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It's happening elsewhere and coming to your street.
Well unless you live in the south... then :gofurslf:
The white flying stuff is in flight and on it's way. Well we all know that the temps dropped the heck out right after turkey day. My father in law has gotten solid snow fall the past 2 weekends up near Mancelona. He just got another 10" this weekend. The other day we had our first dusting. So with mornings like today at 22* on my way to work, and highs not clearing above freezing... It is time... once again. I will have the bike given it's last wash of the year. Bringing it back into work today to do in the heated garage. Wash, clay, wax, seafoam. Then back to the house for oil change. I sad... |
Last night the weather girl said she was expecting 8 inches. I thought to myself, "yeah, right...not with a face like that!"
ill still ride to work untill the shit gets regular :lol: really wish i still had the cm, it was far more suited to this kind of weather. :lol |
we r getting flurries now
Nothing here yet, lows are just below freezing and still hitting the mid 40's durring the day. its only a matter of time though.
Nothing in jersey yet...Although I want it to so I can bust out my New Truck on the White Stuff
its not sticking here, but it is about 2 countys over
So I wrangled Cave into the project for his bike's benifit. If I don't he'll never do it. I swear I'm his only motivation at times! :D We left the house, got to the gas station to add seafoam & top off the tanks. Then rode to my work where we commenced washing the bikes in the heated garage and nice warm water. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l3...Service008.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l3...Service009.jpg We washed, clay bar, and waxed both of them. Then take a 115mph jaunt down the highway, to flush the seafoamed gas thru the system and get the ole bikes warm. Back to my house for simotaneous oil changes. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l3...Service016.jpg Each bike runs 4qrts in the motor, 1qrt 6oz in the primary, and 1 qrt in the trans. However, when I run the oil scavenger (to flush the motor & oil pump with fresh oil) it takes another 1.5 qrts to do that. So basically 8qrts per bike. You end up with a pile!! http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l3...Service022.jpg Many hours later both bikes are done, Cave's at his house and mine all tucked in for her winter nap. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l3...Service033.jpg Now all buttoned up.. both bikes. Plus they learned how to share space with the wife's car. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l3...Service034.jpg Stay tuned for the start of the modifications for the ultra... nothing too much, but I can't let the Nightster get all the attention. |
we got 4 inches of snow on Sat morning. I hate shoveling. the first snow I usually shovel because the gravel isn't froze in place yet and the snowblower acts more like a machine gun. good thing the drive is only 175 feet long and two cars wide.
only 4 more months to go until we thaw out again...................right? |
In the south and it was 19 degrees this morning and today's high about 35...hate it...but no snow.
Had a dusting of snow over the weekend...not really even a dusting thoughto be honest. :lol: |
I went from 80 degree orlando weather to 20s and snow in tennessee. I want to move to florida for the winter.
Sunny and 75 today. You guys can keep that snow.
56 degrees in south florida.....lows are dipping into the lower 30's tonight.
We got about 14" of snow overnight. :dthumb: Now the wind has to stop so a base can set or else all the fluffy snow will blow away. Once a base sets, we can get more snow and REALLY have fun. |
This place would be shut down with 14" of snow. Actually make that 4" of snow most likely. :lol:
They close schools here if the forcast is for a light dusting :tremble: 2" would cause schools to be closed for 3 days |
only a few schools closed here - because a plow broke down :lol;
...and DON'T even try to buy any bread or milk anytime after the first time the weather man mentions the possibility of snow on TV. :lol
oh, so its like if there's a possibility of a hurricane here? Mass craziness? I almost got elbowed for a loaf of bread right before Wilma hit. I let the 90 year old have it.:lol::lol: |
I planned it perfectly. 36hrs later salt all over the roads.
Today, snow all over the car. Not much but still. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l3...TMwMS5qcGc.jpg |
Since we don't snow mobiles here, ya'll can keep the powder. It's fun for awhile but it gets old real quick driving on it.
:rofl: People are a trip !! At least I know it isn't just around here now. :lol: |
Turns out the blade doesn't like starting in 30 degree weather. Now I'm walking to the train :lol:
There was enough snow that I went out in the field and all people could see was my head moving through the snow - the sled was totally burried :lol:
What is this thing you call snow?
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:rockwoot: |
Who still uses bitmaps? :eek:
Josh, please refer to my opening sentance...
Face down, ass up and I'd hit it...TWICE!!! |
We got a couple feet last week.
http://prtclmn001.smugmug.com/Other/...06_EnH6Q-L.jpg http://prtclmn001.smugmug.com/Other/...65_2UhLm-L.jpg And then it rained over the weekend and it's all freaking gone again. :rant: |
We got an ass load of rain all sat-sun morning when it turned to snow. What's tt equal? Ice under a bunch of drifting snow. What's tt equal? Yep, shit driving conditions. Coupled with said big power car. What's tt equal? Nearly not making it up the driveway at work sunday night. I'm talking 4th gear 80mph (indicated) to crawl up the said driveway. F'in miserable. High today..... Wait for it...... 10* with a NEGATIVE 8* wind chill.
