I like your CRG Arrows, but I need a bigger and higher mirror. Here I have the stock mirror on the right and the bar-end mirror on the left. The stock convex mirror is vibration-free, but gives me a partial view of my shoulder. The bar-end gives a nice view to the rear, but vibrates severely. I could make a rubber mount, but the bar-end has a flat mirror, unlike the stock mirror and your CRG Arrow which are convex. The convex shows what's behind me and what's next to me. I am going to order long-stem, convex mirrors from ebay and see if they vibrate.
It was 80 degrees on Lookout Mt today, but a cold front is coming in tonight and snow this weekend. The red in the headlight is a reflection of my red mesh jacket. The chrome things hanging below the turnsignals are loud, Stebel horns I put on thirty years ago. The mesh cover on the left one broke off. The brake fluid is purple because it's silicone.