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Old 11-18-2009, 09:32 AM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Didcot/oxford/england
Posts: 117
Default The devil and the deep blue see

Problem is now im playing around with cars as you know, But this is a bike site . as i would like to chat here rather than on a car forum witch just have no humor ect, so my questiong is would it bother anyone if i stayed hear but latk about cars but im am trashing one and will make it a bit like a quad but still have a steering wheel and 450+ bhp lol
If it works take it apart. if you dont need it get rig of ie. 5kg's = 1bhp or there about.

They say Life is a waste of Time, and Time is a waste of let's all get wasted and have the time of our lives !!

I've been dating this girl for a year and now the nagging starts.." I wanna know your name !" and things like that... :-(

everyone has the right to be stupid.....I just abuse the privilege !
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