Two Wheel Fix

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Trip 07-02-2009 03:10 PM not want!!!

rogue 07-02-2009 03:17 PM

Damn! :panic: :panic:

Ninjakel 07-02-2009 03:17 PM

aw fuck man. Damn.

and fucking ewwwwww. This is why I wear my gear.

Antwanny 07-02-2009 03:17 PM

yea...looks pretty delicious. Gear gear gear i know i fudge my gear nazism sometimes, but its nice to be put in your place from time to time.

Rider 07-02-2009 03:18 PM

If that doesn't get you to wear gear, nothing will.

MILK 07-02-2009 03:19 PM


z06boy 07-02-2009 03:23 PM

Makes me want Italian for dinner...maybe lasagna ? :lol

Seriously's hot outside but I still wear my gear. We had a local bikenight last night and I "thought" about not wearing my gear but I wore it anyway and will next time.

HurricaneHeather 07-02-2009 03:36 PM

Oh my.....:panic:

Cows are great. Their dead skin holds up much better than mine against asphalt.

Apoc 07-02-2009 03:41 PM

Now I dont feel so bad. Ouch.

MILK 07-02-2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHeather (Post 235224)
Oh my.....:panic:

Cows are great. Their dead skin holds up much better than mine against asphalt.

And you can EAT THEM!!!!!!!!! :lol

HurricaneHeather 07-02-2009 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by MILK (Post 235246)
And you can EAT THEM!!!!!!!!! :lol

It's really a win-win here. :lol:

KSGregman 07-02-2009 04:09 PM

Ouch. :/

Amber Lamps 07-02-2009 04:12 PM

Yep I have scars from injuries like that! Nasty ugly wounds. Hopefully they recovered okay!

BobTheBiker 07-02-2009 04:45 PM

those are holy shit kinds of injuries. I almost puked there at a few of em.

HokieDNA01 07-02-2009 04:57 PM

Nah...that shit wont' happen to me...I'm only running around town.

'73 H1 Triple 07-02-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by z06boy (Post 235191)
Makes me want Italian for dinner...maybe lasagna ? :lol

Seriously's hot outside but I still wear my gear. We had a local bikenight last night and I "thought" about not wearing my gear but I wore it anyway and will next time.


Originally Posted by HurricaneHeather (Post 235224)
Oh my.....:panic:

Cows are great. Their dead skin holds up much better than mine against asphalt.

I'm still wearing my teknic leather jacket. It's hot as hell but I feel naked even wearing my mesh jacket after having the armored leather.


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 235343)
Nah...that shit wont' happen to me...I'm only running around town.

Famous last words, to be filed next to "here, hold my beer".

101lifts2 07-02-2009 07:52 PM

Something tells me the last pic of the hand is going need to be removed.

Curb 07-02-2009 08:27 PM

damn those pics are fricking intense. made me happy that when i got into my wreck i had on what i had...but then again my gear is like an Amex card...i never leave home without it.

Ninjakel 07-02-2009 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 235343)
Nah...that shit wont' happen to me...I'm only running around town.


derf 07-02-2009 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 235343)
Nah...that shit wont' happen to me...I'm only running around town.

So we are in agreement here?

Kerry_129 07-02-2009 09:51 PM

Yummy! Good reality checks - I really hope I never look down and see something similar at the end of one of my limbs (or anyone I'm riding with - I've been very lucky in that regard).

I think we also should recognize & remember that 'wearing gear' can often lessen the extent of injury, but the kind of force that caused the worst of those injuries will fuck a body up regardless of the outer layer. I know some guys who seem to have it in their heads that since they're usually in full leather it's like a 'suit of invincibility' or something. Best & first line of protection is between the ears.

Amber Lamps 07-02-2009 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 235494)
So we are in agreement here?

I think we are since the pics of you guys getting towed clearly shows both of you in jeans, I think Dave is wearing tennis shoes.:lol:

Amber Lamps 07-02-2009 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 235451)
Something tells me the last pic of the hand is going need to be removed.

