Originally Posted by Smittie61984
Honda 150 with a paint scheme from late 80s to early 90s. Do you think there's electronics on it you can mess up? It's one step above Flinstone powered. Besides, it's a Honda.
Originally Posted by Smittie61984
Through Youtube, I've seen a man fall off a speeding train in India, hit a pole, and come out okay, multiple motorcycle accidents in Maylasia where the rider flies 50ft in the air and comes out with a broken toe, and suicidal maniacs get shot, fall of a 10 story building with a knife, and lose 1 finger in Brazil. Countless hours on Youtube has confirmed for me that the laws of physics don't really apply to people of semi-3rd world looking countries when in a 100ft proximity to a camera.
Honda isn't well known for it's electrical skills. I and hundreds of others know.