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Old 05-29-2009, 09:38 AM   #10
Amber Lamps
Moto GP Star
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Originally Posted by zed View Post
but you did crash which falls under the "there are two kinds of riders, ones that have crashed ans ones that have yet to crash"

I rode for years without a crash then bam 3 totaled bikes in 5 years and a couple drops in the same time and nothing for the last 3+ years.
Oh sure I've crashed but not until I got a sport bike, if I had kept riding cruisers or had quit riding all together, like many do in their 30s, I could have never crashed. Shit, up until two years ago, I had never had a single vehicle crash and I was doped up for that one! That was after 25 years of riding and about 12 years of sport bike riding. I just don't believe that the guy riding a Rebel 250 is GUARANTEED to crash eventually. Yes I know it is POSSIBLE to crash one, btw. I came from a Harley family and I know for a fact that I have uncles that have ridden since WWII and Korea without crashing. My uncle McKinley just got rid of his pan head a few years ago and it has never been crashed to my knowledge.
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