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Bassplayer 07-29-2008 07:46 PM

Wats Up/NY picture thread
Hey. Back from NY, it was awesome.

Ill post up pics as they come.

so, wats new guys?

Carolina 07-29-2008 10:10 PM


Cutty72 07-29-2008 11:18 PM

some of us ride, some don't.
Trip and Drewpy are coming out of the closet
Ebbs wants to be a woman
Gas Man still polishes his chrome
ceo is still working on his garage with leftover ins money
itgirl is visiting down in FL
and chewy is actually gonna start traveling again.

dReWpY 07-30-2008 12:02 AM

cutty thinks he can ride
osp is mia
pc is still touring the country
bob is still trying to source parts for a sf
and ebbs still wants to be a girl

Bassplayer 07-30-2008 01:56 PM

awesome update. :lol:

Mr Lefty 07-30-2008 02:34 PM

actually it's

27 days till I'm on my mid tour... 31 till I'm on my trip
Cutty was fired for molesting the tail pipe of a cusomters vehicle
Trip apparently likes to "pitch" to guys
Drewpy is an all too egar "catcher"
Gunther1000 feels left out by Trip and Drewpy
PC is thinking of drewpy every night... or... that's what she tells him
OSP apparently is having a harder time trying find an alternate location for body's as his yard is full
NtS is building Frankenstien
Gas is still offering to polish other peoples chrome... not sure what to think about that
Marko is still an antisocial salty bastard
CEO made it through a track day with out having to carry parts home in a bin
Katherine and Rae plan to make out in a hottub... soon
jtemple is temping fate and riding a sport bike to Sturgis
T-rock thinks I have a nice ass
RiderRageGoneBAD heads up East Coast Graphix and has some awesome stickers

oh and :twfix:

NONE_too_SOFT 07-30-2008 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 59162)
actually it's

27 days till I'm on my mid tour... 31 till I'm on my trip
Cutty was fired for molesting the tail pipe of a cusomters vehicle
Trip apparently likes to "pitch" to guys
Drewpy is an all too egar "catcher"
Gunther1000 feels left out by Trip and Drewpy
PC is thinking of drewpy every night... or... that's what she tells him
OSP apparently is having a harder time trying find an alternate location for body's as his yard is full
NtS is building Frankenstien
Gas is still offering to polish other peoples chrome... not sure what to think about that
Marko is still an antisocial salty bastard
CEO made it through a track day with out having to carry parts home in a bin
Katherine and Rae plan to make out in a hottub... soon
jtemple is temping fate and riding a sport bike to Sturgis
T-rock thinks I have a nice ass
RiderRageGoneBAD heads up East Coast Graphix and has some awesome stickers

oh and :twfix:

woo hoo i got a mention.

Bassplayer 07-30-2008 07:06 PM

here's some pics from ny, ill put up more as i upload...
Empire State

Ellis Island

Shea Stadium


Times Square


NONE_too_SOFT 07-30-2008 09:02 PM

ha, fucking smile, tough guy. nice pics.

a last minute trip to newyork for about 36 hours is still one of the best vacations i've ever taken. I will go back soon, i hope.

Trip 07-30-2008 09:36 PM

i want to go to new york

btw, I hate you guys

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