Tubbs you fat Wanker
Originally Posted by mutley
Had offers from holland and usa as this collector lost 39kg from his and wrote abook about it ipassed 83 kg at the end of day got stiched but im happy cos i build it so my name is on it were ever she is i do know that he has not finished it lol and every bit was changed so will be hard to sell on .
life goes on The WANKER knoes that TossER to him cos he will look a prick if he clames it as his . i buy my time and will have him ...
Tubbs you fat Wanker when i get my girl sort out then it's you and me i know were you live and all others involved don't want to get involved this prick lives in didcot uk my time will come .. yOU CAN'T CHANGE A PLUG YET ALONE BUILD A BIKE ALL HERE KNOW SHE WAS MINE ..
If it works take it apart. if you dont need it get rig of ie. 5kg's = 1bhp or there about.
They say Life is a waste of Time, and Time is a waste of Life....so let's all get wasted and have the time of our lives !!
I've been dating this girl for a year and now the nagging starts.." I wanna know your name !" and things like that... :-(
everyone has the right to be stupid.....I just abuse the privilege !