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Trip 10-03-2011 02:14 PM

R.I.P. 101lifts2
101 was a valued member here and the first member we have lost in our short time as a forum. Bill was a avid poster and liked to speak his mind on his opinions. While he may not agreed with everyone here, he will be greatly missed. He definitely made an impression on us here. Sorry for the loss to his family and friends, we know you will miss him a lot, we will here as well. Goodbye 101, may you rest in peace, buddy.

This is the only pic of him I could find, if you have a better one, post it up. This is him riding 2 up with Pridmore.

Particle Man 10-03-2011 02:19 PM

This totally sucks.

azoomm 10-03-2011 02:22 PM

I'm completely blown away... How horrible.

RIP Bill

Sean 10-03-2011 02:28 PM

I'm gonna go destroy the weight room today in his honor.

dReWpY 10-03-2011 02:30 PM

Wait what???!!

Captain Morgan 10-03-2011 02:35 PM

Hate to hear of any motorcyclist crashing, especially when it's fatal. Really sucks knowing that it was someone that posted on here regularly, even if I never met him.

fasternyou929 10-03-2011 02:40 PM

I opened this expecting it to be a joke about him being banned. Is there a thread/backstory on this somewhere? :(

shmike 10-03-2011 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by fasternyou929 (Post 492734)
I opened this expecting it to be a joke about him being banned. Is there a thread/backstory on this somewhere? :(

Cutty72 10-03-2011 02:45 PM

RIP man.

pauldun170 10-03-2011 02:50 PM

RIP Bill.

derf 10-03-2011 02:53 PM

not cool, very not cool

Dave 10-03-2011 03:13 PM

Def not cool

Mr Lefty 10-03-2011 03:20 PM

Damn... I can't say I agreed with him much, but never wished him ill... R.I.P.

HurricaneHeather 10-03-2011 03:33 PM

I don't know what to say.

Hopefully his family will get in touch and maybe there is something we can do for them. :(

JoJoYZF 10-03-2011 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sean (Post 492727)
I'm gonna go destroy the weight room today in his honor.

I guess its only right that im at the gym now and found out while here thanks to trips facebook.

RIP 101

Rider 10-03-2011 04:04 PM


Porkchop 10-03-2011 04:06 PM

Has anybody thought about finding his gym and getting a plaque or something in his name?

Trip 10-03-2011 04:11 PM

If we can't get in touch with his family, I say we give a donation in his honor to the rescue squad/emt's that work that area.

Particle Man 10-03-2011 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 492774)
If we can't get in touch with his family, I say we give a donation in his honor to the rescue squad/emt's that work that area.

I'm down for that.

azoomm 10-03-2011 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 492774)
If we can't get in touch with his family, I say we give a donation in his honor to the rescue squad/emt's that work that area.

I found the local forum he used to post on. It looks like they are going to try and get a regular trackday spot to get riders onto the track and out of the canyons (in his name).

Trip 10-03-2011 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 492781)
I found the local forum he used to post on. It looks like they are going to try and get a regular trackday spot to get riders onto the track and out of the canyons (in his name).

Ask them if they get with his family to let us know what their wishes are and if they want us to give to something he was in support of.

Porkchop 10-03-2011 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 492781)
I found the local forum he used to post on. It looks like they are going to try and get a regular trackday spot to get riders onto the track and out of the canyons (in his name).

Which one, I was about to ask another forum he was on too.

azoomm 10-03-2011 05:07 PM

This is the one I found. Trip, I'll post and ambassador.

Trip 10-03-2011 05:13 PM

After reading that thread, I think the track day is a bad idea for us to join in. Why? Because it's not what Bill loved. He loved street riding. I think giving to the rescue squad is a better idea. Maybe the money could be used for something that saves another rider out there in his canyon.

Bill was always steadfast in his beliefs, would he change his mind about street riding?

Homeslice 10-03-2011 05:18 PM

Well, he did attend several track days, but due to time & convenience, he rode the streets more often........particularly that same road (Ortega) with a core group of people

azoomm 10-03-2011 05:22 PM

Trip, he wasn't against trackdays. Just cheap :lol:

I think these guys are thinking if they make it easier to get to the track, guys will go. I'm torn.

