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Georgia to have motorcycle checkpoints?
The e-mail below is making it's rounds on the net...Anybody know if it's true?
-----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 12:14 PM Subject: Georgia: IMPORTANT: Motorcycle Checkpoints to begin in March Subject: PRESS RELEASE FOR,IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION: Motorcycle Checkpoints to begin in March As many of you know, the State of Georgia received $70,000.00 from the NSTB for Motorcycle ONLY Safety Check Points. They will stop all Motorcycles at these Check Points. We were informed by unnamed sources that the Check Points would start in early March to coincide with The Daytona Bike Week Event. Most points of entry to Florida will be involved. We are anticipating them to start March 3rd in order to take advantage of the additional flow of Motorcycle traffic thru our State. I was told that the officers conducting the safety check points have been trained in what to check for so be sure you, you paper work and your bike are in order. We understand that this is just a way to increase revenues so do all you can to avoid adding to the state funds. There are many who Trailer into Georgia and ride into Florida from here. You may wish to change your plans and trailer on through to Florida. Dan Forrest, State Director of A.B.A.T.E. Georgia |
Sounds like an urban myth started by someone in Ga who doesn't like the sound of 50k hardley-ever-runs potatoing thru their state :idk:
But it's lit up the net, that's for sure |
AMA got involved when they did that in NY state, they would set up durring events like americade and reel everyone in. NYC hwys been doing it for a few years but has been keeping under the radar.
I avoided NYC at all cost with zx11 due to the exhaust. Now that I have a stock bike I avoid NYC because of all the snow and crazy croatians. And potholes...and the lack of curves
I did find this...It's about 6 months old...Regardless of its age, it proves that the funding program is out there :(
Congress members ask to suspend funding for motorcycle-only checkpoints |
Found these on the Abate website...Looks like this is real...
Welcome to YOUR NEW ABATE of Georgia! Welcome to YOUR NEW ABATE of Georgia! http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1112/46936340.jpg http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/6200/55002943.jpg |
Gee, it's bad enough that DeKalb County (part of metro Atlanta) does their "100 days of summer" every year, and picks on the riders. I'm sure the county cops up in the mountains (White and Lumpkin Counties) will take full advantage of this opportunity.
Sounds like the NJSP Email that goes around every year saying there cracking down on speeding and paying every cop OT to do so.
Yeah, there chopping off Cops here like crazy...Kinda sad if you think about it.
They'll always get speeders though. |
As long as speed cameras dont show up round here...
Seems the cop unions screwed themselves by not making concessions so guys lost their jobs. |
It's real...funded by NTSB
http://www.cyrilhuzeblog.com/2011/02...ona-bike-week/ And my response there as well as here now Any check point is a violation of your 4th amendment rights to privacy. They are stopping you with no probable cause and you have done nothing illegal to warrant the stop. That is why they are illegal in Michigan (where I live). I will never get out of my car unless I’m being detained for something. If then, get out of your car/truck and lock your doors, they have no reason to search your interior and tell them you don’t condone a search without a warrant. If you’re on your bike, make sure all your bags are locked, then lock your steering and ignition. You have to take a stand for your basic rights before the liberals take them away. |
If it makes you feel better, round here the check points check sportbikes only. You cruiser guys get a free pass |
Someone breaks into a house or a car and steels shit and it will never get solved... but ride a motorcycle 1 fucking mile per hour over the limit and WHAM, you're fucked.
:whatwhat: Profiling of a different sort huh ? That just sucks. I hope they don't start that crap here. What are they checking for...everything ? Exhaust decibels...even reflectors and such ? I think that's all that I may get hit for...everything else is legit I believe. We have a yearly State safety inspection already and I pass that. |
The LIE checkpoints were a joke. If a sportbike, they wouldn't even check decibels or anything. If it looked like aftermarket, you got a ticket. If anything looked "changed" or non oem you got a ticket. If nothing looked outta place they would breakout the book and check for anything they got you on. Cruisers...gotcha license? Ok move along. I saw a custom cruiser with nos kit installed straight pipes...i think it had two 14 year old Philippine prostitutes tied to the beer kegs attached to the saddle bags.... Cop said "Nice ride" and waved him along. Guy never even had a chance to turn the bike off. Meanwhile I had been sitting there for at least 15 minutes waiting on the guy to come back with my info. |
I would have went ballistic paul
Motorcycle Checkpoints: American Bikers Need Not Deal with the Devil to Defeat Them
Motorcycle Checkpoints: American Bikers Need Not Deal with the Devil to Defeat Them
In their release entitled "11NR09 - MRF News Release - United States House of Representatives Bill to Prohibit Funding for Motorcycle Checkpoints" ( http://bit.ly/gxCy7x ) the Motorcycle Riders Foundation implies that American bikers should KISS Fascist Fat Jim Sensenbrenner's a*s so they can stay in General Population. To the contrary, I say that American bikers should KICK Fascist Fat Jim Sensenbrenner's a*s so they can help bring down the Prison! Fat Jim Sensenbrenner is the sponsor of the USA Patriot Act: http://wp.me/p19dS3-5Z Fat Jim Sensenbrenner is the sponsor of the REAL ID Act: http://wp.me/p19dS3-6l Fat Jim Sensenbrenner's next bill may eliminate all rights to privacy on the Internet: http://wp.me/p19dS3-65 If American Bikers have become such spineless Sheeple that they can only protect their rights by sucking up to the very people that are icons of all that we (should) oppose, then they deserve and should expect the ugly fate that awaits all COLLABORATORS when real freedom fighters wrest control from their fascist oppressors. Well NOT ME, boys and girls: I SAY GROW A PAIR... LIKE I TOLD YOU MONTHS AGO ( http://bit.ly/gmHPU5 ), MAKE THE CHECKPOINTS TOO COSTLY AND THEY'LL GO AWAY. F**K FAT JIM. AND F**K THE MRF... IronBoltBruce http://ironboltbruce.com ### Source: http://wp.me/p19dS3-6q |
Wow...I'm glad I live in TN...they try that here and all hell will break loose. If they ever did pass something like that, I'd move to TX. Everything is bigger in TX including the taxpayers' cajones...lol Texans would run a liberal out of that whole part of the country for trying that.
When we lived in Albany we avoided Americade for the same reason...we did go last year, but took backroads. We only went because we knew we were moving home and wouldn't get to go again. |
Yeah, I avoid Americade pretty much because if you head there you are pretty much guaranteed a ticket for SOMEthing.
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