Interesting cycle ride to work this morning. As I come up to where I turn left, a blue dodge dakota pick up starts to turn directly in front of me.
I jump on the brakes ( back slides slightly ) and I stop about 5' from his truck. The cycle stalled and when I went to hit the turn signal button to cancel it, I accidentally hit the horn. So basically at the same time I was blowing the horn, I was yelling at the driver calling him a "stupid f*cking asshole".
I restart the cycle, go around Mr Asshat and let him know once more he's a "dumb f*cking asshole" . The guy jumps out of the truck and some 60 year old grey haired ex biker looking dude is yelling how he's going to kick my ass.

( I'm wearing a full face helmet, leather jacket with crash armor and leather gloves with knuckle protectors. I'm laughing to myself wondering what's he's going to do as I ride away )
Wonder if I'll see him tomorrow morning too