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racedoll 02-20-2011 08:46 PM

Switching riding styles
I don't think there is a thread on this, my apologizes if there is one. I know some of you have switched from sport bike to dual sport or cruiser or whatever.

I want to know what you switched from/to and why.

Mr Lefty 02-20-2011 08:53 PM

1. sporbikes weren't fun unless I was pushing it.

2. always having to worry about any little debris on the road

3. I like trips... but don't always wanna stay on the road.

4. the riding position is more comfortable on the dual sport.

I don't miss it for a second honestly. I've found I really do have more fun riding the dual sports even 1/3rd the speed

Trip 02-20-2011 08:56 PM

I got the GS cause I wanted something more 2 up friendly. I also never slowed down on the CBR because it was just plain boring going slow. I found the GS is fun pretty much everywhere but dirt.

I got the DRZ cause I wanted something more dirt friendly. I am getting rid of the DRZ cause I want something that is more dirt friendly because the DRZ wasn't a big enough step for how difficult the dirt riding is in this part of the country.

tached1000rr 02-20-2011 09:04 PM

I don't want to get rid of the CBR but I do want to add a sport tourer type of bike for a more upright position, as well as the 2 up comfort, I have a few things I want to pay off before I pull that trigger though.

JoJoYZF 02-20-2011 09:04 PM

Havent made any kind of switch yet but my next bike will definitely either be something that gets taken to the track or something similar to a Busa that will be used for more longer sport touring kinds of trips. As of now its still a toss up.

Sixxxxer 02-20-2011 09:19 PM

I dont think I can see myself selling the 6R...And I dont need to go Faster and Faster to enjoy myself on my sportbike. I enjoy my pace wether it be fast to some or slow to others.

But I would def like to dabble in some Dual Sport looks mighty fun...And I was always one to prefer dirt over street...Until I learned how to ride on the street.

Mr Lefty 02-20-2011 09:22 PM

one of the biggest pluses I found, didn't think of prior to was that with the suspension and tires allow me to not even give a second thought about the road conditions or weather... (no real worry about gravel or standing water)

Captain Morgan 02-20-2011 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Lefty (Post 451348)
1. sporbikes weren't fun unless I was pushing it.

2. always having to worry about any little debris on the road

3. I like trips... but don't always wanna stay on the road.

4. the riding position is more comfortable on the dual sport.

I don't miss it for a second honestly. I've found I really do have more fun riding the dual sports even 1/3rd the speed

Yep. Although the Strom isn't the best bike off the road, but that could partly be due to the shitty stock tires. Will know by this summer, after I buy new tires for it. However, the Strom is comfortable, yet I can still have fun in the curves with it when I want to.

Sixxxxer 02-20-2011 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Lefty (Post 451361)
one of the biggest pluses I found, didn't think of prior to was that with the suspension and tires allow me to not even give a second thought about the road conditions or weather... (no real worry about gravel or standing water)

I still think you shoulda went down that embankment at the lodge at last years rally...Lol

Mr Lefty 02-20-2011 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 451367)
I still think you shoulda went down that embankment at the lodge at last years rally...Lol

it wasn't the embankment that bugged me... it was the fact that it would have been an asshole move to the owners

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