I thought I posted this here but I guess I never did. Started on this back in May '09. Worked on it till August or so. Hell I can't even remember. Doesn't seem that long ago and it doesnt look like it's been sitting that long (outside).
Anyways, I've decided to give it another try on getting the engine to work. If it doesn't then I'll just get a bigger chinese engine.
I'm just going to copy and paste from another forum.
(I posted each post form another forum but here they get put together on here so my sentences might not makes since.)
I picked these up back in August and I think I'm gonna start workin on them this weekend.
Honda CL70
Good: Well it is there. LOL A lot more stuff on ebay for them. Found some websites that sell parts, tires and modified engines. Already bought new carb.
Bad: I hope the forks aren't rusted up. Needs new cables, pretty much anything made of rubber (ex: gas tank pads, tires), needs chain, some wires need to be redone, needs battery, engine condition unknown.
Yamaha YG1
Good: I can feel the piston move with the kick start. Clutch cable works.
Bad: Pretty much the same as the Honda. This is why you dont leave things out in the open. Bent handle bar
The Honda is a 4 stroke and the Yammy is a 2 stroke with oiler. I plan on working on the Honda first cause my other bike is a Honda. LOL I want to have at least one engine running in a month.
I have to clear out some stuff in the garage like tires and a cherry picker. Those seem to take up a lot of space.

Well this is what I got done today. Not much but I know what I need to order for now. Even though the fork boots pretty much fell off and there was a ton of oil/dirt, the tubes look good.
She's so dirty.