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Old 01-22-2011, 09:18 AM   #8
'73 H1 Triple
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Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho View Post
Who's done it? Ever get burnt? Worth it?

So in my quest to get my Tiller where I want her, I've been watching forums, craigslist, and eBay for parts... while at the same time selling off some stuff. I came across this:

Now obviously this is an 'it all depends' sort of situation, but I'm curious about other's experiences... I'm thinking, depending on that condition it's in and what's all there/missing, I could buy it, use some of the parts, part out the rest and most likely make a couple of bucks.
If you feel the parts you need are worth $700 of the $850 price, do it.

It's a major pain in the ass. To get rid of the parts you don't want/need, you need to find an active bike (model specific) forum and hope somebody needs what you have within a reasonable time frame.

Ebay is another way to get rid of parts but the costs involved keep going up.

Search ebay for completed sales and see what the parts you'd get rid of actually sold for. Also, make sure you have enough in shipping to cover your costs but not too high to scare away potential buyers.
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