Still no vid. I was sick all last weekend and the work week kept me worn out. I did get a vid but when I was editing it the program froze and I lost the file so I'll get another vid.
I got another problem now. The carb is leaking fuel out the bottom of the bowl. Its a vent and the tube inside goes way up so the think is just filling up with fuel I'm guessing. It just started this today and has NEVER done it before till now.
Still doesnt wanna run without out choke set some, but doesnt run well. Anything over 1/8 throttle she bogs.
I adjusted the valves but they weren't that loose. Cam chain looks nice.
I turned the intake & carb around to how its suppose to and now when it cranks over it just full revs. I have to turn her off. Adjusting the screws does nothing.
I haven't done anything else from what I've already done. I didn't bend any part of the float. The float needle is seating correctly. I guess I'm gonna have to bend the float tabs so is doesnt fill up so much.
I'll check the timing again tomorrow.
Got the new tubes/tires on. They are Shinkos 244's.
Haven't done much since I'm getting frustrated that she's not running correctly.
I just got done replacing some seals, draining oil, and replacing the point. Tomorrow I'll replace the condensor and recheck the valve clearances.
I'm still waiting on some oem parts which include some spark plugs. So that would be nice if they showed up tomorrow.
Engine is coming apart.
I just cant get her running right and she smokes so gonna start taking the engine apart and see what needs to be done.
I have to see certain parts of the insides to know if I can bore the engine (short rod, is it this or that, etc) and I may order a new head with bigger valves/cam. Just gonna start new and hope she runs right then.
Putting windows in a church in a small town and wouldnt know. 500ft away is a Honda CL70 sitting on a porch. LOL Gonna ask tomorrow if they want to get rid of it.
I need to slow down some on her cause I'm getting burnt out. Won a new honda manual for it (new as in printed in this decade

2: ) and should have the engine fully apart this weekend.
Not gonna order any engine parts until I have everything apart for inspection.