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Trip 06-21-2011 03:15 PM

2012 Butt Lite 6IX
Watching the IBR11000 is pretty neat. I am seriously considering doing the shorter one next year. I am ready to test my ability at long distance. They said they only do them on even years, so 2014 would be the next chance. Anyone else interested? Trace, what about you and your other half?

tommymac 06-21-2011 04:56 PM

LMK the dates I would be interested if i can get away.

Cass 06-21-2011 05:33 PM

Trip, have you done any rallies? Might check one out in your area (or remotely close to your area) just to get a feel for it.

That said.. the LD / rally crowd is full of some pretty awesome people. One request... if you run into my ex, punch him in the face.

Trip 06-21-2011 05:37 PM

looks like this one is a 7 day, kinda pissed they only did the IB5000 once. I want to find a 5 day one so you have weekends to travel. Taking off two weeks is hard for a lot of people.

derf 06-21-2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Cass (Post 477370)
Trip, have you done any rallies? Might check one out in your area (or remotely close to your area) just to get a feel for it.

That said.. the LD / rally crowd is full of some pretty awesome people. One request... if you run into my ex, punch him in the face.

Yup, might want to take a shot at this first

I'd be down for one of the shorter ones

Trip 06-21-2011 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 477374)
Yup, might want to take a shot at this first

I'd be down for one of the shorter ones

I dont want to do just a one day one, I would like to find a 2-3 day at least

Can't do the void without risking my balls, that's my wife's birthday.

Trip 06-21-2011 05:52 PM

I'd need an ADV model if I get into this shit. LOL 170-210 per tank is not enough. Too much wasted time in the pits.

derf 06-21-2011 05:54 PM

I think you missed the registration already but next year....

tommymac 06-21-2011 05:54 PM

fred and I could do the void one, theres one starting point in PA so I can make it there in 3 or 4 hrs most likley.

derf 06-21-2011 05:55 PM

Or if you really want, start your own

tommymac 06-21-2011 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 477378)
I'd need an ADV model if I get into this shit. LOL 170-210 per tank is not enough. Too much wasted time in the pits.

I was reading the rule sin th evoid and with fuel cells etc max you can carry is 11 gallons of gas. With hwy riding the aprilia gets about 200 per tank anyway.

derf 06-21-2011 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 477378)
I'd need an ADV model if I get into this shit. LOL 170-210 per tank is not enough. Too much wasted time in the pits.

Trip 06-21-2011 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 477379)

I think you missed the registration already but next year....

Yeah, that one looks perfect length if they do it next year.


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 477383)
I was reading the rule sin th evoid and with fuel cells etc max you can carry is 11 gallons of gas. With hwy riding the aprilia gets about 200 per tank anyway.


Originally Posted by derf (Post 477386)

I would probably just go with a bigger aftermarket tank. Only use it for shit like this and put back the OEM when I am not needing it.

derf 06-21-2011 06:03 PM

While I understand the need for an aux fuel cell for stuff like this, my gas tank now outlasts my bladder anyway and a gas station is a good place to stop, pee and go.

Even a 5 gal plastic fuel cell would work

just need to hard mount it

Trip 06-21-2011 06:10 PM

I started getting pissed off on my trip. Even with my constant supply of water from my camelbak, I could of did around 300 miles without stopping for a lot of spots. Having that amount of gas would of made me worry less about some of my routes too.

Trip 06-21-2011 06:13 PM

ouch, the touratech version is $1600

derf 06-21-2011 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 477395)
ouch, the touratech version is $1600

There are a few hard mount examples, but they almost all replace the rear seat. I figure its OK because you prolly wont have a passeneger on a long trip like this

tommymac 06-21-2011 07:15 PM

Not sure whats out there for the futura, and I dont know if they would allow the ones on the rear set since it looks like theyre strapped down vs bolted down

Trip 06-21-2011 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 477403)
There are a few hard mount examples, but they almost all replace the rear seat. I figure its OK because you prolly wont have a passeneger on a long trip like this

most of the big events have rules against the ones you suggest.

derf 06-21-2011 08:19 PM

No they allow the ones I suggested as long as they are hard mounted. The steel or aluminium straps they sell that work with these are good.

from the 2007 rule book


2. Auxiliary fuel:
Note that the Iron Butt Rally does not encourage the use of auxiliary fuel systems. The rally has been laid out with fueling provisions in mind. However, carrying additional fuel does allow a rider the ability to travel more miles between stops, which obviously leads to a competitive advantage for riders so equipped.
Fuel capacity may be measured at any time as deemed necessary by the rallymaster. However, capacity inspection is usually made prior to the start of the rally or immediately after the rally concludes. All motorcycles that finish the rally may be impounded immediately after the rider checks in at the final checkpoint. They may not be removed from the impoundment area without the written permission of the rallymaster.

3. Inquiries regarding auxiliary fuel may be directed to the following firms who have provided systems that met inspection standards for the rally in the past:
Champion Industries: 903-566-6001
JAZ Products: 805-525-8800
Summit Racing Equipment: 800-230-3030
Tulsa Enterprises: 731-967-3574 or 888-824-6566
Harwood Industries: 903-566-6001
Other manufacturer's cells may also be acceptable. Please contact us.


