Not to resurrect a LONG dead thread, but I'm going to.
Because I can.
I have the RC51 ready for inspection, paperwork's all done. Waiting on the weather to play nice long enough for me to get the bike into the trailer and get it to the next town over for inspection. After more road blocks and hurdles than I can enumerate, I FINALLY figured out how to register a machine in Japan. That's when the base decides to do what this base seems to be good at and stick it to people sideways, sans lube.

AFI 91-207 was re-written not too long ago, and it requires sport bike riders to attend a MSF course in addition to that required of every other type of bike. All of the sport bike riders at Misawa are being threatened to park their bikes because the base wants a sport bike rider to teach the MSRC (even though there are other courses allowed by the reg.).
Sounds fishy to me, but I've been told to "shut up and color" every time I've inquired about a RiderCoach cert. Here's a few questions for the certified RiderCoaches on here:
1. Is there a different "cert" for each course? Or is a RiderCoach certified to teach all MSF courses?
2. How much ass-pain might I expect if I looked into getting cert'd on my own dime?
3. Is anyone near the Florida panhandle teaching the MSF ARC in June-ish?