I really like the contour camera I have but I'd go wit the GoPro.
The GoPro is kind of the Apple MP3 of the helmet camera world. Such as, you can get other MP3 players that are as good or better than the Apple one but everything extra you want to get is geared towards Apple. The GoPro is the same way. Most accesories, more programs for it, and when shit does break just about every store now carries gopro stuff. I broke my Contour waterproof case (my fault, not equipments) in Turks and Caicos the first day down there. If I had a GoPro I cold have gotten another case.
Basically I like Contour much better than GoPro but until Contour gets a stronger foothold in the helmet camera market, I'd get a GoPro.
 lifts - R.I.P.