I went to the track today in this heat. I only rode the full amount of time for the very first session. All others, I left the track early. It was just too damn hot and I was getting tired quickly. But I had fun and got the Strom leaned over to full tilt. Scraped pegs a few times and the back end got a bit loose in a few turns.
Oh, and I got passed by everyone, multiple times per session.

I probably should have had it in the beginner group, but it was sportbiketracktime and I don't like their beginner group. Most of you know they do a classroom session, then you go out in a group of people. I hate being led around the track in a group, so chose intermediate so I could just ride at my own pace. I made sure to look over my shoulder a lot and get out of the line to wave people by if they were coming up on me. Didn't want to hold anyone up.