. It locks down solidly with none of the rattle associated with the Nolan.

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