GD I hate winter!!!!! |
We got the remnants of that storm, got maybe an inch of snow and it dropped into the 20's.
Snow is pretty...for a day, usually all it lasts around here :D
No winterizing my bike, like Troy said, that random 70F day is right around the corner and I'll be out enjoying it :boobs: |
It was 81 wednesday. Today slight snow.
Throw it in second, let the wheels slowly gain momentum. |
Wasn't happening... I tried.
looks like we will dodge anothe rbullet with the storm comming up the coast. May hit the east end of LI but most of it will be over the ocean
We had snow friday & saturday. They're calling for more on tuesday night/ wednesday so I guess it'll be March before I can ride again :skep:
its going to get real here...
They're predicting gloom and doom here too. I call bullshit. I'll believe it when I see it.
We've had more snow since Feb '10 than we've had in the previous 10 yrs total. They're predicting 3+ inches where I'm at tonight and tomorrow and more north of here. 6+ in some of the NE mountains...shit's getting old, I want some riding weather!!
I had off from class today, and I have off tomorrow. It's awkward because it's just a couple inches, but at the same time I'm happy because I don't feel like doing any of that shit.
Another 8-10 inches tomorrow. Fucking yay.
2-5 today
supposed to start tonight and go through tomorrow. I am going to spend the night up at the job site barring any OB emergencies. be stupid traveling 50 plus miles in the storm to only get up mad early, dig out and come right back.
It finally hit single digit temp last night. Should again tonight.
still just a light freakin' dusting here. :rant:
Should melt away hopefully this afternoon...woke up to about 5 inches or so on Monday and then a layer of ice on Tuesday which always sucks.
I am the only one that's made it into the office each day. I think I'll take Friday off and let some of the stay at homers cover. :lol Yea I know 5 inches is isn't anything to a lot of you but around here with not much snow moving equipment plus the ice...plus the fact that many people around here can't drive worth a flip...yep it gets pretty bad. :lol: I actually enjoy it so I have a reason to pop the Jeep into 4x4. :rofl: I throw on the YakTrax so I have NO problem walking around either...those things are worth their weight in gold !! http://www.labsafety.com/images/xl/Y...LBVG134432.jpg |
We have a fresh 18 inches here , but as noted we are used to it. Well go to go shovel a path to the Hot tub!
z06. I have a similar pair of trax for my boots.
My company uses them and recommends Stabilicer Lite™ manufactured by 32north Corporation - www.32north.com. I have a pair at work and bought with my own money a pair for home, cause they are that good. I got them off ebay for cheaper but here they are http://yhst-38740193578973.stores.yahoo.net/lite1.html |
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I moved to Georgia for this..?
I think it's awesome. It's like there is no where sacred anymore in the united states.
It's FINALLY fucking snowing.
I saw on the news today that every state minus Florida currently has snow.
We got 4 inches yesterday, and expecting another 2-3 over the weekend. |
Fuck snow.
:fu2: That is all. |
Posted: 01/11/2011 Last Updated: 5 hours and 28 minutes ago * By: Gregg Burrage TAMPA - According to meteorologists around the nation, Florida is the only state in the entire country without snow right now. After big snow and ice events in the Southeast, Plains, and Midwest this week, 49 out of the 50 states currently have snow on the ground – yes, even Hawaii, where snow falls in Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea all winter. The only state that has avoided this icy blast is Florida. Does that make you want to go on a nice, warm vacation to the Sunshine State? You're not alone. |
That just goes to show that God appreciates all the old people lining up in "God's waiting room" aka Florida.
Yep that dayum Global Warming !! :lol
This happened on the parking deck of my county's courthouse during our "big" snow a few weeks ago:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKRz2WThyf0 |
:eek: holy crap - what happened?
We got 12" yesterday. They were calling for 4-6. Dumbass's.
Calling for 58 Saturday...fire the bikes up !! :rockwoot:
Of course I'm supposed to go check out some dogs which will eat up part of the day but I couldn't do it last weekend and can't do it next weekend.. :willy: |
AT least the Gun Show is in Winston this weekend :rockwoot: When's the big one down there Randy? |
Looks like the next one is the weekend of February 19th-21st. There was a different gun show in town last weekend but I got a text while at the EasyRiders Bike Show and was told not to waste my time so we didn't even check it out. Hope you get over the cold soon...not fun !! Now they're saying 59 tomorrow and 61 on Sunday !! I know I didn't "need" these :lol: but ordered them right after the wacko shot up the people in Arizona recently and figured they would be banned soon...two 31 round mags for my .40 cal. Glock. They arrived the other day so I took a pic... http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k1...IMG_0035-1.jpg |
:rofl: :rofl: Guess I need to order the drum for the 12 gauge !! Just kidding but I will probably order some other stuff...just because. :lol:
talk of another potentially big storm on tues/wed next week, is it spring yet :lol:
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