Originally Posted by Smittie61984
I carry a Shiny 44magnum Revolver with me whenever I ride great distances. I'd be willing to play "My gun is bigger than your gun" with him. Crazy fucks.
I rarely lane split and if I do it's usually 3-4 cars to catch up with my group.
I will say I am split with lane splitting(Good one huh?). Part of me wants it because hell I'm on a bike and that woudl rule. The other part of me thinks "What if I'm in a nice car like a Mercedes, Ferrari, or even a nice truck" and some punk kid with a $1000 bike is coming within a few inches of my $100,000+ car.
now that's a good point! Lane splitting would never go in Mi,heck when there is construction on the highway and you can get thru with you bike. Assholes see you coming and actually run their cars way over to one side just so you can't pass them! Haters! On the other hand,I'm certain that it would be just fine here in the great state of North Carolina considering how regularly people get out of your way just going down the road.