Originally Posted by Cutty72
An Ultra with something that put down 150 hp / 150+ ft lbs, now that would be cool.
Hell YEAH it would be!
I rode the hell outta HD's and every japanese clone version OF a HD at every level. Then hit the BMW dealer, and the ducati dealer (They're uglier than home-made sin, but that's why I like the Diavel! Man...I almost caved on that one.....TORQUE!!)
Ideally I'd like an ultra, because of bags, comfort and practicality, but daggone, even the stage 3 modded 2014's with the new Rushmore motor left me disappointing and unable to justify what even USED ones were going for. And after having a busa, a K1200S, Blackbird, GSXR's, TLR...etc...you can't NOT have that "OMG power power power" at your disposal, even if you NEVER use it. I mean...there's JUST no going back.
I had a budget too. I mean...I COULDA spent $20k but my mind wouldn't allow me to take a loan out for a bike. And I had $7100 cash I could spend freely.
I looked at naked too. I really woulda liked to have been able to afford Ed's Tuano but I knew I couldn't swing it without selling some guns or taking a loan out. Also considered a brand NEW FZ-9 but that's another story.
I bobbled along for 3 months pissing off the HD salesman, BMW, Ducati and the big four dealers by riding everything they had and NOT buying. Until one day a guy in my office who has a 2013 goldwing and 2010 Yamaha Raider told me to come to his house one saturday and just ride his raider. He was thinking of selling it, and I MAY enjoy it. Well I had NO intention of considering it, but since the street bug had bitten me I wasn't about to turn down an invitation to ride for a few hours in the mountians.
I'd seen his bike before and yeah they're cool and all, but holy diesel stacks whatta heinous exhaust! NEVER had been able to get past that when he rode it to work.
Anyway...we started off and I was SHOCKED at the power. Holy sheep shit this thing would move! Then we got to the twisties and again I was baffled at what this bike could do. YEAH I'd hit the pegs but only after going in WAY hotter than I ever expected. That bike will LEAN
After 30 minutes I was sold! I couldn't wait to get back to his house and tell him I wanted it.
We finished the ride and I told him I was a buyer! He said "Great! I'll get the title from the bank" Then I got to work monday and saw his email where he had a bad case of buyers remorse and backed out

But I found
my own (with pipes already) and I'm even happier!
I found out after I got it that there's a company that MAKES a left handed true mechanical cruise control for it for $400
And the SISTER bike to the raider (
called the Stratoliner) is identical (mechanically/power) in every way except body and front wheel and can have a radio, batwing, and hard luggage and cruise....and STILL romp like a scalded dog! For less than $10k (lightly used)
anyway...I'd NEVER considered a raider till I was forced to ride his.
I say all that to open your mind a little and explore different options.