Appendix A: Fuel system capacity and auxiliary tanks

I. Fuel System Capacity

Fuel system capacity for motorcycles using liquid fuel will be determined by the method specified below. For motorcycles that do not use liquid fuel, the capacity shall be determined on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the “gasoline-equivalent” fuel capacity of the motorcycle does not exceed 11.5 gallons (on an energy basis).

1. Original Equipment Tanks
For original equipment (OE) tanks, the manufacturer's specified capacity shall be used unless the IBR has published alternative specifications 30 days in advance of the event. In the case of conflicting manufacturer's specifications, and in the absence of an alternative specification published by the IBR, the highest capacity published by the manufacturer shall be used. For example, in the case of the BMW R1100RT, the highest capacity specified by the manufacturer is 7.26 U.S. gallons, which our measurements confirm is the correct capacity.

2. Modified Tanks, After-Market Tanks, and Auxiliary Fuel Systems
The capacity of all non-OE elements of a fuel system shall be determined by the amount of water or fuel required to fill and empty system (including lines, pumps, filters, etc.). Water may be used to measure individual tanks or whole systems. However, we will usually use premium grade gasoline unless the motorcycle is designed to run on an alternative fuel (e.g., Diesel fuel). For systems equipped with a fill pipe that extends into a vapor space, the capacity will be determined by filling the system to the bottom of the fill pipe, unless the system has been modified in some manner to permit a fill rate in excess of 1.0 gallons per minute above the bottom of the fill pipe.
The volume of liquid required to fill the system will be calculated based on the weight of the liquid required to fill the tank and the density of that liquid. For example, using gasoline with a density of 6.180 pounds per gallon, if the weight of gasoline required to fill the system is 30.90 pounds, the capacity of the system is 5.00 gallons (30.90/6.180). The weight of liquid required to fill the system shall be determined by one or more measurements of containers before and after their contents have been poured into the fuel system. The containers shall contain at least 3.0 gallons during the "before" measurement. The contents shall be poured into the fuel system until the container is empty or until the fuel system is full, whichever occurs first. The temperature of the liquid poured into the system shall be kept as close as possible to the temperature used to determine the density of the liquid, as described below. When gasoline is used, it must be from the same batch of gasoline used to determine fuel density. The scale used to measure the weight of liquid dispensed shall be repeatable to 0.01 pounds and calibrated with an NIST-traceable dead weight.

Determining the Density of Water:
For water at 60oF, the density shall be assumed to be 8.337 pounds per gallon. At 70oF, the density shall be assumed to be 8.328 lbs/gallon. For other temperatures, the density of water shall be determined from standard engineering tables or using the following formula:

lbs/gal = 8.3286 + (0.000985*T) - (0.000014*T2), where T is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

Determining Fuel Density:
The density of the fuel shall be determined by the weight of fuel required to fill a rigid, narrow neck "calibration vessel" of known volume in excess of 1.5 gallons. The volume of the "calibration vessel" shall be determined by measuring the weight and temperature of water required to fill the vessel. The temperature of the water used to calibrate the "calibration vessel" shall be measured with a thermometer accurate to two degrees Fahrenheit (F) and shall be within the range of 39oF to 100oF. The density of the water shall be determined as specified above.
As an example of using this approach, if the temperature of the water is 70oF and the weight of water needed to fill the calibration vessel is 14.58 pounds, then the volume of the calibration vessel is 1.751 gallons (14.58/8.328). If the weight of gasoline required to fill the calibration vessel is 10.82 pounds, then the density of the gasoline is 6.179 lbs/gallon (10.82/1.751).
Alternatively, the density of the fuel may be determined using a precision hydrometer with a resolution of 0.001 specific gravity or less. As an example of using this approach, if the specific gravity of the gasoline measured by the hydrometer is 0.742, then the density of the gasoline is 6.186 lbs/gallon (0.742 * 8.337). (Note that the hydrometer will determine the specific gravity of the gasoline relative to water at 60F. The temperature of the gasoline does not have to be at 60F, but the temperature of the gasoline used to fill the tank must be equal to the temperature at which the specific gravity of the gasoline was measured.)

II. Auxiliary Fuel Tanks

1. Expansion of the stock (OEM) fuel tank is permitted, provided that such expansion is of similar material, gauge, and construction as that of the stock fuel tank.

2. Non-OEM main fuel tanks and auxiliary tanks are permitted if they are NASCAR-, IHRA-, or NHRA- approved or, at the sole discretion of the rallymaster, determined to be of acceptable quality.

3. Any auxiliary tank(s) shall be mounted in a secure manner so as to minimize the chance of its becoming separated from the motorcycle. Approval of attachment systems rests at the sole discretion of the rallymaster.

4. All fuel lines must be routed so as not to interfere with the operation of the motorcycle.

5. An electric fuel pump, if used, must be properly wired and fused, and the refueling inlet of the auxiliary tank must be grounded.