Trip 10-03-2011 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 492801)
Trip, he wasn't against trackdays. Just cheap :lol:

I think these guys are thinking if they make it easier to get to the track, guys will go. I'm torn.

The track is not the answer for everyone. I love street riding. I still ride the gap, have lost several friends there. Bill loved the street, I would rather give my money to help something he loved.

Tracks can kill people as well. Peter Lenz for one. We had a rash of incidents a few years ago in a local org.

azoomm 10-03-2011 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 492802)
The track is not the answer for everyone. I love street riding. I still ride the gap, have lost several friends there. Bill loved the street, I would rather give my money to help something he loved.

Then it should probably go to his gym.

Trip 10-03-2011 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 492803)
Then it should probably go to his gym.

Yeah, we don't have to decide this right away. If we could find out what his family would want, that would be the best option.

azoomm 10-03-2011 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 492805)
Yeah, we don't have to decide this right away. If we could find out what his family would want, that would be the best option.

Yup. I'm a big fan of not deciding things when it is emotional.

Still bummed. Dead sucks.

Sean 10-03-2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 492801)
Trip, he wasn't against trackdays. Just cheap :lol:

I think these guys are thinking if they make it easier to get to the track, guys will go. I'm torn.

I wouldn't trust the shitbags on that forum with my money. Notice they're putting THEIR name on the fund, not HIS.

azoomm 10-03-2011 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sean (Post 492808)
I wouldn't trust the shitbags on that forum with my money. Notice they're putting THEIR name on the fund, not HIS.

Good to know, you know them better than I do. hey wait, are these THOSE guys?

Sean 10-03-2011 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 492810)
Good to know, you know them better than I do. hey wait, are these THOSE guys?

Like any "place", there are good guys and there are bad guys over there. I trust some of them very much and some of them not at all. The fact that they're putting the fund in their name instead of his own is the kicker here.

I'm happy to put a track day in his name. It should be in HIS name, not the Sean A. Memorial Track Day (for Bill)

Did we ever establish where he worked out after the Koloseum closed?

azoomm 10-03-2011 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Sean (Post 492814)
Like any "place", there are good guys and there are bad guys over there. I trust some of them very much and some of them not at all. The fact that they're putting the fund in their name instead of his own is the kicker here.

Did we ever establish where he worked out after the Koloseum closed?

Working on that. Let us know what you might hear...

Smittie61984 10-03-2011 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Sean (Post 492727)
I'm gonna go destroy the weight room today in his honor.

Hahahahahahhahaha. Love it! I'll do the same!

I know this is small but how about a "muscled up" or weight lifting emotiacon?

Could we potentially donate money to his family? Funeral costs suck.

Tmall 10-03-2011 06:31 PM

I too thought this was a joke. I used to chat with Bill a long time ago on AOL back in the CF days.

RIP buddy. You'll be missed.

Trip 10-03-2011 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Smittie61984 (Post 492823)
Hahahahahahhahaha. Love it! I'll do the same!

I know this is small but how about a "muscled up" or weight lifting emotiacon?

Could we potentially donate money to his family? Funeral costs suck.

like the idea



Homeslice 10-03-2011 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sean (Post 492814)
Did we ever establish where he worked out after the Koloseum closed?

24 Hour in Fullerton.......he hated it, so probably not worth contacting

azoomm 10-03-2011 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 492827)
like the idea





Smittie61984 10-03-2011 07:13 PM

:101: lifts

Love it!

tommymac 10-03-2011 08:18 PM

I would be up for donating to the paramedics but thats just my opinion.

Small consolation but at least he passed doing something he truly loved.

Kerry_129 10-03-2011 08:42 PM

:( Very sad to see this news - RIP Bill.

:101: <~ He'd be proud, no doubt.

Sean 10-03-2011 08:58 PM

I like the idea of donating to the local paramedics in his name. I'll be happy to take care of local stuff if it's needed.

