I pitched this idea to Rae back a couple months ago... but I was wondering who'd be down to go sky diving in Indy? I'm think'n we could either do it the Monday after the 15th or... if people have to get home... we could do it on one of the practice days... 12 or 13th
I'd prefer Monday but I'm on leave... and if someone wants to go but can't make it Monday I'm down to change.
it's not a big deal if no one wants to... I'm going regardless... it's been something I've been wanting to do for a while... figure this would be a kick ass addition to my mid tour trip...
I don't know prices yet... Rae is gonna look into them when she gets a chance... but the ONE site that listed the price it was $175 but I'm think'n if we can get a group we could get a discount...

best not to count on it...
if the place is like every other I've seen they'll offer pics and video of you jumping for another $20 each... worth it if it's your first jump I've heard.
Who's Down?