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Old 05-27-2013, 09:38 PM   #1
Mr Lefty
TWFix Legend
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Denver CO
Moto: 01 BMW F650GS Dakar
Posts: 15,677

So it's been a while since I've posted here... I wished it was because I was doing soo much riding i didn't have the time... unfortunatly that's not the case.* I ended up in the hospital in August of 02 because someone slashed my valve stem while I ran into my office real quick and I went down slamming my helmet resulting in a severe concussion.* So I stopped riding to work... Then at the BUTT rally I wrecked and ended up in the hospital again with another severe concussion...* two months later I moved to Denver, Colorado, and though I had some good rides in the snow, I wasn't about to commute in it LOL.* So it wasn't until this weekend that the Dakar made it's first appearance this year in the mountains of Colorado.* I didn't do as much riding as I'd hoped, but i need to get used to long days in the saddle again, and I had prior engagements that cut one day short.

I did make a ride down to Pikes Peak on Saturday though.* Gorgeous day, so I stopped and took the obligatory photo of the Dakar

I was bummed to hear from the ranger that the road was paved all the way to the top, but once I got north of 11,000ft I was OK with it.* The winds picked up and with no guard rails... had me wondering if a concussion would be the least of my problems if I went down here.* I also noticed my confidence on the bike was not what it was... I was stiff and couldn't relax on the way up.* Not sure if it was because of my offs... or the time away from riding.* I made it to the top eventually and was astonished at how little effort it took for me to feel out of breath.* I'm in for a hell of a wake up in a couple weeks when I run the Mt Evans ascent (14 miles starting at 10k ft finish at 14k feet.)

Anyways... here are a couple pics from the top

Then I decided to use my new(ish) Sony NEX-5n that I bought purposely for motorcycle trips for the ride down.* I put the neck strap on and shot these as I coasted down in 2nd (held me right at the 20mph speed limit)

Yesterday I took off planning on riding nearly 400 miles, something well within my comfort zone, or used to be.* I found I'm needing to ease myself back into long days, as my butt is the limiting factor.* Anyways... the day started off fantastic... got an earlier start so the weather was cooler.. but still in the 70's.* At the first gas stop I strapped by camera strap through the tank bag to hold it secure but still able me to take photos while riding.* Took some getting used to, and I need to work on holding the camera level, but as I'm shooting with my left hand and not taking my eyes off the road (except on a couple) I think out of 300+ shots I got 100 that were keepable... and about 20 that are worthy of showing.* Here are a few

My trip took me on and off road and I found this little abandon building... and when on a motorcycle ride... abandon building=photo op.

The dirt ended just up around the corner from this, and as quickly as it showed up, it vanished (probably less than .25miles) and I was transported back in time, I just wished the photos had turned out better

Most people pose for self shots... not me... Mid verse of The Man Who Sold The World, done much better by Nirvana
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