Slammed some squats today for my homie.

Trip 10-03-2011 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 492836)
I would be up for donating to the paramedics but thats just my opinion.

Small consolation but at least he passed doing something he truly loved.

This is the way I am leaning. I will probably call around and see what is the proper way to do this...

Track day really won't help anyone. I doubt his family will want anything to do with us considering the way he passed. I would rather help the people we count on to help us in our moment of need instead of some kid who probably won't give a shit what happened or who it happened too, just that he got some free track time.

I will give it some time though to see if they respond.

Trip 10-03-2011 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sean (Post 492845)
I like the idea of donating to the local paramedics in his name. I'll be happy to take care of local stuff if it's needed.

Slammed some squats today for my homie.

That would be great if you could find us a local contact. Looks like it's the riverside county fire department from the research I have done.

Brandon 10-03-2011 09:01 PM

I sold a 99 zx7r to Bill quite a few years back. We met on Cycleforums.

Horrible news.

RIP man.

njchopper87 10-03-2011 09:20 PM

So this isn't a joke, huh? :/ Well, it'll feel empty in here that's for sure. I don't have much atm, but I'm willing to contribute a bit to whatever you guys come up with.

azoomm 10-03-2011 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 492846)
This is the way I am leaning. I will probably call around and see what is the proper way to do this...

Track day really won't help anyone. I doubt his family will want anything to do with us considering the way he passed. I would rather help the people we count on to help us in our moment of need instead of some kid who probably won't give a shit what happened or who it happened too, just that he got some free track time.

I will give it some time though to see if they respond.

I feel like I would be able to execute it... but, I'm not local.

Anyone know anything about the rider that hit him? Can you imagine? I just can't stop thinking about what he has going on in his head... talk about rough. :/

Friend of 101lift 10-03-2011 10:19 PM

Bill funeral services
To all the friends of Bill or 101 lift2.

The funeral service it's going to be Saturday or sunday I will post the correct info Friday before7pm

Riders friends from Ortega wants to pey respect to Bill next Sunday at the lookout restaurant 9:30AM

Rest in pace Bill. William James kaucky

Sean 10-03-2011 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 492862)
I feel like I would be able to execute it... but, I'm not local.

Anyone know anything about the rider that hit him? Can you imagine? I just can't stop thinking about what he has going on in his head... talk about rough. :/

Word is, he might not make it either. I heard from a friend of a friend of his, that's as reliable as I have right now.

Trip 10-03-2011 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Friend of 101lift (Post 492875)
To all the friends of Bill or 101 lift2.

The funeral service it's going to be Saturday or sunday I will post the correct info Friday before7pm

Riders friends from Ortega wants to pey respect to Bill next Sunday at the lookout restaurant 9:30AM

Rest in pace Bill. William James kaucky

Thanks for letting us know, friend.

Sean 10-03-2011 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Friend of 101lift (Post 492875)
To all the friends of Bill or 101 lift2.

The funeral service it's going to be Saturday or sunday I will post the correct info Friday before7pm

Riders friends from Ortega wants to pey respect to Bill next Sunday at the lookout restaurant 9:30AM

Rest in pace Bill. William James kaucky

Thank you. Services in Chicago area correct?

Amorok 10-03-2011 10:50 PM

I like the idea of donating to rescue workers, around here at least a few of them ride, too.

CasterTroy 10-04-2011 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Sean (Post 492876)
Word is, he might not make it either. I heard from a friend of a friend of his, that's as reliable as I have right now.

How terrible.

MILK 10-04-2011 08:11 AM

RIP Bill. :(. I am so sorry and praying for his family.

Thank you for letting me know Troy.

OneSickPsycho 10-04-2011 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Friend of 101lift (Post 492875)
To all the friends of Bill or 101 lift2.

The funeral service it's going to be Saturday or sunday I will post the correct info Friday before7pm

Riders friends from Ortega wants to pey respect to Bill next Sunday at the lookout restaurant 9:30AM

Rest in pace Bill. William James kaucky

Do you have suggestions for something we can do to honor him... Some good ideas have been floated around... I assume you knew him more personally than us, so maybe you can suggest something that he would like.

