Had a wonderful weekend up at the Dragon with some GREAT new friends this past weekend. We were there to celebrate the life of a wonderful man/rider that was killed up there Thursday but a Semi Truck that blocked the entire rode and ended up killing the rider (more to come on that in another thread).
I had a great time as always but ended up having a little too much fun with a fellow rider (wera racer) and gave him a run for his money through the twisties and did a hard roll on on a HUGE straight only to look up the road and see blue lights. SHIT! I asked him what to do (RUN RUN RUN) but we decided to pull over. Maybe professional curtesy would save us...no. I'm screwed. Trip...you know a good lawyer in Graham county? I'm not worried about the money.
Kathy is a VERY VERY VERY VERY bad girl

I'm starting to feel like I need to just decommission the Ol' Gix and get something with a little less "ovaries". I just dont feel like I'm having fun lately unless I'm hauling. I love my bike to death but she is working very hard to strip me of my license (clean record up to this point) and could have very easily landed me in jail this weekend. I'm an idiot.