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Old 05-21-2010, 11:03 PM   #17
Chopstix / \
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Originally Posted by The Chi View Post
Orange vest?
a joke. cause slower riders wear orange. and this guy and his buddies are insane...

anyways he's nobody famous or anything, just been around the block and is networked like mad. He dated miss april from penthouse like 9 years ago he tells me on the way home... i guess i was 9 years too late.

i uploaded pics from my camera to facebook, so if ur not my friend you'll have to suck it up and request me, or just wait a day or two till i get the rest from the track photog. track was a shitty 2.1 mile , 13 turn, doozy. 3/4 of the turns were bumpy and in need of a touch up, and it was fast, lap record in a car there is like 1:01.

Spoiler alert:

Part of my bike flew off my bike.

Edit: oh it was up at nelson ledges drewpy, shoddy track but well worth it for 60$.
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