Scot 10-04-2011 09:11 AM

RIP Bill.

jtemple 10-04-2011 09:16 AM

I never really knew him except for this forum.


Sean 10-04-2011 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 492847)
That would be great if you could find us a local contact. Looks like it's the riverside county fire department from the research I have done.

Usually it's the municipality that handles ambulance services, but I'm looking into it.

Homeslice 10-04-2011 12:14 PM

His workout partner:


azoomm 10-04-2011 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 492966)

I just saw that :(

asdgirl 10-04-2011 12:44 PM

RIP Bill :(

Gas Man 10-04-2011 01:08 PM

I'm just blown away... man that sucks!

RIP Bill!

RedRider2k2 10-04-2011 01:34 PM

My God...

I cant remember a time on a Motorcycle forum in the last decade without Bill. He was one of those core members that you figured would just always be there. Whether chatting about Cars or just BSing on AIM Bill was a great guy to talk to and to "Know". The posts here and on other forums are proof of this.

He will be missed.

RIP William Kaucky.

Strahberrie 10-04-2011 02:31 PM

:( rip

James 10-04-2011 03:23 PM

RIP Bill...what a pisser.

Not a great way to see some old faces/screen names again.

aka Reyndogg

MissHell 10-04-2011 03:42 PM

I don't drop in much these days, but I heard the sad news.

RIP 101lifts

Sean 10-06-2011 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 492928)
Do you have suggestions for something we can do to honor him... Some good ideas have been floated around... I assume you knew him more personally than us, so maybe you can suggest something that he would like.

The local ambulance service is American Medical Response (AMR), which is a for-profit company, so that's out. They suggested Cal Fire--I talked to the local sergeant and he said they're not allowed to take donations. Closest he could suggest is talking to Cal Trans to get a sign put up memorializing, but that doesn't sound too useful IMO.


Smittie61984 10-06-2011 06:28 PM

It doesn't appear that there is anything that could have been done for 101 but maybe if we could find an organization that does training for basic 1st aid stuff. Kind of like the CPR/AED classes except people learn more trauma related incidences such as bleeding control, shock, spinal immobilization, etc which would be more likely in a motorcycle crash.

Or maybe look into starting or working on an organization that teaches motorcyclists some basic 1st aide training.

the chi 10-06-2011 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Smittie61984 (Post 493464)
It doesn't appear that there is anything that could have been done for 101 but maybe if we could find an organization that does training for basic 1st aid stuff. Kind of like the CPR/AED classes except people learn more trauma related incidences such as bleeding control, shock, spinal immobilization, etc which would be more likely in a motorcycle crash.

Or maybe look into starting or working on an organization that teaches motorcyclists some basic 1st aide training.

While its not specifically motorcycle related, if you have a local Red Cross they do that type of training...I've got my Adult and Child CPR Certs and My First Aid Cert training, got it in one day at the local office. Firefighters often do alot of training, perhaps see if they would incorporate motorcycle specific type training. I know for a fact many first responders have no clue what not to do with a downed biker, first thing they try to do is rip off that helmet. Just a thought.

Trip 10-06-2011 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by the chi (Post 493484)
I know for a fact many first responders have no clue what not to do with a downed biker, first thing they try to do is rip off that helmet. Just a thought.

Then you have shitty training down there. My first responder training for electrical workers even had training for fall/collision injuries that included not removing equipment like masks/helmets/anything requiring moving of an individual that could further a spinal injury unless necessary for other life saving options. Risking the spine can be done if necessary to save the life.

EpyonXero 10-07-2011 12:08 AM


Smittie61984 10-07-2011 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by the chi (Post 493484)
While its not specifically motorcycle related, if you have a local Red Cross they do that type of training...I've got my Adult and Child CPR Certs and My First Aid Cert training, got it in one day at the local office...

Cool deal. I didn't know that existed.

In order to no hijack too much I continued this in another thread.

