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Congratulations to sfarson
Does anyone get Motorcycle Consumer News? There's no advertising and they review motorcycles and gadgets. The February issue reviewed a new motorcycle book by our own sfarson. The Complete Guide to Motorcycling Colorado by Steve Farson got the maximum five stars.
Here is part of the review: "The Complete Guide to Motorcycling Colorado is a fantastic guide to riding the state. It probably contains every paved road worth riding, as well as many mild dirt roads. And the included history makes great rides even better by giving the rider an appreciation of the men who built those roads and why." Over 400 pages and only $29.95. I found it on Amazon for only $19.77. I ordered mine today, and will start planning trips for this summer. Here's a picture of Steve and his BMW R1200S when we rode Lookout Mt. and Golden Gate Canyon. I can't believe that was 2007. http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/8775/stevefarson.jpg |
Whoa, good for him.
Sweet, I didn't know he was a writer.
That's awesome for him. His videos are some of the best out there. He goes through and finds the old old old pics of the scenes he's filming. Even gives you a slight history. The man deserves it.
I may have to pic up the read. |
Hey John, others, Good to hear from you! And thanks for noting the book. I do remember that 2007 ride, and likewise, coming up on five years ago! You mentioned once having it signed. Let's connect this upcoming season for a ride. I'll bring a pen. http://www.farson.com/smiley/nod.gif
Awesome! Love his vids!
Chris, others, if extremely bored on a winter's night, waiting for the two wheeled season to arrive, can watch a recording or two at the hosting site for the book's video's... http://rmridervideo.com
And/or, just take a stroll through time, then and now. Standing where the photographer stood many years ago. I didn't always get it right... rushed pics, different lens, and other excuses, but hey, there was always a bike pausing nearby or idling underneath! They do, or can, cause moments of reflection. The mining community of Apex in the late 1800's, having a 4th of July parade... http://www.farson.com/thennow/apexthen.jpg Apex today, a semi-ghost town about five miles NW of Central City... http://www.farson.com/thennow/apexnow.jpg Bonanza, as in "It's a bonanza boys!" flared when a rich gold vein was discovered nearby. President Ulysses S. Grant visited upon reports Bonanza could be the next Leadville... http://www.farson.com/thennow/bonanzathen.jpg The gold was mined and fires swept through the close proximity structures (A common fate of many frontier towns... wood heat, wood structures, no 911)... http://www.farson.com/thennow/bonanzanow.jpg Tracks were laid over the Boreas Pass summit to haul ores from Leadville to Denver... http://www.farson.com/thennow/boreasthen.jpg The tracks were pulled up in the 1930's, and in the 1950's a road was placed on the old rail bed. Riding friend Rick cheesily agreed to place himself where the train was... http://www.farson.com/thennow/boreasnow.jpg The Cathedral Spires along the North Fork of the South Platte... http://www.farson.com/thennow/cathedralthen.jpg Two rails then, two wheels today... http://www.farson.com/thennow/cathedralnow.jpg The pastoral Dedisse Ranch above Evergreen... http://www.farson.com/thennow/evergreenthen.jpg That pastoral Bear Creek above would turn demonic when its raging waters would crash through towns below after heavy rains. The dam creating Evergreen Lake had me off to the side for the "now" pic... http://www.farson.com/thennow/evergreennow.jpg The Bradford Junction community in the late 1800's would gather at this ranch for all things social... dances, celebrations, etc. Perhaps this was a July 4th gathering. Bring your best attire was often the unstated rule... http://www.farson.com/thennow/foxtonthen.jpg Today, busy U.S. 285 passes by the same place near the town of Conifer. Had the elevated highway not been present, could have relocated for a better comparison... http://www.farson.com/thennow/foxtonnow.jpg Gold Hill is the location of one of Colorado's earliest gold strikes. An image from around 1890... http://www.farson.com/thennow/goldhillthen.jpg In a way, not a lot has changed. Well, there are more trees... less need to cut down the nearby woods for structures and heat. Colorado's oldest continuously operating school is here. The massive Four Mile wildfire of September 2010 licked the edges of the town off to the left, but a valiant firefighting effort spared the historical buildings. If you have a BBQ sandwich at the general store, a pot bellied stove is a main source of the heat and the bathroom is about the size of your coat closet... http://www.farson.com/thennow/goldhillnow.jpg A thrilling road just for owners of new fangled cars was built above Golden around 1920... http://www.farson.com/thennow/lookoutthen.jpg Today the Lookout Mountain road thrills for owners of two wheeled transportation devices. The sun kindly obliged and a rider was caught just in time on the far left... http://www.farson.com/thennow/lookoutnow.jpg An 1890's hacked out road just south of Ouray... http://www.farson.com/thennow/skywaythen.jpg Today's famed Million Dollar Highway... http://www.farson.com/thennow/skywaynow.jpg Cripple Creek and Victor pumped out so much gold, the amount was greater than the California and Alaska gold rushes combined. Back then Victor had a population of 5,000... http://www.farson.com/thennow/victorthen.jpg Today about 400 call Victor home. Most downtown structures are empty... http://www.farson.com/thennow/victornow.jpg |
WOW man... those pictures are amazing!!!
faster... Sometimes the lighting, the shadows, the quality of the image, etc. can influence perceptions. On one hand, I'm not sure the Cathedral Spires and her rocks have seen much change over the last 100 years, but then again, there sure are a lot of car sized boulders in the river... some of which we probably tossed there during the construction of the tracks.
The D,SP & P narrow gauge on a run up the North Fork of the South Platte... http://www.farson.com/flriver/cathedral2b.jpg The bike on a run down the North Fork of the South Platte... http://www.farson.com/flriver/cathedral2a.jpg Around the corner of the above pics there was a train stop at the resort cabin community of Ferndale... http://www.farson.com/flriver/ferndaletracks1b.jpg Another stop is made 100 years later.... http://www.farson.com/flriver/ferndaletracks1a.jpg |
I got two riding friends and two non-riding friends to buy your book. It really is terrific. Now you should do one on Utah or on the Colorado Plateau.
Crazy thing is I remember some of those shots of Victor and cripple creek from a trip a few years ago. amazing pics
Those pics are absolutely amazing!
AWESOME... I'm moving to HEAVEN!
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