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Old 07-07-2010, 11:31 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Papa_Complex View Post
Yes; regulated capitalism and good corporate citizenship. People shouldn't have to fight it out with their insurance companies, in cases where they clearly should be ponying up. As with this case, people are generally in a very bad emotional place when they NEED their insurance coverage. That the insurance company employees choose to make things tough for them, at such times, shows that they are somewhat less than human.
We have regulated capitalism.

While I agree that people should not have to fight with their insurance companies to have legitimate bills paid, the company should also be expected (and allowed) to do their due diligence to make sure it was a covered loss. To be honest with you, I find it hard to believe that the insurance company is even involved at this point.

Regarding the companies do not care comments, I believe that those comments were made in regard to the ex's employer not her insurance carrier. I originally said she should get an attorney (I misread and assumed she had been fired). I no longer feel that that is necessary.

They are holding her job for her while she is away. What more should she expect? Should the company continue to pay her for not working?

While this tragic event is more assuredly going to cause a huge financial strain on the family, I'm not sure how that is the fault or responsibility of her employer?
Racing For Smiles
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