Sean 10-07-2011 03:50 PM

I was asked to post this. I'll be at the service in Anaheim.

The following arrangements have been made for Bill:

Saturday, October 8th

Viewing 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Hilgenfeld Funeral Home

120 E. Broadway

Anaheim, CA

Wednesday, October 12th

Visitation 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Lawn Funeral home

7732 W. 159th Street

Orland Park, IL

Thursday, October 13th

Mass at 10:00 am

Saint Julie’s Church

Across the street from Lawn Funeral Home

Please do not send flowers to the church.

In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting donations to One Legacy (A Donate Life Organization). Bill’s parents donated some of his body parts to help others knowing that this would be Bill’s wishes.

Donations can be made online at Acknowledgement cards can be sent to:

Charles and Dorothy Kaucky

15105 Sunset Ridge Drive

Orland Park, IL 60462

HurricaneHeather 10-07-2011 07:09 PM

Should we compile something together to send them from the site instead of indiviidual contributions?

azoomm 10-07-2011 07:25 PM

Thanks Sean.

I think something together.

Gas Man 10-07-2011 11:35 PM

Together. Let's do it.

Trip 10-07-2011 11:53 PM

paypal collection and then one person sends the payment?

Any one person takers? I'd do it, but work has been too busy lately.

Gas Man 10-08-2011 07:35 AM

Are we 100% on what we will do with the money?

I have allot of my plate right now, but there's room for more. I am willing to take up the collection. My paypal is a seller's account, so all money would have to be sent as a personal gift to avoid fees.

Trip 10-08-2011 10:55 AM

I say send it all to the charity his parents requested.

Homeslice 10-08-2011 11:26 AM

It's either that, or it could be used to fund track days for people who've never been to one, as a way to encourage them to take it off the streets. A couple of trackday org's are doing that on the SoCal board.

Trip 10-08-2011 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 493712)
It's either that, or it could be used to fund track days for people who've never been to one, as a way to encourage them to take it off the streets. A couple of trackday org's are doing that on the SoCal board.

I don't want to put my money toward that. Track days aren't the answer. I like riding in the mountains. Bill liked riding in the mountains. Making this wild claim that we need people off the mountains is utterly retarded. People want to do what they enjoy.

It's like Bill's diet. He put in all that effort to keep himself clean and healthy and not "cheat" and enjoy good bad for you meals. He could of treated himself a lot more had he had known he would never make it to an age where it would matter.

People can ride all day every day in the mountains and then get shot or killed crossing the street or some other stupid shit.

The charity the parents posted is a good one. It WILL save people. A lame track day that doesn't even have Bill's name attached to it is meaningless.

Homeslice 10-08-2011 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 493716)
I don't want to put my money toward that. Track days aren't the answer. I like riding in the mountains. Bill liked riding in the mountains. Making this wild claim that we need people off the mountains is utterly retarded. People want to do what they enjoy.

It's like Bill's diet. He put in all that effort to keep himself clean and healthy and not "cheat" and enjoy good bad for you meals. He could of treated himself a lot more had he had known he would never make it to an age where it would matter.

People can ride all day every day in the mountains and then get shot or killed crossing the street or some other stupid shit.

The charity the parents posted is a good one. It WILL save people. A lame track day that doesn't even have Bill's name attached to it is meaningless.

I have no problem at all with what you've said. I ride street too, and in fact I remember a couple times when I defended Bill when he would talk about street riding. On some boards there are quite a few safety nazis who can be quite annoying.......25-30 year olds who act like they're 50 for some reason. Bill was the opposite, he acted/posted younger than he was, and I liked that about him.

Ultimately it is up to each person's skill and self-control to determine whether they're safe on the streets. The thing is, a lot (or even most) riders lack that self-discipline. And a lot of them make the assumption that trackdays are only for racers, or that they're intimidating, or that they're not willing to plunk down the money for gear without knowing whether they'll enjoy it, etc.

That other site has a higher % of track riders, so it's only natural they would put together a benefit like that. Whether it will actually benefit anyone's life, who knows, but I have no problem with either approach.