You'd be surprised what they can do! I don't know if anyone at the rally noticed but my left hand was cut almost in half and crushed in an accident a few years ago. Chain+sprocket+hand= ouch!:lol:

tached1000rr 07-02-2009 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 235508)
You'd be surprised what they can do! I don't know if anyone at the rally noticed but my left hand was cut almost in half and crushed in an accident a few years ago. Chain+sprocket+hand= ouch!:lol:

Awe hell, this is not the Tigger I know, you gotta post up a pic

derf 07-02-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 235507)
I think we are since the pics of you guys getting towed clearly shows both of you in jeans, I think Dave is wearing tennis shoes.:lol:

Hey, i've been down before, and felt the pain of road rash, and yes if I chose to ride like that for a night ride through Philly, then that is my choice. I chose to wear my helmet, and no jacket, if I go down it is my skin and I have nobody to blame except me. I've been there and done that and I got the Tshirt to prove it, or at least what is left of the t-shirt. However I also reccoment that people wear gear all the time too, but I'm not gonna shove it down your throat.

I bet that if I look through my old pictures I can come up with a dozen other pictures wearing jeans and a t shirt, and just as many pictures wearing a full suit. I dress myself according to the riding I expect to do.

Here is a picture of me really squidding it out

Again just as long as you are willing to accept the consequences of your actions do whatever you feel you need to do and so will I, although I recommend gear do what you want.

Amber Lamps 07-03-2009 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by tached1000rr (Post 235510)
Awe hell, this is not the Tigger I know, you gotta post up a pic

I think everyone has seen it but okay...

Sixxxxer 07-03-2009 01:36 AM

Derf that was the fucking slow race at the rally


derf 07-03-2009 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 235591)
Derf that was the fucking slow race at the rally


So what we were all on the bikes, and if I remember correctly i at least wore my helmet while everyone else did not, and we all rode from TWO to the gas station (all 100 feet) on a public road. I was just proving a point that we were wearing gear that each person deemed appropriate for the riding at the time.

It would have been quite easy for someone to slip up accelerate out of control and be dragged along side the bike for miles on end while their skin was worn away by the sandpaper effect that the road would have on your body until you sideswipe a car causing you to go airborne, miraculously landin back on 2 wheels, but at the same time breaking your back while the bike keeps accelerating out of control due to some random throttle malfunction. then when things just couldn't get any worse you come to a curve in the road and the bike goes off the side of the mountains hitting every tree rock and bush on the way down, ultimately landing in a river where a pack of alligators and wolfs battle it out for your rotting carcass while you struggle to free yourself from under the bike. Then a small privately owned airplane could have crash landed on you killing all the wolfs and your lifeless burned body would be dragged into a nearby lake where they perform a deathroll while you viloently punch at his nose until he gives up. then the rednecks come and have their way with you in their KKK moonshine shed out back and you stay there for months on end getting anally raped by a 1 tooth white supremacist Pulp fiction style. All that could have been prevented by wearing leathers and being able to initially free yourself from the bike!

tommymac 07-03-2009 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 235451)
Something tells me the last pic of the hand is going need to be removed.

nah its not that bad its only a partial degloving injury. May not have full use of it and some skin grafts but that will be about it.

My friend had a degloving at the job site that went up to the guys elbow, now that was some scary stuff.


pauldun170 07-03-2009 11:34 AM

I just feel awkward without my leather jacket and gloves and fuck as all hell if I can shift in sneakers or anything other than my boots.

My only weakspot is that I ride in jeans.

I even toss everything on just to go to the gas station (a 10 minute walk).
On very hot days I have the camel back-a-mo -bob.

njchopper87 07-03-2009 02:27 PM

I think I need to buy better gloves.. and some pants down the line.

MILK 07-03-2009 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 235276)
Yep I have scars from injuries like that! Nasty ugly wounds. Hopefully they recovered okay!

