New Colors Available!
I now have added White/Gray/Purple to my color collection.
Which also includes Red/Blue/Yellow/Orange/Black/Green...
I am also testing reflective vinyl that is available in red/blue/yellow/green/orange/white. This stuff is not as good as regular vinyl and there are limitations to this one because it does not weed well. Basically some of the maps I am having to change because of it and hawaii/alaska/canada are too complicated for it. Lower 48 may be available in the near future. I may offer to sell one map at a reduced price to properly review and see if it is even worth selling since I only have test samples of it right now.
Originally Posted by ebbs15
according to the article tell him to drink ginger tea...
Originally Posted by Tigger
Whatever,Stoner is a bitch! O.J. Simpson has TWO fucked knees and a severe hang nail on his left index finger but he still managed to kill two younger adults,sprint 200 feet to his car (wearing very expensive,yet uncomfortable Italian shoes) and make his get a way!!!