"Selling my 1199 panigale S. Low mileage, as new.
Only had it 2 weeks and selling it for something less ducati. If you love two stroke bikes, you'll love the panigale. It is completely devoid of any midrange power whatsoever. It EVEN burns oil like a two stroke! I will provide a litre of fully synthetic oil for the new owner, as you'll need it within the next 500 miles.
This would look great in anyones living room, which is the best place for it as it looks pretty ridiculous when stationary at the front of a queue of traffic after it has inevitably stalled on you for no other reason except it felt like it. This bike isn't completely turd, it does have one or two of the features that all other superbikes have in bucketloads at a far cheaper price. The top end rush is mental for a V twin, its just a shame you have to sit your way through the gaping chasm of a midrange flatspot until it hits 8000rpm. If whilse filtering through traffic a car should decide to U turn in front of you (as they do) then prepare for impact. Open the throttle and the bike will cough and splutter like an RGV250 whose main jets have fallen out.
Would suit rich people who have other modes of decent transport along with a selection of other fussy expensive overpriced vehicles/horses. No test pilots, no ridiculous offers, no part exchanges as I've already bought an Aprilia rsv4 which is twice the bike and left enough money spare to buy loads of other nice things. "