We have pictures of my husband's wreck 20 years ago. Anyone want to see them? :lol:

tached1000rr 07-03-2009 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by MILK (Post 235766)
We have pictures of my husband's wreck 20 years ago. Anyone want to see them? :lol:

How bad was his wreck? What injuries did he suffer?

MILK 07-03-2009 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by tached1000rr (Post 235774)
How bad was his wreck? What injuries did he suffer?

He was hit head on by a car. 11 broken bones. Both arms and one leg but I don't know all the others. His right leg has a rod from the hip to the knee and from the knee to the ankle. His family was called in twice because they thought he was dying. It was bad. We have some really gory pictures, not digital of course. I plan on showing them to my son when/if he wants his first street bike.

tached1000rr 07-03-2009 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by MILK (Post 235780)
He was hit head on by a car. 11 broken bones. Both arms and one leg but I don't know all the others. His right leg has a rod from the hip to the knee and from the knee to the ankle. His family was called in twice because they thought he was dying. It was bad. We have some really gory pictures, not digital of course. I plan on showing them to my son when/if he wants his first street bike.


Particle Man 07-03-2009 09:30 PM

ATGATT for me even if it's 100+ outside

freakin' OUCH

rogue 07-04-2009 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 235696)
I just feel awkward without my leather jacket and gloves and fuck as all hell if I can shift in sneakers or anything other than my boots.

My only weakspot is that I ride in jeans.

I even toss everything on just to go to the gas station (a 10 minute walk).
On very hot days I have the camel back-a-mo -bob.

Same here, except I do exchange the leather jacket for a mesh jacket in these triple digits. Even with a camel pak I can't seem to condition myself to ride in leather in this heat and humidity.

Digifox 07-04-2009 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by rogue (Post 235174)
Damn! :panic: :panic:

Now i feel like i REALLY REALLY REALLY need a pair of gloves and a Leather Jacket:skep:

My ass just ate the Cushion im sitting on:tremble:

derf 07-05-2009 10:32 PM

Pics from after a degloving.

Ducati Diva 07-05-2009 11:52 PM

OUCH!!!! That hurt some kinda bad!

Although sometimes it can have a happy ending. Jeeps and I got "serious" after he spent 4 weeks buck naked and ass up in my bed after a wreck took most of the skin of his lower back, ass, and upper legs. :rofl:
He had on riding pants (not leather) but the asphalt at 85 ate through them and his gloves. It was pretty gruesome and he has some nasty scars to show for it.

zippychickie636 07-06-2009 05:48 AM

holy mother....

Amber Lamps 07-06-2009 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Ducati Diva (Post 236331)
OUCH!!!! That hurt some kinda bad!

Although sometimes it can have a happy ending. Jeeps and I got "serious" after he spent 4 weeks buck naked and ass up in my bed after a wreck took most of the skin of his lower back, ass, and upper legs. :rofl:
He had on riding pants (not leather) but the asphalt at 85 ate through them and his gloves. It was pretty gruesome and he has some nasty scars to show for it.

What type and brand pants were they? Also, was he by chance doing a wheelie? I only ask because the two times I've seen guys really tear up their asses was when they loop out. It's like you fall on your backside and never get off of it.

z06boy 07-06-2009 09:56 AM

Skin grafts suck but what is also bad and causes a bunch of pain is where they take the skin from to attach/cover the wound. Been there and done that but not to the degree of this poor girl in the pictures. MAN !!

Ducati Diva 07-06-2009 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 236404)
What type and brand pants were they? Also, was he by chance doing a wheelie? I only ask because the two times I've seen guys really tear up their asses was when they loop out. It's like you fall on your backside and never get off of it.

They were tour master casual riding pants, had knee and hip armor but no butt protection. Yes he was doing a wheelie and hit gravel. He said he slid long enough on one cheek to go oh f**k that hurts tried to roll over but only managed to tear off the other check. He also ruined a good pair of A* racing gloves and took the meat off of his palms and fingers. The shoulder and arm pics above look like a picnic compared to what he looked like. I was still picking parts of the pants, gravel, and asphalt out of his back and butt a month later.