6. The auxiliary tank(s) must be properly vented for pressure buildup and overflow.

7. Anti-slosh foam or anti-slosh baffles will be required for cells mounted on the pillion seat or the rear rack of the bike unless the maximum volume of the tank does not exceed 1.0 gallon. A minimum of 80% of the dry capacity of the auxiliary tank must be filled with anti-slosh foam, or the tank must be equipped with one or more longitudinally-placed baffles that are at least 80% of the height of the tank and that divide the tank into two or more chambers of approximately equal volume. The rallymaster may approve alternative configurations that are determined to provide effective control of sloshing. Taildragger cells, cells no higher than the top of the OEM tank, and enlarged fuel tanks in the OEM tank location (i.e.: Touratech tanks) are exempt from this requirement.

8. Fuel may not be carried in excess of the quantities set forth in this section, or in containers not complying with the above standards, unless expressly approved in advance by the rallymaster.


For a list of auxiliary systems that will meet rally specifications, see §III.F. Metal containers are allowed. However, thin-walled containers such as those used in marine or snowmobile applications are prohibited.
When pressure is applied to the fuel cell, limited visible movement (i.e., 1/2") relative to the frame of the motorcycles will be permitted only if it is due to the compression of padding on which the tank is positioned. However, all tanks must be secured to the motorcycle with straps or fasteners that are securely connected to a bracket or structural member that does not flex when pressure is applied to the auxiliary tank. No bungee, shock cord, or similar attaching device will be permitted.

Non-metallic auxiliary tanks should be grounded to the frame of the motorcycle with a conductive strap or wire attached to the tank in the vicinity of the fuel inlet. Metal tanks do not require a grounding strap if they are attached to the frame with conductive brackets.

A vented gas cap is not sufficient unless it is determined that sufficient vapor space exists in the auxiliary tank, after it has been filled to capacity, to prevent the expulsion of liquid fuel when the motorcycle sits in the sun on either the centerstand (if so equipped) or the side stand. Unless there is sufficient vapor space to prevent the expulsion of liquid fuel from the vent, there must be a hose attached to a vent located at the highest point on the tank when the motorcycle is sitting on its sidestand. Vent hoses must be routed in such a manner as to prevent any expelled fuel from coming into contact with any part of the motorcycle or from being expelled into the path of a tire or onto a tire.

derf 06-21-2011 08:30 PM

what I read that as is based on this paragraph:


2. Non-OEM main fuel tanks and auxiliary tanks are permitted if they are NASCAR-, IHRA-, or NHRA- approved or, at the sole discretion of the rallymaster, determined to be of acceptable quality

Non-metallic auxiliary tanks should be grounded to the frame of the motorcycle with a conductive strap or wire attached to the tank in the vicinity of the fuel inlet. Metal tanks do not require a grounding strap if they are attached to the frame with conductive brackets.
Those two parts lead me to believe that plastic tanks with metal strappings are allowed.

Cass 06-22-2011 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 477378)
I'd need an ADV model if I get into this shit. LOL 170-210 per tank is not enough. Too much wasted time in the pits.

Removable aux fuel tank :)

Cass 06-22-2011 07:11 PM

Err, yes - what the other folks said too :lol:

Aux tanks/fuel cells are pretty common when you get into multi-day rallies. The VOID is every year I think, and I want to say the BITE is on the IBR off-year?? There's one that is on the off-year, I can't remember which.

derf 06-22-2011 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Cass (Post 477700)
Err, yes - what the other folks said too :lol:

Aux tanks/fuel cells are pretty common when you get into multi-day rallies. The VOID is every year I think, and I want to say the BITE is on the IBR off-year?? There's one that is on the off-year, I can't remember which.

Butt Lite is the off years

G-Rex 06-22-2011 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 477346)
Watching the IBR11000 is pretty neat. I am seriously considering doing the shorter one next year. I am ready to test my ability at long distance. They said they only do them on even years, so 2014 would be the next chance. Anyone else interested? Trace, what about you and your other half?

I'd be riding buddy isn't much of a long distance / short time type.

tommymac 06-23-2011 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by G-Rex (Post 477713)
I'd be riding buddy isn't much of a long distance / short time type.

I thought that would be too short of a rally for you :lol:

derf 06-23-2011 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 477771)
I thought that would be too short of a rally for you :lol:

I heard that one time G-rex got lost. So he figured if he just kept going straight he would circumnavigate the earth and get back to where he started. He was home by dinner.

tommymac 06-23-2011 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 477777)
I heard that one time G-rex got lost. So he figured if he just kept going straight he would circumnavigate the earth and get back to where he started. He was home by dinner.

and that was with stopping in china for some authentic chineese food for lunch :lol:

Trip 06-23-2011 07:09 AM

We need to find one for next year to do.

Cass 06-23-2011 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 477777)
I heard that one time G-rex got lost. So he figured if he just kept going straight he would circumnavigate the earth and get back to where he started. He was home by dinner.


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