Originally Posted by fasternyou929
But 70k in that venue looks like a ghost town. 
Yea, but the gp circuit doesn't even use half of the 500 oval, and they dont even sell tickets to those viewing sections. The sections that are open are full, especially this year. The general admission sections were packed this year, including all the viewing mounds through the infield section. Sure the front straight is empty, but I dont get why anybody would want to sit there anyway. And besides.... any facility holding 240,000+ will look empty when 2/3 of the sections are closed.
Originally Posted by tallywacker
Lame, I've been to Indy the past two years. It's become a male escape from our women adventure.
I've been there every year but the first hurricane year. Not looking forward to paying to flu to COTA or Laguna.....