Amber Lamps 07-06-2009 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ducati Diva (Post 236541)
They were tour master casual riding pants, had knee and hip armor but no butt protection. Yes he was doing a wheelie and hit gravel. He said he slid long enough on one cheek to go oh f**k that hurts tried to roll over but only managed to tear off the other check. He also ruined a good pair of A* racing gloves and took the meat off of his palms and fingers. The shoulder and arm pics above look like a picnic compared to what he looked like. I was still picking parts of the pants, gravel, and asphalt out of his back and butt a month later.

Ha I knew it on both counts! Nylon gear just doesn't hold up, Kevlar jeans ftw. Oh and as a former "stunta", I've seen "loop ass" too many times!:lol: In fact, I've carried three guys personally to the hospital ass up!:lol: I bet the bike was jacked up as well! It's crazy what they do when they are crashed this way!:panic:

Ducati Diva 07-06-2009 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 236544)
Ha I knew it on both counts! Nylon gear just doesn't hold up, Kevlar jeans ftw. Oh and as a former "stunta", I've seen "loop ass" too many times!:lol: In fact, I've carried three guys personally to the hospital ass up!:lol: I bet the bike was jacked up as well! It's crazy what they do when they are crashed this way!:panic:

We have a bike in a bag in the building :rofl: There wasn't much left of it when it finally stoped agianst the trees. We put most of it in two trash bags and what was left fit in the trunk of my dodge neon :tremble: Totaly a stupid wreck and he hasn't done but one wheelie since. Also will never own a pair of nylon pants agian besides not holding up the material melted deep into his skin from the heat of the slide.

Amber Lamps 07-06-2009 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Ducati Diva (Post 236549)
We have a bike in a bag in the building :rofl: There wasn't much left of it when it finally stoped agianst the trees. We put most of it in two trash bags and what was left fit in the trunk of my dodge neon :tremble: Totaly a stupid wreck and he hasn't done but one wheelie since. Also will never own a pair of nylon pants agian besides not holding up the material melted deep into his skin from the heat of the slide.

Exactly my experience with nylon as well, don't tell Krabill and Kaneman... My buddy was wearing a Joe Rocket jacket and it blew apart. He also had pieces of melted plastic lodged in his skin.

Yea loop crashes are the worst! The bike comes down on the forks, compresses them and then springs into the air at least 6+ feet and it's end over end tumble time after that!:panic:

zippychickie636 07-06-2009 03:36 PM

i saw a big 3 cruiser accident on the ride homee from work today and though of this thread...i didn't see the guys but they were being loaded up in an ambulance on the way to the hospital I had just left from working....the guy had saddle bags that had barfed all their contents into the road...socks, panties shirts jeans...mannnn

derf 07-06-2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by zippychickie636 (Post 236675)
i saw a big 3 cruiser accident on the ride homee from work today and though of this thread...i didn't see the guys but they were being loaded up in an ambulance on the way to the hospital I had just left from working....the guy had saddle bags that had barfed all their contents into the road...socks, panties shirts jeans...mannnn

Was that on route 1? I passed a bike accident but it looked like the ambulances had already left

Sixxxxer 07-06-2009 06:37 PM

I hope the panties made it safely

zippychickie636 07-06-2009 07:01 PM

lol sixxer...alas i don't understand how the guy had to be brought to the hospital yet his panties (keep in mind im assuming it was a guys bike so that the obviously feminine panties spewing out of his saddlebags is all the more comical) remained in mint condition....

anywayy no it was real close to route 1, it was on st george ave. in rahway

derf 07-06-2009 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by zippychickie636 (Post 236776)
lol sixxer...alas i don't understand how the guy had to be brought to the hospital yet his panties (keep in mind im assuming it was a guys bike so that the obviously feminine panties spewing out of his saddlebags is all the more comical) remained in mint condition....

