Originally Posted by Archren
Given that a lot of my commute is spent in stop and go traffic, and lane splitting is illegal here, I avoid taking the bike if I know I am going to hit rush hour. That, and during the summer it's 90 million degrees... cooking on top of the Duc on top of hot asphalt around hot cars under the hot sun for an hour... just not my idea of fun.
Edit to add: and holy crap I seem to attract every douchebag mouth breather on the road. Either it's the morons who park in the left lane going under the speed limit (and stacking up traffic behind them), or it's the road ragers who tailgate me, cut me off, or otherwise feel like they have a bone to pick with me because I ride a bright red motorcycle.
One of these days I'm going to just go track only. 
lanesplitting is only illegal if you get caught

its a necessary evil in the NYC/LI area