03-26-2011, 12:50 PM
token jewboy
Join Date: Nov 2008
Moto: CBR 900, KLR ugly ass duckling, Gas Man
Posts: 10,799
plastic weld how to
I wrote this a few years back, and while searching for it in another post and not finding it on twf I am gonna copy paste the whole thread here:
Ok I'll let the pictures do the talking. I bought the bike with some minor damage to the fairings, and I know how to repair plastic so....
I used a 50 gal air compressor, hooked to the cheapo harbor freight plastic welder, a bic lighter and a steel ruler are used for shaping the plasitc if it gets too hot and starts to deform. I also use a heat gun to soften the plastics if I need to move/form/fix any out of place pieces.

Now the upper fairing has all the cracks fixed and they wont get any worse, on to the mid fairing

Mid fairing is fixed. Next on the list is sanding of the current welds, shaping of the filler piece to go in the hole in the upper fairing, trimming of the upper fairing to fit the new filler plastic, welding that in, a very little bit of body filler, and sanding that down so it matches the curves of the fairing. I'm not going to paint it, I just cant justify spending the money on pro paint. I will however be using vynil to match, yellow over the mid fairing only over the part where the crack is, and white over the corner of the upper fairing, both sides to match, and probably going to throw on a fireblade sticker over the yellow to whit transition to make it look like the white belongs.