What guy doesnt keep womens undies in thier bike?

Sixxxxer 07-06-2009 07:39 PM

They werent your panties were they??

zippychickie636 07-07-2009 11:49 AM

true story derf, you never know when it's time to play dress up haha.

and sixxer...if those were my panties I think this weekend got a little more out of control then I previously thought ;) haha

Dave 07-07-2009 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 235507)
I think we are since the pics of you guys getting towed clearly shows both of you in jeans, I think Dave is wearing tennis shoes.:lol:

piloti racing shoes actually. Prolly fuck all crash protection but my feet wont catch fire! And today i squidded it up and rode to work in shorts! aaaaaaaahhhhh!

Dave 07-07-2009 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by zippychickie636 (Post 237110)
true story derf, you never know when it's time to play dress up haha.

and sixxer...if those were my panties I think this weekend got a little more out of control then I previously thought ;) haha

was absinthe involved? Thats the kinda shit that happens when you play with the green fairy

derf 07-07-2009 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 237288)
was absinthe involved? Thats the kinda shit that happens when you play with the green fairy

That shit is crap, tried it once, it feels like a dozen squirels trying to claw their way down your throat, then all you get is a real crappy drunk feeling

Sixxxxer 07-07-2009 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by zippychickie636 (Post 237110)
true story derf, you never know when it's time to play dress up haha.

and sixxer...if those were my panties I think this weekend got a little more out of control then I previously thought ;) haha

Damn Kawi Riders...

Dave 07-07-2009 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 237307)
That shit is crap, tried it once, it feels like a dozen squirels trying to claw their way down your throat, then all you get is a real crappy drunk feeling

what kind did you try? theres cheap czech shit and then theres the good stuff from france and switzerland. the thujone content isint high enough to make you see anything with the good stuff but at 140+ proof you are going on your ass :boobs:

Sixxxxer 07-07-2009 05:39 PM

I dunno what One I tried..but it was STRONGGGGG

derf 07-07-2009 05:46 PM

it was strong and gave me what can only be described as some kind of alcahol induced heartburn that felt like there were gremlins in my chest wearing tin foil condoms humping away at my internal organs

Dave 07-07-2009 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 237317)
I dunno what One I tried..but it was STRONGGGGG

if it was at my house it was swiss

Sixxxxer 07-07-2009 06:53 PM

Nope it was at my old place.

zippychickie636 07-07-2009 08:11 PM

don't hate kawi riders cuz they don't ride you sixxer! haha no i kiiid i kiiid. But really always did want to try absynth..yay for hallucinations and panties...

Dave 07-07-2009 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by zippychickie636 (Post 237371)
don't hate kawi riders cuz they don't ride you sixxer! haha no i kiiid i kiiid. But really always did want to try absynth..yay for hallucinations and panties...

legal in the states now, can usually find it at your better liquor stores. id suggest Kübler. and OUCH lol

zippychickie636 07-07-2009 09:05 PM

wait it's legal now?? uhhh how did I miss that?

Dave 07-07-2009 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by zippychickie636 (Post 237392)
wait it's legal now?? uhhh how did I miss that?

about a year or so ago some french company got theirs approved for import and now theres quite a few coming in

derf 07-08-2009 12:17 AM

Amber Lamps 07-08-2009 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 237401)
about a year or so ago some french company got theirs approved for import and now theres quite a few coming in

Yea but it's like American approved Ouzo, definitely not the same thing.

Dave 07-08-2009 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 237462)
Yea but it's like American approved Ouzo, definitely not the same thing.

meh we'll see. My last bottle was grey market import. Ive yet to try the domesticated stuff

HokieDNA01 07-08-2009 09:20 AM

Lucid sucks ass!

Dave 07-08-2009 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 237542)
Lucid sucks ass!

well that much i already knew :lol: i was looking to try one of the higher rated french brands. something with a blue or green loosh, the kubler only had a boring white one

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