Originally Posted by eBBs15
how many run?
I dig the KLR... those bikes are fuck'n mules
The KLR and Harley run. Those are my dad's. The KLR is a blast to ride for short rides. Anymore than 100 miles and my whole body feels like a tuning fork.
The Honda fires up, but seeing as it has no rear wheel, swing arm or chain on it...it doesn't go anywhere.
The two Bridgestones...we have no idea about those. We got the gold one home last night and took off the rear wheel because it was locked up. The drums were seized up and all the aluminum inside was corroded. The whole hub was full of sand.

We aren't sure how the sand got in there, but the guy we got it from didn't have the whole story when he got it, so he wasn't sure what it had been through.