It surprises me to see so many riders taking the "two kinds of riders" line to heart... i only expect to hear that from old women.
Originally Posted by tached1000rr
2. too safe and conservative riding skill, thus not challenging their skills
Well, I certainly believe that the opposite is true- that a lot of people who have crashed have a tendency to ride too aggressively. I don't really care about "challenging my skill"... I just ride for fun. And I find the idea that if you're not crashing, you're not riding fast enough ON THE STREET... well, appalling, i think is the word.
So, I guess you would put me in category #2

I can live with that. My bike's sitting outside waiting to take me home from work, and she says she can live with that too
And FWIW, i don't consider a drop to be a "crash". A crash occurs when you are piloting a vehicle that is in motion and under power. If I am pushing a bike into a trailer and it falls because I lose my grip, it's not a crash. If I'm lifting a car with a hydraulic jack in the wrong spot and it falls off the jack, it's not a crash. Those are fuckups.