Originally Posted by Rangerscott
Ive read tye seating position sucks major but damn theyre sexy.
The old ones yes. The new 2013's are much better. I believe the saddle is 10mm lower and the clip-ons are 5mm higher. I've heard it really makes a big change by sitting "in" the bike more than "on" it.
Originally Posted by fasternyou929
Because he can afford a nicer bike than you?  Jealous people are funny.
So if he bought a clapped out used bike and dropped it, that'd be fine because it falls within your budget capabilities. But if he can afford to buy, drop, and replace a new bike and still get his bills paid, he's a dumbass. Ooooookay.
I'm almost certain he meant buying a brand new litre bike as a first bike as being a dumbass, not just the new bike thing....