Originally Posted by Sixxxxer
That guys setup is sweet...Short of setting your shit in a bucket of gas when your not wearing it I really dont think it matters if its hanging in a garage or in a closet in your house...
And I Dunno about you...but My jacket smells like exhaust from my bike/other bikes/cars.
You do realize when you ride a motorcycle, your open to the elements right? Shit i have bug guts all over my jacket at times...Turns on the ladies
Dude, you are not riding inches away from cars' exhaust.....Unless you're in rush hour all the time. My jacket smells like sweat more than anything else....
And if you put your jacket in a closet with a new tire or bottles of chemicals in it......Shit will stink like a mofo after a few days. Leather is porous, so it absorbs odors pretty good. Hell I keep a box of Bounce on the floor of my closet, and it keeps my jacket smelling fresh, lol.
Like as if the dude doesn't have room inside his house for his gear.

Hell if I pay hundreds of dollars for something, I'm not leaving it somewhere where it's going to be exposed to temperature extremes, high humidity, insects, & dust.