HurricaneHeather 10-08-2011 01:39 PM

I'd like to donate the money where his parents wanted it to go. They are the ones burying their son so I think their wishes are top priority.

azoomm 10-08-2011 04:41 PM

I own a Trackday company, and I know they aren't the answer....

I'm in if we go toward his parents' charity as requested. I can even manage it.

Particle Man 10-08-2011 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHeather (Post 493723)
I'd like to donate the money where his parents wanted it to go. They are the ones burying their son so I think their wishes are top priority.


Trip 10-08-2011 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 493734)
I own a Trackday company, and I know they aren't the answer....

I'm in if we go toward his parents' charity as requested. I can even manage it.

You ride street too. LOL

Sean 10-08-2011 09:12 PM

Just got back from the service here in CA. Had the chance to meet some of family and his coworkers. He was the 7th of 8 kids. He was giving up a kidney for a friend of his. His coworkers said they have no idea how they're ever going to replace him. A couple of his coworkers flew in from Japan on their own dime to pay their respects. He was wearing a shirt and tie and his riding gloves. His mother was a religious person and told us to go to church more often :) His family donated his organs, so his bones will provide bone grafts for 150 people, his heart will help a heart attack victim, his veins will help 6 people.

I was worried about explaining the relationship we had. I told her that we've been talking to him every day for the past 10 years but that most of us hadn't met him in person. His mom got it right away, she totally understood.

I'm not donating to a forum's branding effort. None of them were at the service today anyways, just the three of us from what we saw.

azoomm 10-08-2011 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Sean (Post 493748)
Just got back from the service here in CA. Had the chance to meet some of family and his coworkers. He was the 7th of 8 kids. He was giving up a kidney for a friend of his. His coworkers said they have no idea how they're ever going to replace him. A couple of his coworkers flew in from Japan on their own dime to pay their respects. He was wearing a shirt and tie and his riding gloves. His mother was a religious person and told us to go to church more often :) His family donated his organs, so his bones will provide bone grafts for 150 people, his heart will help a heart attack victim, his veins will help 6 people.

I was worried about explaining the relationship we had. I told her that we've been talking to him every day for the past 10 years but that most of us hadn't met him in person. His mom got it right away, she totally understood.

I'm not donating to a forum's branding effort. None of them were at the service today anyways, just the three of us from what we saw.

Thank you.

And, thank you Bill.

Tmall 10-08-2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 493749)
Thank you.

And, thank you Bill.

Plus won.

Thanks for the info Sean.

Smittie61984 10-08-2011 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Sean (Post 493748)
His family donated his organs, so his bones will provide bone grafts for 150 people, his heart will help a heart attack victim, his veins will help 6 people.

I transported a heart about 5 hours ago. Found out it was going to a patient I transported a week earlier (where I had my doubts about them even make the ride). I can't stress the importance of donating your organs if you die and also giving blood.

I'll put my money towards the family wishes. Not so some random kid who's never heard of bill can play on a track and then likely take their new skills and guts to the street.

RedRider2k2 10-08-2011 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sean (Post 493748)
Just got back from the service here in CA. Had the chance to meet some of family and his coworkers. He was the 7th of 8 kids. He was giving up a kidney for a friend of his. His coworkers said they have no idea how they're ever going to replace him. A couple of his coworkers flew in from Japan on their own dime to pay their respects. He was wearing a shirt and tie and his riding gloves. His mother was a religious person and told us to go to church more often :) His family donated his organs, so his bones will provide bone grafts for 150 people, his heart will help a heart attack victim, his veins will help 6 people.

I was worried about explaining the relationship we had. I told her that we've been talking to him every day for the past 10 years but that most of us hadn't met him in person. His mom got it right away, she totally understood.

I'm not donating to a forum's branding effort. None of them were at the service today anyways, just the three of us from what we saw.

Thank you Sean.

Someone is getting an exceptionally healthy Heart.

RIP Bill.

