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tached1000rr 05-29-2009 12:47 AM

If you have not crashed: What does it mean???
I've wondered about this but for those who have never crashed, why do you think that is?

1. lucky as hell
2. too safe and conservative riding skill, thus not challenging their skills
3. just wait it's coming
4. just have mad skills and is the "one" of motorcycling
5. bike never leaves the garage
6. they have not passed Tater's ex whore of a wife in said curve yet.

Ninjakel 05-29-2009 01:21 AM

Just wait, its coming.

2 types of riders, people who have gone down and those that haven't yet :idk:

Amber Lamps 05-29-2009 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Ninjakel (Post 217690)
Just wait, its coming.

2 types of riders, people who have gone down and those that haven't yet :idk:

I don't believe that. I've honestly known people who rode for years and whom never crashed. It is not impossible to ride motorcycles and not crash. I rode from 16 years old and didn't crash until I got a sportbike and didn't crash one of those until 1998 when I hit a deer. That was almost 17 years without a crash.

Fleck750 05-29-2009 02:05 AM

1. lucky as hell

I also know of people that have rode for decades w/o crashing. But odds are, the more time you spend on a bike, the bigger your chances are that something will eventually go wrong. Just like with any sport or driving a car, for that matter.

101lifts2 05-29-2009 02:20 AM

Push it hard every weekend and I also commute everyday 25 miles year round. Never crashed. Many near misses, but never went down.

I ride very well....but lets face it there is a good amount of luck (or maybe an angel watching over me :tremble:) in sportbike riding. I also speed all the time and lanesplit everywhere.

Just give it time...

t-homo 05-29-2009 02:43 AM

I'm the ONE.

BobTheBiker 05-29-2009 06:08 AM

Its an odds game.

EVERYONE WILL go down at some point in their motorcycling life. EVERYONE. It may be a little 5mph lowside in your driveway, or it might be that crash that you never get up from and all thats left is a few screws and maybe some twisted metal, or any degree of severity in between. (hopefully toward the more minor degree)

Personally, I've crashed a few times, learned what not to do in that scenaro from each one, thanked the motorcycle gods, and moved on.

zed 05-29-2009 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 217693)
I don't believe that. I've honestly known people who rode for years and whom never crashed. It is not impossible to ride motorcycles and not crash. I rode from 16 years old and didn't crash until I got a sportbike and didn't crash one of those until 1998 when I hit a deer. That was almost 17 years without a crash.

but you did crash which falls under the "there are two kinds of riders, ones that have crashed ans ones that have yet to crash"

I rode for years without a crash then bam 3 totaled bikes in 5 years and a couple drops in the same time and nothing for the last 3+ years.

Amber Lamps 05-29-2009 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by BobTheBiker (Post 217706)
Its an odds game.

EVERYONE WILL go down at some point in their motorcycling life. EVERYONE. It may be a little 5mph lowside in your driveway, or it might be that crash that you never get up from and all thats left is a few screws and maybe some twisted metal, or any degree of severity in between. (hopefully toward the more minor degree)

Personally, I've crashed a few times, learned what not to do in that scenaro from each one, thanked the motorcycle gods, and moved on.

I think that's ridiculous personally....and it gives me an opportunity to start one of my inane arguments! :rockwoot:

Do you believe that absolutely EVERYONE will be involved in an automobile accident? Heck, 20-25% of the population has herpes, does that GUARANTEE that EVERYONE will get it eventually regardless of how careful they are? Of course not. Not EVERYONE that rides a motorcycle is going to crash. Shit, insurance would be impossible to get if every bike on the road was going to be crashed at some point. Sheesh...

Amber Lamps 05-29-2009 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by zed (Post 217732)
but you did crash which falls under the "there are two kinds of riders, ones that have crashed ans ones that have yet to crash"

I rode for years without a crash then bam 3 totaled bikes in 5 years and a couple drops in the same time and nothing for the last 3+ years.

Oh sure I've crashed but not until I got a sport bike, if I had kept riding cruisers or had quit riding all together, like many do in their 30s, I could have never crashed. Shit, up until two years ago, I had never had a single vehicle crash and I was doped up for that one! That was after 25 years of riding and about 12 years of sport bike riding. I just don't believe that the guy riding a Rebel 250 is GUARANTEED to crash eventually. Yes I know it is POSSIBLE to crash one, btw. I came from a Harley family and I know for a fact that I have uncles that have ridden since WWII and Korea without crashing. My uncle McKinley just got rid of his pan head a few years ago and it has never been crashed to my knowledge.

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