Originally Posted by Trip
They needed to do something more than the cork and one shot kill of smokey. They built up this good vs evil and then it was solved with a shot in the back. It would of been awesome if Jack took out Smokey in a better way and Jack lived, but before Smokey died, he turned Sawyer and Sawyer went into the Cork room and became the new Smokey. Jack vs Sawyer would be the new Jacob vs MiB. Fat ass with a more cuddly version of Ben is fucking gay. I think that is what pisses me off the most about the finale. The island gets fat ass. I always hated that fat piece of shit.
A co-worker swore that the final scene was going to be Jack and "Not Locke" on the beach and "Not Lock" was going to say "do you know how much I want to kill you?" to Jack as a boat cruises toward the island in the distance.