101lifts2 10-09-2011 01:33 AM

You don't know me, but I am one of Bill's me Car.... I think all of you are AWESOME! I am overwhelmed at the amount of posts and replies I have seen... My brother was a great guy, viewing all of these posts/replies just proves that...We all knew he loved riding, and riding, and riding some more... There was no talking him out of it... We all tried.. We accepted it and prayed God would watch over him..We never expected anything to ever happen..

We chose "One Legacy" because organ donation was important to Bill... If you do anything in Bill's honor be a "donor".
Thank you all for your kind words.. My God bless all of you and keep you safe as you ride...

Love you little brother.... Rest in Peace

azoomm 10-09-2011 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 493761)
You don't know me, but I am one of Bill's me Car.... I think all of you are AWESOME! I am overwhelmed at the amount of posts and replies I have seen... My brother was a great guy, viewing all of these posts/replies just proves that...We all knew he loved riding, and riding, and riding some more... There was no talking him out of it... We all tried.. We accepted it and prayed God would watch over him..We never expected anything to ever happen..

We chose "One Legacy" because organ donation was important to Bill... If you do anything in Bill's honor be a "donor".
Thank you all for your kind words.. My God bless all of you and keep you safe as you ride...

Love you little brother.... Rest in Peace

Seeing your screen name on the end of this thread took my breath away. Thank you. Thank you for coming here - thank you for accepting his passion. We are all so very sorry for your loss. I hope your heart heals.

I completely believe in organ donation. I am a donor, and encourage those around me to be aware of their options and the benefits that can come to the world by choosing to be a donor.

As I wipe tears from my eyes / Thank you, again.

Gas Man 10-09-2011 07:29 AM

I can't say it better than zoom said...

Thank you and God bless you during times like this.

Particle Man 10-09-2011 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 493761)
You don't know me, but I am one of Bill's me Car.... I think all of you are AWESOME! I am overwhelmed at the amount of posts and replies I have seen... My brother was a great guy, viewing all of these posts/replies just proves that...We all knew he loved riding, and riding, and riding some more... There was no talking him out of it... We all tried.. We accepted it and prayed God would watch over him..We never expected anything to ever happen..

We chose "One Legacy" because organ donation was important to Bill... If you do anything in Bill's honor be a "donor".
Thank you all for your kind words.. My God bless all of you and keep you safe as you ride...

Love you little brother.... Rest in Peace

I have to admit: seeing his username in here made my heart skip a beat. I, too, couldn't say it better than Azoomm already has.

So very sorry for your loss. :(

Tmall 10-09-2011 08:53 AM

The guys/ gals have said it all. Thanks Car.

I don't think I've ever been moved by the passing of an online friend before. And this has been on my mind continuously since it happened. Seeing 101's screen name made me think "Too far Bill, way too far" then I see it's one of HIS family expressing their appreciation to us. Class all around.

Thanks again.

Smittie61984 10-09-2011 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 493775)
Seeing 101's screen name made me think "Too far Bill, way too far" then I see it's one of HIS family expressing their appreciation to us. Class all around.

I thought that too.

I'll donate to One Legacy. Are we going to be able to do it through TWFix?

Trip 10-09-2011 10:23 AM

Thank you for coming here, Car. Really appreciate you guys taking the time to respond to us in your time of mourning. I really wish I had gotten to know 101 a lot better and gotten to meet him.


Trip 10-09-2011 10:29 AM

To everyone wanting to give to One Legacy as part of the TWFix donation. Gas Man will be the give to point and he will make the donation for us all. We will be doing this private, so those that either do not want to give or wish their donation to remain private will not have to worry about anything publicly posted.

If you wish to give no matter how large or small to One Legacy through TWFix donation, please send Gas Man a pm asking for his paypal address and he will respond with it. Label the donation as a gift to send it to him, so the money is not hit up with fees. If you do not have paypal, send me or him a pm and we can work something out if you still want to donate.

We will not be releasing who gives what or even who gives period. You don't even have to label your username to the donation, so it can never be tied to you. This is just about giving in Bill's honor to a good organization that Bill supported.

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