Thread: Mixing tires?
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Old 07-13-2011, 07:14 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by 101lifts2 View Post
Try running in 95 degree heat at a upper intermediate pace...those PPs will get greasy real fast and start sliding around. Yes riding at the street track pace is probably OK.

And yes warmers IMO are a waste unless you're racing. Two track days and most race tires are going to someone who wants takeoffs.
Almost have done that, just the upper intermediatre pace up at loudon on a set of the michelin 2cts and they started spinning on me later in the day but I was also running with advanced guys and trying to keep pace with soem of them.

For me dot's are a waste on the street since we have to travel a lot of miles just to get to the good twisties, plus the priller is about 70-80% commuting now.
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