Originally Posted by Particle Man
No way I am getting close enough to anyone on the road to do that. Nuh uh.
Done it many a time back in the day
Back when Brian was alive (and back in my 20's) there were a few times when an SUV (mostly tahoe's/suburbans) would slap cut us off on 4 lane hiways. That was Brian's worst pet peeve. He would motion to me to "do the mirrors" and then he'd ride up on their passenger side in the slow lane, and I'd be on the drivers side in the fast lane, and we'd fold their mirrors forward, then bolt down the hiway at mach speed for a while. No damage, just irritation for the driver.
Seriously stupid and immature. But...that was the joy of being friends with Brian. He kinda allowed me to recapture my childhood by engaging in childish stupid shit. Like when he use to have that Katana 1100 and could get it to backfire on cue

I'll never forget this one time out on a rural road we passed this ghetto chicken farm right next to the road. It had 100 different 55 gallon barrels mounted horizontally off the ground about 12" on 4x4 posts every 4ft square. With chickens sitting on top of the barrels. Hundreds of chickens....just feet from the road. Brian was leading and sure as hell...got right next to the chickens and shut off the ignition, gassed it then restated to produce one of the loudest backfires I ever heard

There were chicken feathers EVERYWHERE. We had to pull over less than a mile down the road because we were laughing so hard we couldn't see any more. We stopped and Brian and I were CRYING we were laughing so hard. But Jim....another guy we always road with....didn't see the humor in it at all.
Ironically....well....not ironically....maybe appropriately, Brians death was caused by him doing stupid childish shit too. Wheelie in the middle of a "mini deals gap" that resulted in him faceplanting a tree at 60mph off the side of the ravine in Tuggles gap.
But that's how he said he wanted to die

He didn't WANT to get old. He wanted to go out doing what he loved and never have to worry about cancer or illness or old age.
That was the end of my stupid riding habits. I DO wanna get old.