Originally Posted by OneNotSoSickPsycho
 Yeah, It sucks to be small...nothing is EVER my size...so THANK YOU!!!
We just purchased a jacket and gloves for me the other day...took FOREVER to find something that was a decent price, my size, and NOT sold out.

I find that alpinestars cut pretty well for us small people, but you have to be super thin as well. My hands are tiny and their gloves fit really good.
My Icon and Scorpion jacket in XS fits well too. I think Joe Rocket finally came out with some XS sizes too. The only thing is if you have any boobs at all, (which I don't) it may be kind of tight around the chest.
The only thing that is a hit or miss is pants. I bought a size 2 once from some odd brand and I couldn't even pull it over my hips. I think it was cut for a 11 year old girl. Normally I just wear jeans now since I don't really go anywhere or do anything crazy, my full leathers get no use.
Try looking at some kid sizes too. I have a kid sized backprotector and dirtbike boots and its so much cheaper!